Mosiah bustles into the room, one arm percariosly bracing quite a few hides against his chest while the other arm supports a bulky jar. Head bobs now and again to the students about as Moe does his best busy J'man impression. "'Lo. 'Lo." He glances up to the instructor present, lips just begging to slip into a grin, but held well in check. " Good students, I trust?" He finally makes the front, where his bundles are spilled onto the table and he now allows his smile to erupt.

Kerali nods to the Healer J-man as he bustles in. "'Lo. I'm Healer Appy Kerali." She breaks into a grin before settling herself in her chair, snugging her shawl around her shoulders, and grabbing her stylus. She delicately scribes the word /Emergency Surgery/ on the page, and underlines it.

Erik rises, lips pursing together as he notes Mosiah's entrance. His question remains unanwered as he gathers his hides, dropping a few here and there, and then scurries out the back of the room.

Mosiah frets for a moment before yanking out a long metal rod that was wrapped within a hide, and then wanders over to the hearth, and thus shoves one end into the fire and leaves it there. As he comes back, he moves to the front of the room, places both hands on the table, and then grins onto the assembled apprentice. "Everyone comfortable? Ready to sit a bit more?"

Kerali looks over at Nerak and nods. She whispers "are you ready for this?" before glancing around and one else? Hmm. Is there something she should know about this class? Too late now. She shrugs a bit, then turns her attention back towards Mosiah, nodding a bit.

Nerak nods back to Kerali "Yep, this class sound interesting!"

Mosiah darts a single finger into the air. "Emergency Surgery....what is it?" Wait... "No need to raise hands. Just shout them out. I like a lively discussion. First one to yell out the correct answer gets a prize."

Kerali blinks a bit...this is going to be pretty interesting indeed. "Uhhh...Surgery in an Emergency?" She stifles a giggle.

From the back, an apprentice offers a doubtful frown and a shouted question. "Does the prize have anything to do with that big pole?"

Sudanna walks in from the Healer Center.

Nerak turns her notebook to the next blank page "emergency surgery" is scrawled on the top. "Emergency Surgery is surgery that is performed in an emergency, or not in an infirmary/surgery facility?"

OOC: Sudanna says "logging.."

OOC: Nerak says "logging too, "

OOC: Kerali trittoes.

Mosiah eyes the group. Please don't tell Moe he was like this when he was one of /them/. Okay, so he is technically one of them. Aerrin is breifly pittied, but not for long. "Kerali, you are most astute in your appreciation of the obvious. I like that." He reaches into his pocket and tosses a sourball in Kerali's direction. "Have that after class, please." A glance to the speaker in the back, "No, thats for the special people." Finger jabs in Nerak's direction, "Very close, sir. Its what we do to help repair a person's body in the event of unforseen circumstance. What would you all consider an... unforseen circumstance? Examples?"

You say, "Threadscore, dragon injuries (like being clawed), nasty broken bones?"

You paged Mosiah with: Nerak pages, "Nerak is female, just to let you know, I guess I chose a wrong name, but she is a *she* even if she sounds like a he! :)"

From afar, Mosiah blushes considerably. Sorry, miss :}

Deftly catching the sourball, Kerali grins. She looks down at her wrist for a moment, then blinks. "Uhh...stabbings, getting impaled by sharp objects?" She nods. For sure.

You paged Mosiah with: Nerak pages, "this has happened to me in just about *every* RP I have done... *sigh...."

You paged Kerali with: Nerak pages, "Brown nosing fast typer! :P"

Kerali pages, "who, moi? ( mentioned threadscore first...I /never/ get to mention threadscore!! :P" *grins*")

You paged Kerali with: Nerak pages, "'Suko says cutting yourself w your dagger while twirling it around in your hands..."

From afar, Kerali laughs and falls off her chair!

