Life in the Igen Living Caverns

Myia trails in behind a group of residents, looking slightly messy but otherwise in good spirits. Waving to a few people here and there before grabbing up a mug of steaming klah and a meatroll or three.

T'ji is, in all actuality, kicked back and sipping at juice, feet up on a table and chair shoved back on it's back legs. He's reading a hide, looking idylically idolent (or maybe that should be insolent)-- the very picture of Serene, Vaguely Happy T'ji-ness in mot--er--stillness. Just.. never mind the firelizard perched on his head, trying to find a way to bite at his ears without retribution.

Ma'rx is flopped on a bench, looking particularly exhausted, and sleepless. As he's lying on his back on the bench, with his head hanging off the edge, it's rather easy for his eyes to roll up towards the top to eyeball the people entering. And this is when he first realises that there's klah he's not getting a part of. So the brownrider groans quite audibly and sits up with a scrub at the back of his neck. "Mm. Klah." And so his intentions are announced.

Cl'fan ambles in, already be-klahed, and liberates some food from a table as he passes, with a smile and a wave that confuses the people whose food it is. His amble takes him to T'ji, whose chair he nearly walks into. Waking up, Cl'fan flullomps into a chair next to the Weyrling. "Howdy, T'ji. Got something in your hair."

Myia chuckles at the groan word and makes sure to let the scent of the mug in her hand waft close to that of the other rider "Would you like a cup? I'd be happy to get you some." smiling warmly as she speaks. Turning to look at the other 'ling "T'ji it mearly looks like your little friend likes your ears today."

Rina walks into the living caverns, patting dust and dirt off of her riding leathers. She removes her riding helmet and shakes out her hair, which is also dust coated. She looks around the caverns to see if she knows anyone in this weyr... She smiles when she sees Ma'rx and walks over to where he is laying on the bench - ah... a familiar face. "Hiya Ma'rx... what brings you to Igen?" She grins down at him on the bench. "Oh... klah sounds nice." She looks over at the pot and walks in that direction.

T'ji shifts, turning over the hide and reading the back. No doubt it's a letter from 'home'- who else would use hide? "Good afternoon, Cl'fan. Isn't it a bit early- or late- for you to be here? I mean.. mid-day heat of Igen. Wow." He smirks over at the bluerider for a second; "Yeah, I know." His eyes cross as he tries to glare up at Glory. "She's an evil little brat. All Shiae's fault, I swear." Mumblemutter, goes nomadic accented tones. "Myi, when -doesn't- she?" comes his plaintive question, though there's that still relatively rare grin on his face.

Cl'fan lifts his mug to his lips to wash down a mouthful of food, then stops. With a cautious sniff, and a bemused stare, he sets it down at arms length, looking at it for a second, then motioning in the vague direction of a passing wineskin, server included. "Muh-huh. Wear a helmet. Teach her a lesson..." Cl'fan seems distracted. "Does this look like klah to you? I mean, really?" The bluerider extends a tentative finger to poke the mug. Shaking his head in bemusement, he accepts a glass of wine from the aforementioned skin.

Myia moves on from Ma'rx only to drop into a seat near to T'ji "It seems like we've drawn a crowd of vistors today. Greeting to all" is called out before she drinks deeply of her mug "Nice day for flying too."

Ma'rx beams at all the people nearby, and in a general query mentions, "Yeah, if anyone is wanting to get me a mug of that stuff, I'd be forever grateful." The sitting is attempted, this time with his back leaning up against the table. To Rina, he calls, "So how comes you're here, then?"

Rina walks back from the klahpot with a fresh mug of klah for her self and one for Ma'rx as well. "Here you go, Ma'rx. Kij would never let me live it down if I let you wallow like this!" She grins at him, then smiles in the direction of Cl'fan and the wineskin. Looking at the firelizard on hte weyrling's head, she chuckles. Then looking at Myia, she gives a little bow before sitting down, "Thank you, I've not been here much. I was just in the area, I'm learning the terrain for search and rescue... just in case I need it." She smiles back at Ma'rx, "And what brings you here?"

