A Day in the Living Caverns

Rina walks into the living caverns and heads for the klah pot. After filling her mug, she turns to see who is in the room - having been caffeine deprived, she hadn't been paying attention to who was in the room on her way in. She finds a free table and sits, sighing as she does so.

Food? ... food. K'chiko, recovering still from being thwapped against the wall by a needle-phobic proddy green a few days ago, grabs the first food she can find, specifically a meatroll from a long-cooled platter, and limps her way over to Rina's table. "Rina love! 'Lo." Grin.

B'neron trots into the caverns, a brownrider companion with him "Nah, man give those to Om. She's looking after those wing reports now...and don't mention bronzeriders...or babies..or...yeah just drop them on her ledge and scoot..." he tells the brownrider who chuckles, nods, and turns on his heels and leaves again. Which leaves the Weyrlord time to take a deep breath, and wander further in, winding past tables and riders and residents alike.

R'bian sits off by himself ast a table in the corner of the caverns, with a mug of coffee.

Rina looks up from staring into her klah mug, watching the swirling pattern going around and around. Seeing the healer, she smiles. "Hiya K'chiko! How are you today? I had a class with Tyrin the other day. Herbalry. It was kind of fun! I like his hands on approach, but it kind of takes me out of my way to go to Igen for classes... not that I dislike Tyrin in any way, but do you teach healing classes at all here?" She notices Ben walking in and waves "Ben! Over here!" Yeah, as clutchsiblings, they're close... She then sees her fellow greerider R'bian sitting off in a corner. She stands and waves. "R'bian! Come on over here and join us! There are plenty of seats here!"

"Oh, my crackpot uncle decided to teach you something, huh? I remember I had to go to Igen for training from Sina, but she moved to 'Reaches not long ago. Miss her. Sorta." K'chiko smirks. "And no, I don't teach healing classes. Not human healing anyway. I've got a dragonhealer student or two, though." Perk. More folks? "Rob! Ben! 'Lo, you two, come sit with us won't you?" She offers a wide smile to Weyrlord and greenie.

B'neron catches his name called and looks over the top of people in front of him. "Rins!" he calls back with just as an enthusiastic wave, before he veers towards the their table. "Raj's just found Melantath outside.." he mentions as he rounds behind the greenrider to squeeze her shoulder and press a kiss to her cheek before he takes the seat beside. "Hello K'chiko, how's it goin?" Ben greets with a smile.

R'bian just takes a sip of his klah, and stays where he is.

Rina chuckles. "Yes, I like Tyrin. His classes are fun, though quite unpredictable! Ah, I don't know Sina well, but saw her around Igen." She grins at K'chiko, "I'd love dragonhealing classes as well! I'd like to be trained in both human and dragon healing. So I can help either!" As she notices B'neron walking in their direction she chuckles. "Yeah, Mel told me. Those two are so funny the way they curl up together whenever they see each other." She hugs him as he sits beside her. "You want anything? I was going to catch a drudge and see if we can get some actually hot meatrolls for the table, we can ask for some more klah too if you want some?" She waves for a drudge. Noticing that R'bian has stayed put, she frowns. She makes a point to go over and talk to him after giving the drudge their order.

"I figured he'd be a bit unpredictable." K'chiko chuckles mildly. "But that's my uncle for you." She takes a bite off her meatroll, chews, and swallows. "... oh? Well, I'll just have to teach you then, won't I. Do you hold rank in the Healer Hall, Rina, by any chance? It'll give you a bit of an advantage; I won't have to teach you about herbs much besides their application on dragons and why you never ever /ever/ use fellis. Like the big sign in the dragon infirmary says - no fellis allowed." Sagenod, and then the brownrider turns to Ben. "Life's fine, B'neron. Other than recovering from getting thrown against the wall by a proddy green afraid of needles, I'm doing pretty well."

B'neron shrugs "I can always eat" he tells Rina before she orders. He raps his open palms on the tabletop and winces at K'chiko "Throw by a proddy green? Shells, who was it?" then the weyrlord suddenly holds up a hand "No, don't tell me, I don't wanna know, long as you're not black and blue and lived to tell the story huh?" He winks at the brownrider, before glancing over his shoulder "Hi R'bian" he greets, puppy-good-nature.

Rina grins at Kchiko, "I'm a Healer Senior Apprentice. I've got most of my classes done, Herbalry and Midwifery are all I"m missing to be promoted. But it's hard to get in classes when the classes are at Igen and I'm here... But, I try. Who was that? Oh... that sounds painful, 'Chiko! " She turns to the drudge, "Ah, thanks, Some hot meatrolls and a pitcher of klah please." After working in the kitchens for so long, she's always polite to the cavern staff. She turns to Ben and K'chiko quickly and stands up, "HOld on, I'll be right back. I'm goign to try to convince R'bian to sit with us." She walks over to R'bian's table. "Hiya, R'bian. Come on over and sit with us? We just ordered some klah and meatrolls." She adds a smile for good measure, trying to get her fellow greenrider to come sit with them.

R'bian looks up and shrugs. "I'm fine." He says, nodding to his own klah.

B'neron follows Rina's movements with doe eyes. Awww. All go awww again. But the weyrlord's eyes narrow as she seems to be rejected by R'bian. "Hey Rins, come back over, they've bought klah..." Which the drudges have, and are currently setting mugs and pitchers onto the table. "K'chi, how's Shujoth?" Ben asks idly of the brownrider.

