Logfile from Nerak.

[Healer] Sudanna: You are both taking this for credit, yes?
[Healer] Viera has no credit, so I'd hope so.
[Healer Chat] Jassay: Nerak bear!
[Healer] Ellora shrugs and dittos. ;)
[Healer] Nerak: ohhh, a class? which one?
[Healer Chat] Nerak: Hi Jassay!
[Healer] Sudanna smiles, "Fine.. also, depending on time.. would you like your Oath afterward, Viera? (Midwifery, nerak.)
[Healer] Nerak: cool!
[Healer] Jassay wonders, ooh, I took Midwifery already...
[Healer Chat] Kiriya: Boo.
[Healer] Nerak: just starting or finishing? Just curious! [Healer] Sudanna: not quite starting.. I just agreed to teach..:>
[Healer Chat] Nerak: hey... any healer-types wanna RP? Those not in class, that is...
[Healer] Nerak: ah... I see! hehe
[Healer] Jassay bobs into class for a refresher course :)
[Healer] Viera might have to drop out, though. They're in the middle of making dinner and I've no idea how long it's going to be.

[OOC:] Sudanna says "Okay.. A few rules to those getting credit.. I like activity.. keep it IC and respond to poses. You idle, you don't get credit. I don't need raised hands.. just talk out. But not mindlessly..:>"
[Healer] Sudanna: it's a complicated class, but do your best to hang in..:>
[Healer] Jassay offers for 'Danna, she's got credit in her two advanced classes, that way you don't have to ask later or anything.

Nerak walks into the Records room, after hearing noises of talking, which usually mean one thing... a class! She sees that she is following her mentee, Jassay into the room. She taps Jassay on teh shoulder and whispers, "Hello Jassay!" and looks around, "Looks like Midwifery?" She heads to the back of class and sits down, ready to learn new stuff!

Sudanna says, "Flora? Not really. S'Igen. W'don't get too much greenery 'round here."

Sudanna says, "Well. 'f I see 'er, I'll let 'er know." No particular interest here - meh. "

Jassay chuckles as she hears her mentor. "Hullo Nerak," she offers with a grin before promptly taking a seat at the back near Nerak. Her notebook is set out, as well as a stylus and she know pays attention to whats going on.

Sudanna says, "Let's start with some basics." She smiles demurely at the girls. "A woman comes to the infirmary, she's not feeling well, and says she may be pregnant. Where would you start your examination?" Danna gets comfortable as she begins, this class just happens to be one of her favorites to teach. "Viera? Ellora?"

Nerak grins at Sudanna when she catches her eye... "Hello, how are you today?" is asked across the room before the class starts. She pulls her notebook out of her bag, and sees if she has any more room in hte margins of her pages to add more notes... she has taken the class several times, but always learns something new.

Ellora glances at Viera. She clears her throat with a sweep of her gaze across the rest of the class, then offers, softly, "Um. Ask when she last had her monthlys?"

[Healer Chat] Nerak: will have to have a celebration after the midwifery class! hehe

Viera stands undecided for a moment or two before retracing her steps and sitting down, pulling out her writing equipment. She puts on that listening look and then offers. "I'd start by asking her what her sypmtoms are, including the last time she'd had her monthly, then I'd probably go ahead and give her a physical."

[Healer Chat] Ellora: How old? :)
[Healer Chat] Nerak: 24 turns
[Healer Chat] Kiriya: Ner-Ner's getting all geezerly now! :) j/k
[Healer Chat] Jassay grinnles and should be having her 18th soon.
[Healer Chat] Ellora grins.
[Healer Chat] Nerak: or so 'age me' says... hey... I's not aged... just... ummm... wise! hehe, yeah, that's it.

Sudanna says, "Excellent, both of you. Now, suppose a woman of general child-bearing years appears, just saying she doesn't feel well. Now what?" She waits as the girls consider where to start with that one. "Jassay, how would you, as a senior apprentice approach this situation?"

