Rina & Nimiety Chat

Rina after dismounting from her green Melantath, reaches up and removes her riding helmet as Melantath rushes off to swim in the lake - her favorite activity. She then smoothes her hair and quickly rebraids it, consciously realizing that it looks a mess whenever she removes her helmet. She walks to a good, soft looking place on the sand and sits down, removing her riding jacket to sit on.

Nimiety lounges against Xixichelth's foreleg, knotting strings to rainbow-makers and packing them carefully in a crate beside her. A welcoming smile and courteous nod go to the newcomer, but for the moment her simple silence is preserved.

Rina looks over at the goldrider and smiles. She notices the beads and the box. Turning away from watching her green play in the water, she smiles over at the other rider. "Hello. I'm Rina from Telgar, and that watersprite over there is Melantath. Well Met." She smiles, a bit nervous to be addressing the goldrider.

Nimiety's reply is quiet, easy-going. "Igen's welcome to you and yours, Rina and Melantath of Telgar. This sinuous one's Xixichelth, and I'm Nimiety. I'd get up and shake your hand, but that's become a bit arduous, these days. Anything in particular bring you out this way?"

Rina shakes her head. "Thank you, Nimiety. And well met - and you Xixichelth as well." She says, nodding to the gold. "I've been taking healing classes with your healers. Sr. Journeyman Tyrin has been nice enough to take me in for healing classes, when I'm not needed in Telgar for the S&R squad, that is. No need to get up. I'll come to you!" She grins and walks over to the goldrider and shakes her hand. "So, I see you are going to be a mother? When are you due?"

Nimiety grins back, patting the sand beside her. "Another handful of sevendays or so. Am terribly glad not to be on bedrest this time. I was, with my first, for months. Took it real easy with m'second, ate a lot, kept it up after...they seem to think I'll be okay, but oh, the chiding I got for not letting at least a Turn lapse between them..."

Rina chuckles. "Well, congratulations to you then! Wow, your third? I love children and hope to have some someday... And I can understand, with Tyrin in the infirmary, that you'd get some grief about it! He is a wonderful man, but quite mother hen-ish." She chuckles. "I do love Igen, the weather is so much nicer than Telgar!"

Nimiety laughs. "My third and last, I think. They keep us busy. Not just Tyrin, though: I have the fortune and misfortune to know most of the riders 'roundabout who were healers prior to Impression, and as my friends, it is their duty to fuss over me. At least my weyrmate's around more, though. They'd all flip if they knew I was here, but it's just a few steps to go on in. Plus, it does one good to get some sunshine now and again. How do you like working with Tyrin?"

Rina smiles, "Ah, yes. I've had no prior healing experience, but many on the search and rescue team do, so I wish to be prepared in case it's needed. I have noticed that they all seem to be fussy!" She looks back towards the water, watching Melantath and noticing that she has managed to coax some of the weyrhold's firelizards out to scratch her while she is in the water... she's in dragon heaven! She turns back to the goldrider and chuckles. "I'm not weyrmated yet... though I'm hoping to be. And as far as you being out, I'll certainly help you if you need it, and I agree the sunshine feels wonderful! Hmm, workign with Tyrin is a lot of work, but it is fun. I really like the classes. I think I shall love being a healer! I already love the limited duties that he has me doing. As a rider, though, I don't get much time working the infirmary like the other healer apprentices, since I have S&R sweeps and practices that I am required to do in Telgar. I love that job as well... though as soon as I have completed more classes I'll be on the EMT squad instead of Search & Rescue." Whew, she can talk...

Nimiety flashes a smile, fine lines of amusement springing into relief. "Heh. I'll keep that in mind next time I need someone to keep an eye on the children while I work." Not that she's likely to actually call on the young woman, but as a way of expressing her thanks. "Always good to have more skills with something like that, even if it is just the most basic of things. You'll have plenty of practice with the usual bout of sprained ankles, bad abrasions, cuts, and dehydration with the S&R wing, though, which your basic knowledge can be well-applied to."