T'ji lifts his juice and takes another sip, musing. "A helmet? She'd probably like that more. Something she could take all her anger out on and not have to worry about knocking me unconcious. ... Because, you know, if I'm unconcious-- I can't feed her." Muttermutter. He snickers vaguely at Cl'fan and flicks his gaze over at Myia. "It is a nice day for flying. Ashke's been wantin' to fly out to camp for a while, now.." Hm. Fiji glances up over at Rina and Ma'rx, lifting a brow and shaking his head. Northern visitors. Pern yankees.

"I expect it is, yes...Myi? I haven't been doing much of it. Visiting Benden Weavers again, shard the lot of them. Well, a surprise is a surprise, and a prank sometimes requires sacrifices." Cl'fan takes a sip from his wine, and a slightly evil grin passes over his lips. "Ma'rx, you're welcome to mine. Can't think why I'd drink klah at midday. Must be something wrong with me. Or with her, I spose. Don't mind me, just blathering. Howdy, Rina."

OOC: Ma'rx sighs. And hates to do this, but... The RP is too big for me to keep up with, bein' interviewed for a craft else-alt. *sighs*

Myia has disconnected.

Rina grins at Cl'fan, "Hello, Cl'fan. Nice to see you again. As I remember, the last time I saw you, you and Kij were ganging up on me for being a newbie greenrider." She smiles, letting him know it was good-natured. She shakes her head when she sees Ma'rx fall back to sleep on the bench. Pointing to him, she grins "I guess he /was/ tired! No amount of klah will help that!" She chuckles.

T'ji yawns. And - falls silent, lifting a brow and watching Cl'fan and Rina interact. "I heard the word 'prank', didn't I?" he states ruefully, after a moment. That can't be good. Nope.

Rina looks over at Cl'fan, "Did I hear you mention pranks? And on the weavers? What kind of prank would one play on the weavers?" She chuckles, thinking of Telgar weyr all painted in pretty shades of green, and of hte green paint-splotched clothes she has yet to wash... She's always looking for good ideas! She takes a sip of her klah and waits to hear..."

"Yeha, you did. Did I never tell you about the Weavers? There's this family of Weavers, out Benden way. They're the worst people you will ever see. Alcoholics. Love their cider, particularly. Spend days insulting me, Falkirth and the Weyr, when I'm helping them move." Cl'fan shudders at the memory of the nineteen hours of round trips. "Well, the other day, I was talking to Cynthia, headwoman over at the Harper hall, and she'd recently come into possession of three barrels of thistle juice. I'm not sure what it does, but apparently it's healthy, full of vitamins and minerals, and an extremely strong laxative." There's that grin again. "I persuaded her to let me take a barrel. It's about the same size as, oh, say, a barrel of cider, and when mixed half-and-half with cider, nearly indistinguishable from it. Can you see where this is going?"

T'ji is here. And listening. Really. Just.. pose around him for a while. Really. "You're awful, Cl'fan," is his final snort, though.

Rina listens to Cl'fan's story. As the story goes on, she starts to groan, "Awww, that's a good one! Yeah, I can see where it's going! I do feel sorry for the family though... ok, though, only slightly sorry!" She chuckles... Taking a sip from her klah mug, she looks at it, "Hmmm, makes you wonder if anything has been added to this though!"

"Something been added to that? I'm hurt. I would NEVER touch someone elses klah pot. It's just in your mugs. You've got about three hours, and there's no antidote." Cl'fan grins again. "I had to field test it SOMEHOW. You're advancing the progress of science! It's in a good cause!" Cl'fan takes a sip from his wine glass. "I would have got Ma'rx, too. Curses. I still owe him for the paint scheme."

Rina looks at her mug with concern, "Um... you don't really mean that... do you? I picked the mug off of the shelf myself... I didnt see anything in it..." She looks at her mug, then at Cl'fan. She starts to grin, "Ah... I see, you're just pulling one over on us now..." She takes a sip of her klah. "It tastes like klah to me!"

"Yeah, I had to play around with the spices to get that. That's craftsmanship, that is. See, it's sleight of hand. The hand is quicker than the eye." With another grin, Cl'fan produces a small, empty, glass bottle from one of his pouches. "I've still got half a barrel or so, too. I need to scout out the kitchens sometime soon." He drains his wine glass, and looks hopefully around to see if anyone else will drink his klah mug.