Jassay listens intently before starting slightly as she's called upon. "I would see if there was a journeyman or higher anywhere nearby, as well as I would prepare to preform a physical examination of the patient to determine if she's pregnant or not," is offered by the teen.

Sudanna nods. "Remeber, you as a healer don't want to assume any time a woman doesn't feel well that she is pregnant. Always start with a conversation, ask symptoms.." A smile and nod to Viera.. "and a history of her menses, as well as ask her if there is a chance she might be pregnant. What are some of the symptoms you would be listening/looking for?"

Ellora clears her throat again, fiddling with the hide in her lap, then adds, taking her cue from Viera's earlier answer, "Find out her other symptoms and ask when she last had a monthly."

Jassay gives a nod and makes sure this is written down in her notes somewhere. At the next question more thinking is given and her stylus is poised above her notebook.

Viera thinks over Sudanna's question, then comes up with something she hopes is reasonable. "Well, morning or evening sickness that wears off after a little bit or after she's eaten something light. Soreness in the breasts. As we'd said, absense of menses. Tiredness."

Nerak grins, this batch of appies seems to know their stuff! She nods as they answer.

Ellora grins absently as an answer comes to mind, but she doesn't speak it aloud, listening instead, to Viera's answers.

Sudanna says, "Good answers all. Traditional early signs of pregnancy are exhaustion, stomach upset, tender or 'tingly' breasts.. " By now, the healer has become adept at ignoring the giggles and smirks and comments about that one.. "and of course, a missed menstrual flow. But not all women experiance all, and a few never experiance any of these symptoms. So we need a definite way to determine a pregnancy. Any one know that technique?"

Viera wrinkles her nose. "The physical exam part?" she asks.

Jassay ensures all this too is written down before leaning back, awaiting to see if any of the apprentices know the appropriate course of action for this. If she remembers correctly she knows what it is.

Ellora squints an eye, canting her head to one side in thought, then, with a glance at Viera, adds, "You feel inside for something...?"

Nerak grins at the looks of distaste that the appies show, and remembers her first internal exam... she must have had the same look on her face! She chuckles, and takes a sip of klah from the mug she brought with her.

Sudanna says, "Exactly, at the top of the woman's cervix a mucus 'plug', for lack of a better term develops almost immediately after a woman concieves. And it stays there until she goes into labor. Actually, often the loosening and dissolving of the plug is the first sign that labor is emminent." She pauses.. "Any questions so far?"

Jassay grins slightly at the looks on the apprentices faces, while she cradles her own mug of klah, one hand poised prepared to write, as is a usual manner for her when she's in a class.

[Healer] Ellora starts to think this is more than she ever wanted to know about pregnancy. ;p
[Healer] Sudanna: And I've only just begun.. *rubbing hands and cackling wildly*
[Healer] Kiriya: Mwahaha. You tell 'em, Danna.

Viera shakes her head. "No, ma'am." is quietly spoken

[Healer] Eirian laughs. Have 5.. kiddo.
[Healer] Kiriya: Like what the mucus plug looks and feels like and the messy stuff coverin' a baby when it comes out...

Ellora brightens as she gets it right. She knew there was something the healers looked for. Now she knows what it is. At Viera's answer to Sudanna's query for questions, she looks from the other apprentice to the older woman and shakes her head.

[Healer] Ellora: Is it possible for a woman to be pregnant and still have her period?
[Healer] Nerak: I have 2 kids...
[Healer] Ellora has always wondered that. ;p
[Healer] Nerak: Yes.
[Healer] Wyn: Mmm, sometimes you can get minor spotting, but not an actual period, no.
[Healer] Nerak: yes... it happens. It's not 'normal' but it is possible

Sudanna says, "Alright, so .. You take a history, and determine she may, indeed, be pregnant. Now, to be 100% assured, you can try and waylay a dolphin or do the internal." A chuckle. "I recommend the internal. You have your patient change into a gown and you do a brief internal, /very gently/ to feel with a well redworted finger for the plug. You should also look with a glowstick as well. And before you do any of this, you scrub and wash in redwort.. up to the elbows. No need to give infection any chance to take hold. With me so far?""