Rina chuckles, "Well, if I'm in Igen, I'd be happy to watch them! As a candidate, I did have a few occasions where I watched Weyrlady Selia's children. They were a handful, but we had a lot of fun!" She nods as the woman talks, "Yes, that is why I've been taking these classes. Selia knows I'm coming here to take the classes, so does give me more leeway on being absent from the wing on occasion. I took basic first aid just after graduation and really enjoyed it, so decided to further my knowledge. I honestly thought to stay in Search and Rescue, but the EMT squad is so much more... appealing! The two wings do work closely together, so I would be doing much the same thing in either wing, but I prefer to help the wounded. I tell you though, searching for lost kidlets does have it's advantages! Mel and I know of all of the little hiding places around our weyr!" She chuckles and turns back to watch Melantath swim and spash with the firelizards.

Nimiety chuckles. "Just so long as you've never gotten stuck in one yourself. I did, once - wanted out of the way of a speeding dragon, back before I Impressed - and, well, things got more than a little torn when my friend and her lifemate helped haul me out."

Rina nods her head, "No, that hasn't happened to me... the kidlets see Melantath and all poke their heads out of their hidey holes. They are so fascinated to see a dragon upclose that they give themselves away! Mel and I, of course, give them a ride back to the hold, which they all seem to love." She chuckles and shakes her head, "As a matter of fact, there are a few that I think go missing time and time again so they can get a ride... I think I need to curb their enthusiasm!"

Nimiety waggles her brows. "Oh, but Rina, if they enjoy it so, they'll likely just move to the weyrhold when they're older! And then you'll be able to share the joy with all the other riders."

Rina shrugs her shoulders, smiling. "Yes, I do think that is what they'll do! Many of them have expressed great interest in being riders when they grow up. I have a soft spot for them and they know it! I think that's why they like being found by me. Some of the other S&R riders aren't so kind when they find the kidlets. I've seen one rider walk the child back to the hold leading him by his ear! Then again, he deserved it!"

Nimiety stills, lips pursing. "An interest in being riders, eh? And do they know just how unlikely that is, these days? Think about it, Rina. In a good Turn, each Weyr and Weyrhold might have twelve new riders. That's, mm, 96 riders. Each weyrhold or weyr is likely to have a good 30 who could be offered to the clutch, if not more; that's why we let the dragons choose, now, more than just asking people to Stand. Be kind; let them appreciate dragons, but don't feed their dreams. In time, without encouragement, most will grow out of it."

Nimiety passes a hand over her face. "I'm sorry. It's just one of those points where I look at it and say, it's better to have skills, to hone skills, even if you do have a dream. If it comes true, you can contribute more to the area where you Impress, and if it doesn't, you have a splendid area in which to become a respected and accepted member of society. To be a rider is not, you know, always a comfortable thing; it is our lifemates who make it all bearable."

Rina nods, shaking her head. "That's all too true, I guess. I think I also do it because I was scared out of my wits by a dragon as a child, and I dont' want that to happen again to another kidlet. I was terrified by them until I impressed. During the hatching, I was convinced that I was going to be mauled by one of the hatchlings. I now realize that I shouldn't have been so afraid, but I guess I just want to make sure the children have no fear of dragons." She doesn't mention that she thought she was going to be eaten by a dragon, or that someof the riders, before she was searched, knew of her fear and carried her out to the bowl to be sniffed by the dragons. She thought that they were going to eat her, like they had eaten the runnerbeast that she had been daydreaming about no more than a dragonlength away from her. Feeding dragons are not pretty... "Yes, I realize that not all of them will be riders, but they can live in the weyrs and be close to them.. and someday have a hope of becoming a rider, or at least being near dragons." She nods, "Yes, my feelings exactly. They might not never be riders, but they can still contribute to the weyrs!"

Nimiety sighs softly. "I suppose. It's better that they not be afraid, naturally, but I don't want people to put aside other possibilities for that vague chance. Better to be a holder, or a crafter, and then come to the Weyrhold or Weyr because you get along with dragons and riders alike."

Rina nods, "Yes, that is true. I suppose I should stop encouraging them then... maybe ask what craft they're planning to be in or something. That's definately something to think of." She looks down at her hands, and picks at her nails. She likes to play with the children, and that is a good excuse as any to do so. "I really hope to have some of my own someday... if only he'd..." She stops before lays her problems at the goldrider's feet, afterall, she is from another weyr...