Mosiah would bounce to his toes, but that proves a little difficult in his thong-sandals. "Excellent. Perfection. All those things are rather nasty and lead to all kinds of horrible possibilities. There are also things like loosing a limb, or maybe even appendicitis... All those things could mean a life or death situation. If you don't help these people, they will die. Now... everyone knows, digging into a person's innards isn't exactly what a person wants done to them. Faranth knows, I sure wouldn't want Nerak there messing around in my guts. So, we only do things like surgery on a person if their life could be in danger. Right?"

Nerak "Right" then she realizes that she was just insulted... :P

Kerali simply raises one eyebrow delicately, then chuckles. She nudges Nerak a bit with her elbow as she says "Right. Danger." She shakes here head laugingly and jots some notes down in her notebook, which has gotten /quite/ full.

Nerak writes the information down in her notebook - also noting that the teacher is quick tongued.....

Mosiah grins happily as he reaches into his pocket and this time pulls out a sweetstick. This is now flung to Nerak, "Remember, not 'til after class." Yes, a healer is passing out candies. Live with it. "Okay, now that we've got that figured out... how about figuring out how to do some of this stuff. YOu know, the /fun/ part of the lesson. Blood, gore, all that." Hand pats on the table, "Lets say someone is carried into the infirmary with an absolutly huge gash in his leg... a gaping wound that is bleeding all over the place. What do you do?"

Nerak Ok, the teacher isn't all that bad! sweetstick! Oh boy! Here comes the fun stuff! "First thing, try to stop the bleeding - pressure on the wound, or the artery if it's really bad."

Kendrala rushes in and tries to make an quiet entrance at the same time.

Kerali thinks. Should she be a wise-arse or serious? Eh. Both. She pipes up and says "First, call a J-man Healer. Then, yeah...what Nerak just said." Okay. 1 outta 2 ain't bad!

Sudanna raises an eyebrow and smirks at Moe.. he is having way too much fun with this!

Nerak *then you get out a mop and clean up... :)

Kerali 's eyes brighten at Kendrala's entrance. She whispers "'Drala! Over here!" and pats the seat next to her and Nerak. She leans over and whispers "You just made it in time!"

OOC: Nerak says "to be technical, the very first thing you should do is to have the person carrying the patient to put him/her down on a cot, so that you can then apply pressure - or you might wear out the person holding the patient! But I'm not being literal. ;)"

Mosiah grins faintly, "Yes, a journeyman is definitly important. But, shall we say that you are the Journeyman... or there isn't one available. Its an /emergency/ after all." He glances up to Kendrala, grinning a touch wider, before waving her to a seat with a wink, "What you need to to is clean and examine the wound first. The basics so you can see what you have to deal with. Redwort, naturally. Then pour water over the wound, cleaning it out. So you can actually see what happened. This is probably gonna remove any of the bloodclots, but it has to happen. You need to /clean/ the wound. Infection can cause death just as well as loss of blood, only its a slower process. What next?"

Nerak whispers to Sudanna "Hi, great to see you again! Come on over!"

Nerak haltingly adds "You have to find out how much damage has been done, how deep it is, if it nicked the bone or anything - but I think you can do that while cleaning? From there, decide what to do, stitching etc... " and hopes her answer is right.

Kendrala quietly slips into the seat designated and silently takes her notebook from her bag. She smiles briefly at Mosiah's acknowledgment of her presence, and then sets her attention to the topic being discussed. But not before she flashes a wide grin at Kerali and Nerak.

Kerali winces. That can NOT feel good. "We'd have to stitch them up right quick, yes?" She winces again. Ow. "Or, perhaps, apply numbweed, THEN stitch them up." Oh yeah. She'd definitely want numbweed...else she'd deck whoever came NEAR her with a needle.

Nerak smiles at Kendrala and whispers "Good to see you!"

Mosiah quirks a grin, "Imagine that you are the person who is injured... what would you be doing? What would you want right away? What would you be complaining about?"

Nerak gets the hint "Numbweed! definately numbweed! but isn't there an interaction between numbweed and redwort? I know one has to be applied first, I just keep forgetting which one..."

Kendrala tentatively rises her hand, somewhat unsettled being that she was late arriving in class and all.