[Healer] Sudanna: Umm.. You can get periods while pregnant. I did with my second. That's why I didn't know til I was 5 months along.
[Healer] Ellora: Whoa.
[Healer] Ellora: That's kinda scary. ;)
[Healer] Viera yes, but generally, the period is lighter than normal.
[Healer] Sudanna: no, for me it was amiracle.. But that's another story..:>
[Healer] Sudanna: Again, mine were longer and heavier then normal..:>

Nerak nods, she knows that dolphins can act as 'sonar' to 'see' the babies. She has seen that once, and was amazed.

Ellora nods emphatically in reply.

[Healer] Sudanna: But I am wierd all over like that..:>

Viera nods. "Yes, ma'am." Though, she's awfully sure midwifery won't be her specialty

Sudanna says, "Great." She always chuckles to herself when the faces pale at the idea of 'checking' Why this is worst then wounds, she will never know. "Great, you determine your patient is pregnant. Now what?"

[Healer] Wyn blinks. Wierd. But isn't the majority of the bleeding from a period due to the shedding of the endometrium because implantation failed to occur?
[Healer] Sudanna: Yup. Or, in my case, from lack of hormones to prevent miscarriage
[Healer] Sudanna: Anyway, I am, as I said.. an exception.

Sudanna says, "Great." She always chuckles to herself when the faces pale at the idea of 'checking' Why this is worst then wounds, she will never know. "Great, you determine your patient is pregnant. Now what? *repose*"

Jassay quickly etches down anything that wasn't already in her notes before returning her attention forward, being the good little sr. appy that she is.

"Find out how pregnant?" Ello offers, not bothering to check her fellows before answering, this time.

Viera frowns, thinking. "Well, I'd give her a due date, based on the missed menses and palpatation, if it can be determined. Then, I'd arrange the next appointment." She's also thinking about herbs that fortify the mother and coming baby, but can't off the top of her tongue, think of any.

Sudanna says, "You are a bit ahead.. Let's, since you have her in her gown anyway, get a basic physical done. Check lungs, heart and all that. It can never hurt to get an idea of the general health of the mom-to-be." She grabs her own mug of tea and wets her throat. "And then, using the date of the woman's last menses flow, calculate her due date. Any of you know the math involved with that?"

Viera had already suggested that earlier, so she guesses she's ahead. She subsides to just watch.

Jassay takes a sip of her klah as she sits in this refresher course, or, at least that's what it is to her.

Nerak knows it's something like 40 sevendays... but looks down to check her notes from previous classes...

Ellora shrugs. She has no idea on the answer to this one.

Sudanna smiles at the younger of the apprentices and offers.. "Since not every woman is the same, we figure 40 sevendays from the date of the last know menstrual flow, allowing 2 sevendays either way for personal fluctuations. So, we can figure a due date, then look to 14 days either way for a 'term' baby.

Ellora nods slowly, her mouth forming an 'oh' of understanding as she files that away for future reference. Unlike most students, she doesn't tend to take many notes.

Viera writes that down. Something she had no real clue about.

Sudanna continues "Any child born between 38 to 42 sevendays is considered a healthy term baby." A sip from the mug beside her and she continues. "Alright, now the pregnancy is broken down into trimesters.. the first encompasses the first 12 sevendays and we often miss it due to the nature of determining a pregnancy. But, what can a woman expect in that first trimester?"

Jassay nods as she looks down at her notes and nearly smacks her head with her book, the date calculations is right in the middle of her face.

Ellora chews her lower lip, not quite certain what the question entails. "She feels sick and stops having her monthly?"