Rina erks, "So... you poured some of that in my mug? When? I didn't see you?" She stares at her mug, unbelieving. She waits for the proof... "So.. how long did you say this would take to affect someone?

"Oh, 'bout three hours, give or take. Wonderful stuff, works even if you don't drink much of it." Cl'fan chuckles softly. "I poured it nice and fast, and you didn't notice. I often use my powers for the cause of right and justice." He's clearly enjoying this.

Rina keeps an eye on Cl'fan, and dumps her klah out. "I only had a small sip..." That was after she knew, of course. She goes to the klahpot and gets a new mug.. and sits back at the table and makes sure she is /more/ than arm's length away from the prankster. She doesn't feel anything amiss yet, but plans on /not/ feeling it. She grabs a few meatrolls as well, trying to see if it'll push it through her system faster... if it was really there at all...

"You'll probably get off lightly, then. Don't worry, I'm all out of thistle juice now. I'd have to go back to Telgar to get some." Cl'fan shrugs, as if to suggest that he'd probably be willing to do just that. "It was mainly aimed at Ma'rx, but I couldn't resist spreading the love. Say, avoid anything green served at Telgar for the next few weeks, I think it'd be a good idea. I generally try to target specifics, but this is just too good to pass up. Hey..I wonder if Eik..." His voice trails off into a ponder.

Rina chuckles, "Ah... more of the 'Make Telgar Green' campaign? I wonder if B'neron knows that it has been made a farce... I mean... the greenriders are taking it as an opportunity to really green things up there!" She chuckes. "You're not going to torture one of the candies, are you?" She looks at him, wondering if he is really that mean...

"Don't talk to me about that campaign. I'm more into revenge for the painting. I think B'neron noticed the green walls. And green people." Cl'fan shudders at some horrifying thought. "Not torture one of the candies. I'm going to HELP one of the candies. She needs some pranks, and I'm stuck for ideas, what with most of mine being...unsuitable for her." Besides, what else is he going to do with half a barrel of laxative. Well, best not to answer that. "She even ASKED me for help."

Rina smiles, "Ah... and since the candies help in the kitchens.. very good, Cl'fan. That'll be a good one... I think I"ll eat either here or in my own weyr for a while then!" She grins. "I talked to Ben about it... he did notice, but he thought it was kind of funny, to be truthful. He noticed that it irritated Selia and I think he liked it more for that..." She sips her now *untouched* klah and scarfs another meatroll. She was glad that she and Ben finally talked.

"Glad you approve. I went to a lot of trouble to get that thistle juice." He had to ASK Cynthia for it. Oh, the horror. "Yeah, Selia was ranting about it for a while. I think she stopped right about the time when she got something else to distract her. Ben actually LIKES the colour. Foolish man. I had to have my weyr repainted."

Rina chuckles, "Well, I thought it was funny... I suppose we should get the candies to clean it off now though... it's been there long enough." She bites into another meatroll and wonders if she should get a good supply from here to take home... so she wont have any problems from the Telgar food. Ok... she's paranoid about it now. She grins at B'neron's name though, and even flushes a bit, then laughs, "Oh, I wonder how many people will have ... er... problems fromt the food..."

OOC: Rina says "has to leave in a few minutes... I'll pose out in a bit."

"I'm aiming for a few wings. See if I can get the whole set, y'know. As for the green walls..I'm not sure the entire set of candies working from now until the hatching would be able to clean it all. It'll have to be painted over, I think." He sighs and gestures for more wine.

Rina grins, "Yeah, well, it took quite a few of us to get all those walls green afterall! hehe.. *ahem*. As long as you don't aim for me, or at least forwarn me, it'll be funny!" She finishes off her klah and the last meatroll on her plate and looks out the door. "Mel says I have to go.. the rest of the S&R team is getting ready to start again. We're doing ground training this time..." She sighs. "Honestly, I do like it, but it's a lot of work!" Grinning, she stands up and places the helmet back on her head. "Maybe I aught to hit the latrines before I go... just in case!" She heads for the door. "Nice talking to you again!"

OOC: Rina says "thanks for hte RP! I did enjoy it... :) I'll see you on next time. I'll actually be back on tonight. See you then!"


[Pern] Rina: bye all... I'll see you back on tonight.



Thanks for coming to Dragons' Dusk. Come back soon!



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