Kerali looks up out of the corner of her eye...good, Mosiah's not looking. She quickly pops the sourball in her mouth. *pop* She's hungry, after all. Around a mouthfull of sourball, she warbles "Redwot...then numbeed.."

Nerak looks at Kerali and whispers "Thanks, I don't know why I can never remember that!"

Mosiah grins to Nerak and tosses her a sourball this time, "Exactly. Numbweed and lots of it. Its got to hurt. A lot." He glances to Kendrala, "Just shout them out, luv." And then he continues on, "Fellis is also a possibility. But, you must remember, only Masters can administer fellis. They have the know-how, you don't. At least not yet." Fingers drum once more, "Now that the wound is cleaned up, you've got it disinfected, and the pain is deadened.... but that thing sure is big and it is bleeding all over the place... now what? How do you stop that bleeding? Because if you don't, they will bleed out so much, the person will die."

Kendrala blurbs in haste. "I apologize for being late to class, and since I don't know what was already mentioned. But stopping the bleeding must be the first step, but you probably already mentioned that, I guess, but it seems so important......". She fumbles in uncertainly, and blushes, so out of the ordinary for her, the calm and collected one, usually. Well, most of the time, anyway.

Nerak adds the sourball to her now candy collection, and puts it in her bag until later. "Pressure on the artery, as much as possible - tourniquets shouldn't be used unless there is no other option, right? That may cause the loss of the limb if it's on too long..."

Kendrala says, "Direct pressure, if possible. Or, if not, then using a pressure point on an artery that would be supplying the wound site. Or as a last resort, some sort of temporary binding above the wound, yeah, like Nerak said. But only temporary."

Kerali nods. She's a bit slow today, it seems. Shards, she didn't have /any/ klah today! Ugh. "Direct pressure above the wound if you can, to stop the bleeding." Gah. Wonder if there's any klah in the klahpot? She looks towards it.

Kendrala jabs Kerali and whispers, "Got anymore of those sweets, I missed my last meal and I am dropping over from lack of energy."

Mosiah nods to Nerak, no candy this time. "Very true. Torniquets shouldn't be used that much. They can cut off the flow of blood to other areas and severly damage the limb. Direct pressure is your best chance in most instances, along with presure points. But what if the blood won't stop even after you use pressure.... thats when you need to work directly with the blood vessels. Blood vessels are slippery things, remember that. There are three things that you can do...."

You paged Kerali with: Nerak pages, "It *is* getting late, I'm surprised that I am not stumbling and making no sense... of course, I never really make alot of sense! :)"

Kerali shakes her head, then nods her head towards Mosiah. "He's been tossing them out occasionally.." she whispers. "Much prefer candies being thrown at me than daggers!" She chuckles. No need to mention /that/ particular Sr. Journeyman's name!

From afar, Kerali laughs. NO kidding. As you can tell, the usually studious Kerali is not in a paying-attention mood tonight. Watch me not get credit ;)

Nerak writes down direct pressure, pressure points, blood vessels are slippery... oh, yech!

Mosiah meanders away from the front of the class, moving towards the fire. "Easiest way is to just get a grip on one of those bleeders and twist it. Yes, twist it. When you twist it around a few times, you mangle the inside, stopping the flow of blood. Rather simple, eh? That works best for the smaller vessels." Nose twitches as he makes his way to the hearth, picking up a thick fold of cloth.

Nerak pops in the sourball into her mouth and offers the sweetstick to Kendrala, since she overheard her ask for some...

Nerak and writes twist the blood vessels - pressure from the inside, good idea!

Kendrala sighs in gratitude as she slips the sweetstick from Nerak. "ooo, thanks, I really need some quick energy, just to keep from getting giddy."

Kerali scratches her head for a moment, then nods to herself and jots down a paragraph. Literally.

Kendrala puzzles over the prospect of twisting blood vessels while they are still in a person's body. "But, Mosiah, wouldn't twisting the vessel and damaging it make for problems in the future for that part of the limb or whatever?"

Nerak *does PERN have clamps to use during surgery?? That works too!