Viera shrugs. "Being sick, um, well, mostly that." she grins at Ellora. "Other than that, it doesn's show much. "

Sudanna says, "Most often she does indeed cease the menstrual bleeding. Also in the first trimester the mother will start to gain some weight, she'll feel tired and need to urinate more frequently. She may also notice her breasts feel 'fuller' and thay masy hurt and be easily irritated. Nausea can be helped with tea and some light foods, like crackers, to help settle her stomach. By about four sevendays, the baby's heart will start beating." She pauses. "We may not hear the heartbeat til quite further along, but it's there. Initially what we hear is the placenta working to feed and keep the baby healthy."

Jassay nods as all this information is given. Wee, she's learning new stuff... yeah, all this gets written down.

Ellora blinks. "Why does she have to.. to.. urinate more?" she asks, filing the rest away while she awaits the answer.

Viera starts writing. She needs the information, anyway.

Sudanna says, "Good question Ellora. Actually it's because the baby and placenta are growing and putting some weight on the bladder. Taking up space that would normally be used by the bladder to store urine." Well, she did ask! "The second trimester is when you'll see the woman's stomach begin to grow. The patient'll most likely have problems with things like lightheadedness, constipation and heartburn - this is because the baby is lying on the digestive system.""

Viera raises her eyebrows and vows to stay single.

Ellora is learning so much more than she ever did cleaning utensils in the infirmary and tending the garden back home. Again, she ohs, and nods.

Jassay offers a quiet nod and a smile, yes, Ellora did ask, and she got her answer.

Sudanna says, "Any questions so far? I know it's a lot of information, but as you all get the chance to practice, you will see how easy it all becomes."

Ellora brightens at the prospect. "When do we get to practice?"

Jassay offers a grin. "When you get to, just hope you don't end up 'practicing' like I did," she notes, making referance to some well earned experiance she got a few turns back.

Nerak nods, that was a good question. She chuckles at the appy enthusiasm.

Sudanna smiles at the suddenly brightening apprentice. "As soon as the next pregnant woman comes to us, if you like Ellora. I am always looking for apprentices who want to lend a hand to a laboring mom." It's an eye-opener, she promises.

Ellora has already been there, a couple of times, back home, just not right in the erm.. driver's seat. She grins at the promise. "I'd like that."

Jassay chuckles at Ellora. "It's definatly an interesting experiance, I'll give you that," she notes with a nod.

Sudanna nods to the girl, her memories of her own three deliveries and thier differences always bring a smile to her face, even Suthena's emergency surgery. "Don't tell anyone, but Sr. Journeyman Jathen passed out when his first child was born."

Viera smiles a little, though she seems mostly sober. "And, the third trimester? Isn't that when most women get decidedly uncomfortable?"

Sudanna says, "Now, at about the same time as movement is felt, usually late 5th month, the baby is also becoming active and restless. Pregnant women have discovered that when they are active, the baby sleeps, but come sleep time? Baby wants to play. So, in the later part of the second trimester, but more normally in the last, a good night's sleep become rare. Also, the third and final trimester will be when the mother is the most uncomfortable. She'll have headaches, swollen legs and ankles, dilation of the veins, shortness of breath... and she'll still be suffering from heartburn and a need to urinate frequently, again. Hard to come back to after a pretty easy-going mid trimester. "

Nerak snickers... "Jathen passed out? That surprises me..." She quickly takes a sip from her mug... my, my, the things you learn from sitting in classes...

Jassay nearly chokes on her klah. "I would have loved to see that," she notes with a grin as she recalls the bug throwing sr. journeyman.

Sudanna says, "In his defense, he also performed my cesearian for Suthena and didn't even turn pale." Hope that balances the other image she presented. "And by Jaydan, he was quite fine."

Ellora shifts in her seat as most of this goes over her head. Discomfort, what's that? "Why?" she asks, then realizes that it's rather a broad question. "Why does the baby sleep when she's awake, and wake up when she's trying to sleep?"

Nerak grins, has seen many uncomfortable patients in hte infirmary... having a hard time trying to get comfortable on the chairs when they are in the last trimester...

