Logfile from Nerak Wed Aug 21 2002

*Bonehealing class, where I came in late...*

Graiham shudders, pretty much exactly like he did last time he took this class. He doesn't look up from his notes, but he does look a little repelled by the idea of bones poking through skin. (Hey. Who wouldn't?)

Jassay nods. Redwort is underscored several times, to make sure it's not forgotten, when in doubt, be safe, use redwort, or she she believes. "Is there such a thing as too much redwort?"

Nerak walks into the class late, hoping she would be excused for being late since her infirmary shift just ended. She sneaks into a chair at the back of the room.

Sudanna says, "Now then, after the wound has been cleaned and numbed, Add pressure to the exposed bone to slip it back inside the skin. Then proceed to set as for a simple break, a strong tug with one hand while holding the injured limb down. I also recommend you have assistances with this. Numbweed is great, but even totally numbed, people will jump at this stage. Once the bone is back in place, redwort, pack with mosstea and again, splint and bandage. Twenty four hours later, the wound should be unwrapped and if needed stitched, then the limb is re-wrapped and splinted."

Jassay nods, and offers a smile towards her mentor type. Notes are made for both the compound and simple fractures, ensuring that it is simple which notation belongs to what fracture.

Sudanna says, "Ahh, Jassay, I'm sorry I just realised I never answered your question.. No, you cannot use 'too much' redwort. "

Jassay grins slightly. "Ahh, thank you," is given and this too, is written, she's probably finished at least one full page of paper already.

Graiham doesn't have anything new to write, which is a good sign, so he just nods after Sudanna and goes on with tapping his stylus idly against the open page in his notebook.

Nerak remembers having done this fairly recently.... after the quakes. She gets her notebook together and opens it and starts to write. She returns the smile to Jassay and goes back to add, 'no such thing as too much redwart. She had forgotten teh packing of the mosstea with her patient, but is glad to know she did the rest correctly... Of course, she did not have any mosstea with her…

Sudanna says, "With a stitched wound, you want to check it daily for a few days to make sure nothing is infected, then a sevenday after the last check to remove stitches. With either break the patient will be in the splints for somewhere between 8-12 sevendays, depending how fast the break mends and other damage done to the area muscles and nerves. Initially the area of the break should be elevated to help with swelling and cold compresses used to also help with swelling control. Any questions so far?"

"Not a one," says Graiham, who must have taken some really good notes in the latter half of the class last time. No furious scribbling, yay!

Jassay nods, understanding what the sr. journeywoman is noting. "How elivated should the limb be?" is enquired. "Only slightly, or should it be at a certain level?"

Nerak grins, "What do you do if you don't have mosstea?" is asked. She wonders if she could have done somehting diffrent in the rubble…

Sudanna says, "The limb is best set above the heart, so as long as the patient is lying down and remember, we gave her a broken leg, just a few small pillows should do it. As to the mosstea, that should be a standard in any healer kit. but if you don't have any, soak some bandages in redwort and use that. but only for the first twenty-four hours. The objective is to 1)stop infection from setting in and 2)allowing the interior layers of the damage to heal before stitching over any possible problems."

[OOC:] Sudanna says "Set meaning kept in this case."

Jassay nods, this to is written down, as well as what to do if one doesn't have any mosstea. "What if an infection does occur?"

Nerak makes a note... 'keep mosstea in first aid kit!' She'll have to repack her kit…

"Then I bet you've got your work cut out for you," says Graiham, wrinkling his nose a little at Jassay's question. Not a pleasant image to have in the eye of one's mind.

Sudanna says, "Last thing, once the splint is off, make sure the patient speaks to someone about the proper exercises for strengthening the possible damaged or weakened muscles so there will be no repeated injury."

Nerak grins at Graiham's comment. She nods, she knows the exercises needed, and saw Morallen using some techniques on Master Kurt.

Jassay chuckles slightly. "I would expect so," is offered to Graiham before she jots down the last bit that's given.

Graiham obviously has somewhere to be, but is trying his best to be polite about it. He does have his stuff pretty much ready to go, aside from closing his notebook; paying attention, sure, but darting frequent glances toward the door. Presently, "Ma'am, I was supposed to have infirmary duty after Nerak." So he's late.

Sudanna says, "Oh, if an infection does occur.. it's treated as any infection would be. Lots of redwort and proper herbal treatments. That is covered in herbalry. And if possible, try not to stitch any wound that has an infection suppurating. it's best to treat it first, then stitch the wound."

Jassay gives yet another nod. "Thank you Ma'am," is given as this to, is written down, wow.... lots of writing.

Sudanna waves her hand to grai.. go, she is motioning. No reason to hold up the health works here.

Graiham scuttles out hurriedly, adding a quick, "Thank you," over his shoulder to Sudanna.

Nerak looks over to Graiham, "I told Master Maladi you'd be a little late... and she let me off a little early... So you're covered. She did ask you to hurry though..."

Graiham strolls to the Healer Great Hall.