Mosiah reaches to grab the iron rod with towel-padded hand, and then steps back to the front of the class, glancing to Kendrala, "That is why you do that to the smaller vessels." He reaches the front of the room once more, "Another option..." He then up-ends his jar, spilling out procine-feet onto the table. Nice, eh? " to burn them shut." He then applies the tip of the iron, whitehot with extreme heat, onto the meat of the foot, bringing forth a rather nasty sizzling sound and a the smell of bacon. As he removes it, he speaks, "Apply a whitehot iron to the vessel for nothing more than a couple of seconds. If you apply it too long, the area will char and stick to the iron as you pull it away

Kerali really /does/ wince as she hears the sizzling sound. Then she holds her nose. She is NOT a fan of bacon! Blech. She really needs that klah now. She puts her notebook down momentarily, and quietly sneaks over to the klahpot. Pour. Sneaks back to her seat. Scribble, scribble.

Kendrala gasps at this display and wrinkles her nose, backing up with instinctual caution.

Nerak smells the bacon and remembers she didn't have time for dinner either, thank Mosiah for the sourball! Winces at the thought of burning blood vessels and writes down the info for the burning. "Do the blood vessels recover from this? Or is this a permanent thing?" Ok, might be a dumb question, but doesn't know how the healing process works in vessels...

Kendrala is thinking a mile a minute, must be the sweetstick hitting her blood. "But what if the patient is awake and sees you coming with the red hot poker, to fry the vessels and all? What do you do with a patient who is trying to get away as fast as you are trying to seal those larger vessels?"

Mosiah walks back to the fire, dropping the hot point of iron into the bucket of sand beside it. He glances to Kendrala, grinning faintly, "Not pretty, but its a way to stop bleeding." A glance to Nerak and Kendrala in turns, "Fairly permanent. But the point is to stop the bleeding. You don't get that stopped, the patient /will/ die. No ifs, ands, or buts. They have the right to say no... and die. Thats an ethics class. This is a class for when you can do the work." Once more at the front of the class, "One of the last ways to stop bleeding requires a bit more finesse. You can tie a knot around the end of the vessel, thus stopping the flow of blood."

Nerak writes down 'can tie a knot around the blood vessel' good idea! Can it be reversed? Sounds easier to reverse than burning...

Kerali gets a puzzled look for a moment. She looks up at Mosiah. "What if it's a major vein or artery that's severed? Will the patient lose the affected limb for sure, or can it be recovered?"

Nerak *was just typing the same thing...

Kendrala jots a few notes about bleeding vessels in her notebook.

Kerali *pokes?

Nerak *ouches...

Kendrala *jiggles in her seat!

Mosiah looks to Kendrala, "If a major carrier of blood is injured, the chances of survival are minimal. After all, if that is cut or injured, making it unable to supply blood to other areas.... well, that is left unsaid. Amputation is a part of emergency surgery. But not this part, this is just fixing bleeding and open wounds."

Kerali *wonders if Mosiah meant Kerali?

OOC: Mosiah grins. Just gimme a moment ;)

OOC: Mosiah grins. Yeah. You 'K' names ;)

OOC: Nerak says "has to go let dogs out... be right back..."

OOC: Kerali says "muuuuhahaha"

OOC: Kendrala is glad she already took care of the dog thing.

Mosiah smiles, "To do that, you tie a knot with catgut or string about the end of the vessel. Catgut is prefered, because it will disolve after a time. Its best if you can hold the vessel shut with a clamp. Makes it easier to see what you are about to do. After tying the knot, you need to clip the excess off. But it isn't as simple as that... some vessels you can knot, some you cannot. The ones you can tie are the vessels that pump bright red blood. Vessels that ooze dark blood should never be tied off because the chances of infection are great. No matter that, there is /always/ a danger when leaving a foreign matter, like a knot of catgut, in a person's body. Infection is always possible."

Mosiah drops his arms onto the table, pushing a couple of porcine feet out of the way, "Now the bleeding is stopped. You managed to get that done. Congratulations. The person might actually live. Again, so now what?"