Viera grins. "It's not that the baby is always asleep when you're awake, but that the baby is awake because you're not moving around anymore and you notice it more."

Sudanna says, "Picture the baby as mom walks around, it's as soothing as a cradle rocking gently. But when Mom sits, or tries to sleep, baby is wakened and decideds to get active."

Jassay chuckles softly. "The poor mothers who get to put up with this," notes the apprentice with a grin.

Sudanna says, "Now, the third and final trimester will be when the mother is the most uncomfortable. She'll have headaches, swollen legs and ankles, dilation of the veins, shortness of breath... and she'll still be suffering from heartburn and a need to urinate frequently, again. Hard to come back to after a pretty easy-going mid trimester. She will need lots of rest and healthy foods. The mom doesn't have to 'eat for two', but she does have to eat a healthy varied diet, lots of meat and vegetables, juices and fruits and water. Lots of water and no klah or alcohol at any time of the pregnancy. It affects the heartbeat and is not recommended."

Nerak nods and makes sure all of this info has already been put in her notebook... she makes a few corrections and then looks up again.

Ellora blinks and ohs yet again and then settles back into listening.

Jassay does much the same as her mentor, taking notes, adding what she doesn't already have written down.

Sudanna says, "Anyone want to tell me about pregnancy and betweening?"

Jassay grins. "Don't do it," she offers with a chuckle.

Nerak has one word to say about that... DON'T!!

Viera makes copious notes, then looks up. "It's not recommended and at certain times can mean certain loss of the baby."

Sudanna says, "Do any of you know when it's considered relatively safe for a trip between during pregnancy? Not that we recommend it, but it's less likely to harm the baby."

Nerak looks up, she knows that there is a time when it is safe, but doesn't have it in her notes...

Viera venturs a guess. "The second trimester?"

Ellora opens her mouth to answer and finds that the answer has already been given several times over, so she waits for her next opportunity. She doesn't know the answer to this one.

Jassay skims her notes, attempting to find the answer to this question.

Sudanna says, "Right. If a Mom-to-be has to go between, that's the best time, from the 4th through the 6th month. But again.." more tea is sipped as she sweeps each face.. "It's not something we recommend lightly."

Ellora nods slowly, smiling at Viera--she who answered correctly! "Why?" she asks again.

Nerak writes that down... she had been asked that question once, and didn't know the answer... now she knows! She loves sitting in on Danna's classes... she learns something every time!

Jassay makes note of this, wee, classes are fun. No, seriously, they are, especially one she's already taken.

Sudanna says, "Okay, now then, as with pregnancy labor is also divided into three stages. Initially, the woman may feel 'uneasy', present a low back-ache and have a 'bloody show', which is actually the mucus plug finally releasing and freeing the cervix to allow it to open and prepare for the delivery. Some women actually demonstrate an urge to clean, organize or re-arrange her surroundings. All these signs point to the early start of the real thing.. labor. The first stage consists of contractions of the womb. This is when the mother needs to be made as comfortable as possible, and the healer needs to be sure they have all supplies - the birthing room should be clean, with clean towels or sheets spread over the floor and bed... very often the woman looses control of her bowels during labor." Letting that set in for a few minutes, she pauses and adds "It does happen and it's your job to make her understand that it is no problem and don't allow her to feel badly." Even though as apprentices they get to clean it up as well. "Now is when you get the mother focused and comfortable, encouarge her to relax and start the breathing exersizes."

[Healer] Sudanna is now in spam mode..:>
[Healer] Jassay noticed ;)
[Healer] Nerak: yeah... I guess so! hehe
[Healer] Ellora chuckles.

Nerak chuckles as she thinks of hte breathing exercises... pant like a canine! hehe...

[Healer] Ellora: Okay. I /definitely/ know too much about pregnancy now. Ew. Ew. Ew. I don't ever want to have a kid. ;p

Jassay snickers and nods. Canine panting, definatly fun.