Jassay gives a wave after Graiham. "This is certainly an interesting class," she notes with a grin.

Sudanna says, "I'm glad you think so Jassay. Of course, until you are a journeyman, you won't be expected to do any of this directly, but you will have many chances to assist and learn." A smile is offered the journeywoman in the room. "So Nerak, still pleased with your choice as a bonehealer?"

Nerak waves as Graiham leaves, "We'll make sure to let him know what he misses, just as I will get caught up with what I missed..." She listens to Sudanna, "Yes, I sure am! Now that I have done some bonehealing on my own, I love it more than ever!" She says with a facewide grin!

Jassay chuckles slightly. "I expect I will if Journeywoman Nerak has chosen to do bonehealing," is noted with a bright smile.

Nerak grins, "Afterall, I am her new mentor!" is said with a roll of her eyes, "My first mentee, and it's a senior apprentice working on her Journeyman project!" is chuckled. "I'll bring her along with me more if at all possible!"

Sudanna says, "well, that is the last of the class, and congratulations to you both!" She grins as well and settles back to her desk. "I love being able to mentor healers myself."

Jassay offers her mentor an innocent look. "Hey, I still have a lot to learn, so, you can help out there I'm certain," is given. "And Thanks Sr. Journeywoman."

Nerak walks up to Sr. Journeywoman Sudanna at the front of the class, patting Jassay's shoulder as she walks by her. "I hope I can get caught up with what I missed? I've been in your class before, but feel it would be more meaningful now that I have actually done it without supervision." She grins.

Jayt peaks his head shyly into the healer classroom and notices Sudanna. "Hi..." He states nervously to her, "Mosiah said I was supposed to get my apprentice knot from you."

Nerak grins and turns as a new face walks into the room... "Hello, I'm Journeywoman Nerak, you must be our new apprentice! Welcome to the Healer Hall. " She says, grinning.

Sudanna looks at the person standing in her classroom and blinks. "I am Sr. Journeywoman Sudanna and why would i give you a knot? Journeyman Mosiah must have misinformed you." Note the stress on the titles.

Jassay turns and see's Jayt. "Hello, I'm sr. apprentice Jassay," she offers with a grin.

[OOC:] Jassay snugs 'Danna and takes off. Good, fun class :)

[OOC:] Nerak says "snugs, thanks for having it! Please send a log?"

[Healer] Jassay has a healer type question... what's the differance in a twist and a sprain?

[Healer] Nerak: the twisting motion usually causes a sprain, or injury to the muscle. the sprain is the medical term...

[Healer] Nerak: strain is injury to the tendon

[Healer] Sudanna: A twist is not as serious, it recovers in a day at the most. A sprain is more serious damage to the muscles, but nothing is torn, just badly pulled.

[Healer] Jassay bows down to 'Danna, the all knowing ;)

[Healer] Nerak: not always... it is a continuum... there can be mild sprains, just pulled muscles, and serious sprains, torn muscles...

[Healer] Sudanna: A sprain is torn? I was told they didn't.. Odd... *shrugs* and smiles.. What she said..:>

[Healer] Nerak: sprain can be torn.

[Healer] Jassay: Err, okay... *eyes Nerak's and nods*

[Healer] Fareia was told she sprained her wrists (multiple times) but didn't tear anything?

[Healer] Nerak: then they were fairly mild sprains. Just remember the 'twist' is the lay term... the 'sprain' is the medical term

[Healer] Jassay hurt things when she twisted her ankles, and is paying with it, 3 years later.

[Healer] Jassay: for it,not with it…

Jayt blushes and corrects himself "I must have mistaken Journyman Mosiah." he tells Senior Journeyman Sudanna politely. He smiles and answers journyman Nerak. "Thanks I'm Jayt" He informs and turns to Sudanna again. "Sorry to bother you Senior Journeyman Sudanna" he tells her "I guess I got a little excited at passing the interview and misinterprited Journeyman Mosiah."

[Healer] Sudanna: As Nerak just pointed out, not all sprains are torn. When I did the ankle thing, I was told once the bones and tearing had healed I was down-graded to a serious sprain for PT purposes.

[Healer] Nerak: Is a PT type person... :) This is my domain!

Sudanna says, "An interview? Then may I assume you are in reality Apprentice Jayt?" Her blue eyes twinkle now, gotta love the new ones, they are what keep the hall in business. "You actually recieve your knot and robe at your oathing. And that occurs at any time there are enough people needing to be done to warrant such a thing. But plese feel free to refer to yourself as an apprentice from here on in."

Nerak grins.. "Welcome apprentice Jayt!"

Jayt grins a little more at ease. "Ok thanks for telling me" He tells Sudanna and nods at Nerak. "I probably should...er...find the Apprentice dorms..." He tells them and nods a goodbye before leaving the room.

[Healer] Nerak: yeah, serious injuries need to be taken care of life-long... doing exercises for life...

[Healer] Jassay: Ahh

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