Nerak supposes that a generous helping of redwort is *really* neccessary in that instance! writes all of this down, she doesn't want to forget...

Kendrala pictures cat guts in a wound, and chokes back a rebellious giggle. But, being the calm, rational and logical girl that she is, she wonders about the size of catgut Mosiah was referring to.

OOC: Mosiah laughs. You guys keep getting way too technical ;)

Kerali nods and scribbles down the info. She looks up, ewwing slightly at the porcine feet. Nose wrinkles. She furrows her brow a bit. "Well..once the bleeding's stopped, I'd check to make sure we didn't leave anything behind in the wound." She shrugs. "Hey, it could happen. Errant clamp left behind. You know. THen, I guess we could start stitching up the wound."

Kendrala says, "Well, with the bleeding stopped, repairing the wound would be the next step. Can muscles be sewn back together the way a vessel can be stoppered?"

Nerak hmmms "(Can you stitch the arteries together? then when the catgut dissolves, the artery will work again! voila!) Then you can stitch up the wound if there are no other bleeders?" I

OOC: Mosiah pokes. No arteries or veins people. UnIC :P

Nerak *great minds think alike! he he!

OOC: Nerak says "sorry, not too sure exactly how much they know...."

OOC: Kendrala watched Star Trek, the Voyage Home over the weekend, I kept typing "wessel" like Chekov (or however it was spelled).

Mosiah reaches into the depthless pocket of his shorts and pulls out a sweetstick. This one is flipped in Kendrala's direction, "Exactly so. But first, we nead to do the ritual cleaning, disinfection with redwort... the usual. Examine it once more and see if any more repair work needs to be done. Which is where Kendrala comes in... now me might need to stitch together the flesh." He pushes over a few hide, unearthing a small, wooden box. Once open, he reaches in to retrieve a most prized needle, but set with a curve. "You do that with a curved needle. It makes it easier to sew the flesh back together. But, don't expect much success. When you suture the wound shut, once more, you are leaving a foreing substance in the person's body. Use catgut. Now what?"

You paged Kendrala with: Nerak pages, "yep, Trekkie here, and not afraid to admit it... hard transition from tricorders to this... Good movie! I actually met Checkov at the last Trek convention in my area - my first convention..."

Kerali *you did mean Kendrala, right? *grin*

You say, "Lots of redwort!""

Kendrala reacts automatically and snatches the sweetstick in its trajectory, and then bites a piece off before returning her hand with sweetstick to her notebook.

Kerali writes furiously. This is really a tough topic for her. Good thing she's sticking with herbs. "More redwort, more numbweed, and then cover the area with bandages." She pauses. "And lots of willowsalc and/or meadowsweet for the patient. Fellis if a Master's around."

Kendrala pages, "my boys watch the movies over and over. They were raised on Star Trek from birth. I nursed them with Star Trek, etc.etc."

Mosiah chuckles faintly at the suggestions. Kerali is tossed a sourball, "Getting a little ahead of ourselves. We got the bleeding stopped, the muscles sewn up...anything else need sewing?"

Kendrala *nope

Nerak *thanks!

Kerali catches the sourball, but keeps this one in her sack. For later. "Oh..sorry Journeyman Mosiah." She grins a bit sheepishly. "We'd have to sew the skin back up right quick, like 'Drala said." She nods.

Mosiah sends yet another sourball Kerali's way, "Thats it. You suture the skin shut. Use even stitches the same depth and distance appart, to distribute the stress. When you tie the knot, make sure it isn't resting on the wound, but off to the side of it. And then you do as Kerali said. Redwort, change the dressing often. Tere are plenty of herbs to use... willowsalic and numbweed to deaden the pain. What would we use for swelling, infection, or to promote healing?"

You say, "Redwort?""

Kendrala drops her chin in astonishment as her mind goes totally blank. Herbs - she should know this right off. Shards, what is going on with her mind tonight?