Nimiety nods, sagely. "Talk to them of other things. Doesn't mean that they can't come and visit, or that you can't develop a friendship with them. - If only he'd what? Having trouble getting your fellow to come up to scratch? Been there. Wretched time. Keep nudging, be persistent, be obvious if need be. Or ask him to weyrmate you. That way, if there's insufficient reason, you can find someone else."

Rina looks up at the goldrider awed that she has been in her position too. "Really? You have been here too? I guess it's just that we've started seeing each other, but I dont' know how to approach weyrmating. The other complication is that he is the weyrlord, but not interested in weyrmating with the Weyrlady." She wonders if she has said too much. "We have know each other since we were both search and in the candadates barracks, but just found out our feelings recently. I just don't know if it's too soon to be weyrmated... and how it would look for the Weyrlord to be weyrmated to someone other than the Weyrlady..." She still stands on the old principle that the Weyrlord and the Weyrlady must be weyrmated... but she certainly loves B'neron.

Nimiety quirks a brow. "Well, I had this interruption in courtship known as candidacy, so ours lasted a while. However, it's a commitment, just like any other serious relationship model. As for not wanting to weyrmate with the Weyrlady, Rina, put that right out of your head. It's a mighty rare thing to have happen. Rislyn and Th'rin bickered all the time, though happily, and would have roundly insulted anyone who even suggested they weyrmate. And did Weyrlady Aliss have a relationship with the Weyrlord, before she stepped down? I think not. I doubt Dyfi and B'thaz have anything going on together. I can go on, 'round Pern, if you want."

Rina holds up her hand, laughing. "Ok, ok, you win. I'll talk about it with him. It just took so long to even get him to realize I liked him... and to find out he liked me all that time as well, but didn't know how to tell me." She takes a deep breath and blows a few stray hairs away, then smiles back to the Nimiety. "So, what does it feel like to be pregnant?"

Nimiety shrugs, taking the time to tie another loop to a rainbow-maker and tuck it into the padded crate. "I'm tired most of the time. My balance is off. Almost none of my normal clothes fit. I have to be really careful of everything, but the healers say it's more because of my age and build. They continue to be amazed that I'm having children at all. There's a lot of pressure below my belly. But it's such an amazing thing, to carry a life inside of you. Even if some of them do kick you far too much."

Rina chuckles and watches Nimiety pack the rainbow-makers. "Yes, I've heard all of the 'symptoms and side-effects' of being pregnant - the fatigue, and such... but how does it /feel/ to be pregnant? I mean, do you change? Can you tell at first? Do you have a connection with the baby?" Oh yeah, she wants to be a mom... :) She grins, "I've heard that they kick. Does it hurt though?"

Nimiety holds one up to the light, watching it. "Oh, yes, it hurts. Not so much at first, but later, when they're bigger and stronger. I change, certainly. Gain a lot of weight, work less, be generally happy. For me, the connection comes more when I hold them in my arms at last, but I talk to them anyway. Sing. Tell them stories. I also can't tell at first. Same way with Xixichelth, I can't tell she's proddy until she's a sevenday or less - usually between a day and five minutes - before rising."

Rina watches the rainbow-maker in the light. "Those are pretty. Ah, I see what you mean about that, it's the same way with Melantath. I can't tell with her either, until she's quite close to rising. I've always wondered if a mom can tell what her baby's going to be, sex wise that is, before it's born. My mother said she /knew/ I was going to be a girl, and I always wondered how she knew!" She chuckles. "I'm sure I'll learn someday. Oh, you sing to the baby and tell it stories before it's born? I never thought of doing that." Looking up at the gold dragon behind her, she grins, "So, how does your lifemate react when you're pregnant?"

Nimiety spins the creation gently. "Depends on the mother. The dolphins can tell, I'm told. Most people only think they know. I take the safe route and have a name picked out for each gender, with K'sin." She stops it carefully and tucks it away. "She approves, and supports me as she can. Always puzzled as to why I only have one, though, when she has so many more."