[Healer] Jassay pats and agree's
[Healer] Sudanna: More major spam.. Oh no, Ellora, it's so incredible!
[Healer] Ellora: Ew. But losing control of your bowels? That's so gross.

Sudanna says, "Next is the second stage, the actual delivery. After the mother has dialeted fully and her water sac has either broken naturally or been broken," A long thin reed with a tiny hooked end is held up, "she is encouraged to push, either over her contractions or if she has the urge, with the urge. But /not/ before she is fully dialeted, no need to tear the woman. You need to swab the pubic area with redwort, and wash your own hands. Make sure to have numbweed and clean towels around, and hot water... Thread and needle just in case. This is the stage when the contractions will get closer together and more painful - you must ask the mother to push downwards with her abdominal muscles, with each pain. And when you can see the scalp at the outer opening to the womb, birth is imminent. Ask the mother to stop pushing and pant like a canine. Support baby's head and check that the umbilical cord is not wrapped around the neck. If it is, loop it off carefully without pulling. help baby's shoulders out by easing head, careful not to drop baby or to pull on cord. Once baby is delivered, tie off cord near mother's body, clamp cord 2 hands from child and cut it. Then swab the eyes and nose, wash the child, wrap it in a blanket, and give it to the mother. Encourage her to suckle. It will help the milk to come... Be careful when birthing a child, if it is born feet first. These are breech births, but still able to result in a healthy child, safely delivered as long as you keep your wits and don't pull but guide the child."

Ellora tries to take the sudden surge of information in as it comes. She opens her mouth to ask that the teacher slow, but nothing comes out. She just nods.

Viera just listens, sure that somewhere in there, she's getting some of it. Surely, she'll remember /some/ of it?

Jassay gapes and quickly takes any notes of what she's missing, though that's not all too much.

Nerak stares at her notebook, and notes taht she had all of that.. thank goodness! it was a lot of info to share. Though she understands it better each time she hears it.

Sudanna blushes as she realises she actually missed a point. "You will also need to clear out the baby's mouth as well. And remember, the child will most likely be covered in a waxy-looking material called vernix. We believe it's a skin defense against the amniotic fluid the child lives in prior to birth. This will also need to be cleaned off, but certainly can wait til after the mother has a few minutes to hold her new little one. Now for the last stage," here she pauses, letting everyone catch up to her. "This is delivering the afterbirth and making the mother and baby comfortable. This takes about an hour, and the apprentices will remove it after you have checked to make sure it is complete and not torn. That could lead to later problems otherwise. Check to see if mom needs stitches, clean her and make her comfortable. Offer her some willowsalic if she is in pain, otherwise, we like to be as unintrusive as possible, allowing the new family to get settled in and know each other.

Nerak grins, ah... a new family... a wonderful sight!

Jassay smiles, yes, she too has witnessed the joys of helping to put the new family together.

Ellora sighs as she recalls the magic moments she's seen in the infirmary between a new mother and her baby. She resolves almost immediately to go get someone pregnant.

[Healer] Jassay chokes at Ellora....
[Healer] Nerak: ummm, yeah...
[Healer] Sudanna laughs at Ellora as well.

Viera turns to her notebook and does a bit more writing. She bites on the end of her stylus, then scribbles a little more. Looking up, she settles on Sudanna's face.

[Healer] Sudanna smooches her as well. She understands, after all.
[Healer] Jassay just goes and sips her tea... oh dear... we have some strange apprentices here...
[Healer] Jaina is missing something ;P
[Healer] Jassay: Ellora's going to get and get someone pregnant...
[Healer] Kryss blinks
[Healer] Mosiah: I wanna get pregnant!
[Healer] Ellora grins.

Sudanna says, "Now during the pregnancy, we want to see the patient at least once a month, and even more often as her time nears. Make sure she is eating properly and getting healthy amounts of exercise. And after she delivers, we want to see her and the baby 6 sevendays later. Just to see how things are going."