Mosiah tsks with amusement. "Aren't you people up with your herbs?" Moe has to be, Aerrin is his mentor. "Witchhazel or comfrey on the wound for swelling. Mosstea on it to keep the swelling down, and some confrey as either a salve or tea to promote the healing process." Fingers drum on the table, "Any questions?"

Nerak can't remember much of herbalry (and didn't bookmark the site! :( was trying to find it...)

Stratus *randomly uses this time to point to her nfo. ;)

Nerak *where is it again???

Kerali ooo's at this one. "We could pack the wound with mosstea for infection, right?" She looks down for a moment, in thought. Something else too...oh! "Witch hazel, comfrey only when the wounds scabbed over. You could also use slippery elm."

Kerali *oops...really...I knew this!

Kendrala raises her hand. "How often should the bandage or dressing on the wound be changed to check for infection and to cleanse the wound?'

Kendrala says, "Well, I know you said, often, but how often? Often could mean every day or every other day or once a sevenday?"

Nerak waits for the answer, and catches up on her notes. she doesn't have any idea about this answer.

Mosiah leans onto the table with his forearms. Kerali is given a wide smile, "Ahhh, very good." Kendrala is smiled to, "There is no set time. But if you see the dressing soiled, it should be changed. The first couple of days, you will be doing it multiple times a day. The next couple of sevendays at least once a day. As just a round figure. Keeping it clean is the key." The rest are glanced to, "If thats all then, feel free to come up here and swipe a porcine foot. They work marvelous to practice your stitching."

Nerak makes a face, we have to practice on those? ewwww. She walks up to Journeyman Mosiah's table and picks up a pigfoot, some catgut, and a needle ewwwwwwww!

Kerali wrinkles her nose at the thought, but shrugs. She is a Healer Appy. She looks towards Nerak and 'Drala, makes a 'blah' face, then puts her notebook down and drudgingly goes up to the table to grab a...ew...porcine foot. She looks up at Mosiah and smiles faintly. "Thanks for teaching us this class, Journeyman Mosiah. for the..foot!" She ewws again, then grabs a needle and some catgut. Grossssss.

Kendrala bounces from her seat and examines the variety of feet displayed on the table. Let's see, ennie, meanie, miny, moe. And with that she is off into a giggle that seems ready to swallow her whole.

Kerali *note to self...keep 'Drala away from sweetsticks ;)

Nerak *or was that "One little piggy went to market.... "

Mosiah beams happily onto Nerak. Whats so bad about practicing on porcine feet? Everyone should be happy and delighted at such an opportunity to practice. Delightful, really. Kerali is eyed. Journeyman? Ohhh, he goes twinkles all the way down to his toes at that, "Just Mosiah, Kerali-dear."

OOC: Mosiah snugs. Thanks for putting up with me, guys :)

OOC: Kerali says "thank /you/ for putting up with /us/ ;)"

OOC: Nerak says "this is a great class! and free candy, what a bargain! he he! Great job!"

OOC: Kerali says "aye. Candy's better than daggers. *wink*"

OOC: Nerak says "MUCH!!!!!"

OOC: Sudanna says "hey! *pouts*"

OOC: Kendrala says no prob. and what Kerali said. And it was a pleasure!

Kerali grins a bit. "OKay...thanks Mosiah" She beams, then hrms as she looks at the porcine foot in her hands. Gross. She threads the needle and begins making neat little stitches in the skin. SmELLy.

OOC: Nerak says "Sudanna never got any candy.... :("

OOC: Kerali pat pats 'Danna. Just kidding dear.

OOC: Mosiah grins and snugs Sudanna. Yep, I just dish out possible business for the dentistry specialists ;)

OOC: Sudanna says "Don't care.. I'm defending knives.. My 4 t old throws a beautiful dagger.."

OOC: Kerali ooo'ies and pulls out an extra sourball, tossing it towards Sudanna.

OOC: Nerak says "Candy can't hurt.. unless you have a cavity... oooouuuucccchhhh...."

OOC: Mosiah says "Who needs a mark for an advanced lesson?"

OOC: Kerali says "I think all of us do."