Rina watches entranced as the colors fly from Nimiety's hands. "Really? I hadn't heard that dolphins can tell. That's interesting... Yes, I have noticed that people choose two names, though I've always wondered if the mother really knew, but wasn't sure." She chuckles, "Yes, I guess that is rather an oddity to them that we only have one! Then again, greens don't lay eggs, so she's not overly concerned."

Nimiety nods. "I wouldn't say Xixichelth's all that concerned, except as it affects my health, but she's curious."

Rina grins, "I see. That will be interesting to see how Mel reacts... when it happens. I guess I'll have to stop my classes when it does, with not being able to go ::between:: when pregnant. Unless I can get a healer at Telgar to take over the teaching..." She smiles, "I dont' even know how he'd feel if we did hve a child! I think he'd be good with children, but he's so busy with his Weyrlord duties..."


Nimiety rolls a shoulder. "A lot of people, they carry the child to term, and then hand them off to a wetnurse and fostering within the Weyrhold. It's a choice people make on their own. Doesn't mean you won't be able to see them, just that you won't be responsible for their care. I'm sure you can find someone out there to train you, though."

Rina shakes her head, "I certainly dont' want to hand my child over to someone else... at least not the first! I'll have to start asking around over there, though I think Tyrin may think I am looking for a replacement of him! That could never happen, he is a wonderful teacher. K'chiko is a great dragonhealer in Telgar. I could switch to dragonhealing classes at that point, I think. I'm definately interested in that aspect of healing as well!" She grins.

Nimiety nods. "The more knowledge, the better. Or so Typo says. She's done a bit of most everything. Oh, now, I'm sure he wouldn't take it amiss if you tried to find someone local for the times when you're weyrhold-bound."

Rina chuckles. "I suppose that's true, but I don't suppose I should start looking until I know. I know women who wait /turns/ to have children, even though they try hard. I certainly hope I won't be that way..."

Nimiety smiles crookedly. "If you are, don't give up hope. If I had, I'd not have any at all. But there's no harm in looking. After all, he may have days where he's too busy to teach, or doesn't feel well."

Rina nods, "That's true enough. Sometimes when I come out here for a class, he seems so busy. He does tend to finish what he is doing to teach, but I feel like I'm taking him away from the other apprentices." She glances at the woman's stomach, "I won't give up hope, but when he's so busy, it's hard to even spend time with him... that makes it difficult to get pregnant to start with!"

Nimiety shakes her head. "Take your opportunities as you find them. Don't let lack of time get in the way. Treasure what you have. The rest may grow from that. Keep in mind, though, to try when it's not likely that your lifemate will rise for a while if you're set on having a child of his, instead of with him."

Rina nods with a smile, "Yes, that is good advice. I certainly don't want to trick him into having a child, we'll talk about it. Mel just recently rose, so it is a good time. I think we should talk about weyrmating before becoming parents though. My mother always stressed not having children unless committed. She is a good woman."

Rina grins, "Yes, I'm sure it does. My father was mostly around for my mother, but he was a trader and was away at times. My mother is a seamstress. My father used to sell her wares, along with many other things, of course, but her clothing sold better than anythign else he offered." She chuckles. "She always told me that he was very protective of her when she was pregnant."

Nimiety nods. "K'sin's like that, too, often away on Weyrhold business and terribly protective. If it were up to him, I'd never even leave the weyr for the last six months."

Rina chuckles. "I think that is so dear! I always pictured love like that. It makes me wonder if B'neron will act that way. She looks over at Melantath, who is now looking over at her with a questioning look. "No, Mel, I am not having a little one. I know I'm talking about it alot, but I guess I'm just wishing." She looks at Nimiety and laughs, "She is always such a busybody!"

Nimiety blinks, coming out of her reverie. "Hm? Oh, yes," she says, vaguely.

Nimiety pages: Sorry. I'm getting to the point where I'm good for channel-chat and nothing else.

You paged Nimiety with: s'ok... Im RPing else moo anyways... :)

From afar, Nimiety needs to go. Take care, and thanks for the RP!

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