[Healer] Ellora gets Mosiah pregnant. /You/ can carry the little brat. ;p
[Healer] Jaina dies!
[Healer] Kryss is to old and set in her ways to get pregnant
[Healer Chat] Nerak: hmmm, is wondering what is happening to our healers! very weird...
[Healer] Sudanna: I so want to do that delivery, Moe!
[Healer] Mosiah spawns. Whee.
[Healer] Jassay will observe that one ;)
[Healer] Mosiah is so durn talented, I could pull it off. ;)
[Healer] Ellora: But you don't get to see the conception. ;)
[Healer] Mosiah: D'oh.
[Healer] Nerak: would like to watch the delivery as well... hmmm
[Healer] Sudanna: Let's finish this class before anyone gets anyone pregnant.
[Healer] Ellora dies.
[Healer] Kryss coughs :)
[Healer] Mosiah sniggers.
[Healer] Jassay: Aww... Danna....

Ellora nods succinctly and refrains from the question swimming about in her mind: now, /how/ does a woman get pregnant?

[Healer] Kliara Thought they were mostly all apprentices and that's frowned upon?
[Healer] Mosiah is a J'man. I can corrupt.
[Healer] Kylianna leers at Moe. Corrupt me, baby.
[Healer] Nerak: hmm, sounds like the appy needs a demonstration! hehe...
[Healer] Mosiah steals Kyli off.
[Healer] Kylianna swoons.
[Healer] Jassay really only has one thing left to do under her apprenticeship...
[Healer] Mosiah: No, you can't swoon. You need to be awake and participate.

Sudanna yawns lightly as she waits for any questions. "I know it's a lot of information, and even if you don't have questions now, you may later. never hesitate to ask a teacher outside of class. But for now, anything not clear? Anyone want more information?"

Ellora chews her lower lip, uncertain. She shifts uneasily in her chair, the question begging to be asked.

Viera shakes her head. She's got enough information, and she's been inside an infirmary often enough, indeed, what with her mum being a healer.

Nerak shakes her head, no questions here... but would like to know how

Danna would answer the unasked question... hehe...

Jassay also givs a headshake. Though she too would like that answer.... hehe, on to the klah sipping.

Sudanna says, "Well then, thank you for your attendance and I am always around for questions if they do pop up. "

"Um.." Ellora ventures, almost too softly to be heard.

Viera stands and stretches, reminding herself to thank the teacher. "Thank you, Sudanna, for such an informative class."

Sudanna says, "Yes dear?" Head swiveling towards Ellora, the mother in her has amazing hearing. "Is there something you wish to know? "

Nerak stands up and stretches... sitting for classes makes her legs stiff... She grins at Jassay and whispers, "Want to go to the Mug with me? Yesterday was my turnday, and I was so busy in the infirmary that I couldn't celebrate. Interested?" She turns to The Sr. Journeyman... not knowing about the other question... "Sr. Journeyman Sudanna, you interested in joining us in the 'Mug?"

"Um.." Ello knows she should know the answer to this one. "Never mind," she finally gives up.

Jassay grins and stands, mug in hand, notebook in the other. "Aye, thank you sr. journeyman," and with that she offers a headbob. A grin is given towards Nerak. "I do believe, than, that we have a celebration to attend to," she notes with a chuckle. "Yes, do join us, it'll be fun."

Sudanna nods and adds.. "If you are sure. but again.. if you change your mind, come find me." As she picks up her notes she shakes her head to nerak, "Thanks no, I am still working on a few charts.

[Healer] Sudanna: Okay, Ellora and Viera, you are scored for the class. Oh, Viera.. time for an oath?

Viera slips out of the room, headed back to SeaCliffs. Though she does give Ellora a wave before she goes.

Nerak smiles, "That's too bad, we'd love to have you join us! I hope we'll see you another time then. Thank you very much for hte class, Sudanna. It was wonderful, as usual!"

[Healer Chat] Jassay suggests oath watching... then mug :)
[Healer] Sudanna: okay guys.. oath is happening in the Great Hall!

You go to the Healer Great Hall.

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