Kendrala considers the curved needle and selects it before anyone else can. She threads some thread (save the gut for real needs) and proceeds to practice.

OOC: Mosiah looks kindly onto Sudanna. Think you can mark them down for one of the advanced lesson?

OOC: Kendrala agrees with Kerali. I need it too.

Nerak *grabs the pigfoot and begins to examine it. "So, Mr Pig, what seems to be the problem! Cat got your tongue?? Catgut got your blood wessel? he he!

Kerali *dies.

Kendrala *is not sure that candy to the giddy appies is such a good thing. Although sweetsticks are *indeed* her fav.

OOC: Nerak says "I need marks, Really need bonehealing since I am now specializing in Pediatric Bonehealing - thought that kids break bones alot... "

OOC: Nerak says "but that is on Fri night! Thanks Sudanna.!"

Kerali finishes tying off the knot on her stitches, and carefully returns the unused catgut and needle back to their original places. She holds out the pig foot, scrutinizes it, then nods. Looks good to me. She goes up and places it on the table near Mosiah. "Here you go. I'll just give this back to you for safe-keeping." She grins, then wrinkles her nose. She is NOT keeping that thing!

Kendrala * thanks Mosiah and Sudanna for an excellent class tonight. And she is looking forward to Bonehealing on Friday. Even though she already has two advanced classes.

OOC: Nerak says "should your Advanced classes be in your specialties?"

Kerali *dittoes 'Drala.

Stratus *nods. Preferably. But you don't /have/ to stop at 2, you know

Mosiah mumbles something or another about tie-dyed wherries, blinks once, and finally awakens.

OOC: Sudanna says "I didn't do anything.. It's /all/ Moe's work!"

OOC: Sudanna says "Nerak, who's your mentor?"

OOC: Nerak says "Elehu is my mentor."

Kendrala *needs to depart. Her lids are cascading on her knees and 6:00 AM will be rolling around very soon.

Nerak begins to examine the pig foot, and starts to make stitches. "Are there any special places we need to stitch? Do you want us to try to knot blood vessles?

OOC: Sudanna says "Well, I am a bonehealer as well as midwife. If you ever want to discuss anything, just ask. My Sr. Jman project is a series of lightweight but durables braces to replace splints on some breaks."

OOC: Nerak says "wow, that sounds good! I think I took my last class earlier tonight for sr. appy, how do you know about Jman, and about projects and stuff? "

You paged Sudanna with: Nerak pages, "I work with kids in wheelchairs and braces on their hands and feet - If you don't know much about that in RL, I can help... If you need it..."

Kerali stretches, and yawns. Time for bed. She waves to Nerak, giving a quick hug, and nods in thanks to Mosiah. She nods to Sudanna as she heads out the door to her sweet, sweet...sleeping bag? yep.

Kerali * 'night all...I'm beat!

Mosiah blinks and looks to Nerak. "Oh no, just practice your stitches. Its much easier to pratice making even stitches on a dismembred foot from something you probably had for dinner last nite, than to practice on some person."

Nerak *night!

Kerali slowly meanders to the Healer Center.

Nerak stitches up the pigfoot, in nice even stitches, No, there won't be much of a scar here! When she finishes, she brings it back up to Mosiah for inspection.

Mosiah grins at the foot, then to Nerak. "I didn't mean for you to do that right now. Take it to the barracks and play with it." For some reason, that sounds wrong... but it was already said. With that, he begins to reclaim all of his stuff, pushing a few of the feet back into the pot for him to 'play with' later.

You say, "Ummm, thanks, but I'll stitch orangefruits, pigfeet get stinky after awhile. You can play with this one too! Not to sound ungrateful... "

Mosiah chuckles and takes the offered foot, "My thanks, my good man." *wink* And with that, he starts for the doors and to the barracks with the other apprentices. *le sigh

Nerak Well, I've got go get to bed too, Have to wake the kids up in 6 hours to catch the bus.... *yawn* Thanks for a great class!

Nerak * great class Mosiah. I really enjoyed it. Goodnight...


*** Disconnected ***

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