Rina looks back over to R'bian, "You sure you dont want to sit with us? The offer's open! We'd love it if you'd come and talk with us, but understand if you don't." *sigh* She was hoping to get him to come over with them. "I'll talk to you later then?" Smiling at R'bian, she turns and joins K'chiko and Ben again. She hugs Ben as she walks behind him, then grabs a meatroll as she sits. "Oh, these meatrolls are right from the ovens." As she sits next to the Weyrlord, she grins at him, googly eyed...

"Shujoth's good. Thinks I should have a baby, the silly dragon." Eyeroll. "Really, I'm too busy nowadays to be a mum." Her fingers pad lightly on the table as she consumes the rest of her now-stale meatroll. Bleargh. "Speaking of, I heard from Alisha you've got a bun or two in the oven, so to speak," she continues, lowering her voice. "Is the rumor right?"

Rina turns quickly towards Kchiko, "Alisha told you what? No! At least I dont think so... She was just teasing me." She looks at Ben then back to K'chiko. "Alisha loves to tease me... I'm sure that's all it was."

B'neron has taken a bite of meatroll when K'chiko mentions babies. And the bronzerider promptly chokes. Splutter, cough, all the while looking at Rina with wide-eyes. "She doesn't have any *cough hack* bun in the *coughcough* oven!" Once he swallows and is able to breath again he leans over to Rina's ear "You don't do you?" He's too young to be a father even if Rajalath's not.

Rina looks worriedly over at Kchiko, then at B'neron. "No. I don't think so. Alisha was just teasing me, telling me how beautiful our babies would be... You know how she is..."

Rina blushes slightly, "She also seems to have us weyrmated every time she talks..."

R'bian stands up silently, and heads out to the bowl.

"Oh, um, sorry." K'chiko is incredibly sheepish now. "Just wondering. Cause Alisha said and all." Oy. "... weyrmated? Aw, you guys should, really, you're so cute together you know? Or at least be a couple." Teehee. It's matchmaker time! "Faranth, I can still remember the first time Ma'rx asked me out." Giggle. "And of course now we're weyrmated and it's very nice..."

B'neron seems to relax with that and slumps back into his chair "Oh good, that;s all...yeah Ali likes making plans for other people she doesn't rooly mean anythin' by it.." He reaches out to sling an arm comfortably round Rina's shoulders even as he goes for another meatroll from the tray "And there's no rush to move weyrs or nothin', hey I didn't even move into the big Weyrlord's weyr when I got the job." Maybe Ben's just too cruisey for his own good. He glances over at K'chiko "Well me and Rins kinda are a couple, right?" They are, huh?

R'bian walks out into the bowl.

Rina smiles, "Yes, I heard! Congratulations to you both. I have something for you.. I keep forgetting to give it to you though. Last time I was in Igen, I picked up a skin of Benden white for you! I'd like to ask you a couple of questions too!" She tends to like Benden white - after having a bad experience with ale. And, like all women, she's interested in the details of how K'chiko pulled the Weyrmating off. Women are all famous for wanting to know how the other did it! She looks over at Ben and grins winking at him, "Yeah, we are a couple. Finally!"

B'neron chomps down on his meatroll, and interupts chewing with sips of klah. "You should have a party, K'chi.." he notes, quite clueless to any hints Rina may be dropping about their own possible weyrmating. "We haven't had a good party in ages, and now I've got Om doin a lot of my work for me, I've got loads of time for it.."

"Ooh! Benden white? Oh, Rina, I love you." K'chiko giggles. "... questions, my dear? Fire away - or are these for later?" ponders the brownrider, leaning back a bit before turning to B'neron with a ponderous expression. "If I can find space to do it - between Weyrlings and dragonhealing, and I'm sure I can get the other dragonhealers to do some of my work - I will."

Rina nods, "Yeah! You should. I know Ma'rx loves parties too! We can have it right here, in the caverns! This is plenty of space. Weyrmatings are a great reason to have a party! I'll help you if you want." Her eyes are quite sparkling now - with Ben besides her, admitting they're a couple, and the thought of helping with a weyrmating party! She loves the idea! "By the way, I can bring you the skin over any time. Just let me know when you have time. And as far as being a dragonhealing student, I'd love to get some classes from you... when you have time that is..."

B'neron's eyes cloud over for a second, and then the bronzerider sits up straighter "Hephraeth just told Raj Om needs our help" he notes. He leans over to peck a kiss on Rina's lips quickly, and pushes out of his chair "Wingreports, and stuff I think, I better go see what she needs" he notes, excusing himself. "I'll be back soon enough though- I'll get Raj to let Mel know when we're done, Rins.." And the weyrlord grabs a few more meatrolls and heads for the doorway.

Rina waves as Ben leaves.

A few hours and the place hasn't changed. Except riders who were here eating before are now off on duties, and have been replaced by other riders who have returned from business. The weyrlord enters, looking slightly tired and ruffled. Perhaps his newly appointed weyrsecond had more work for him than expected. "Klah klah klah klah.." Ben chants, heading for the sidetables.

Rina is drinking klah and feeding her firelizard, Snickers, some of her meatrolls. She's back in the caverns again after visiting with K'chiko in her weyr, though she looks like she hasn't moved because she's sitting in the same place. Her klah mug has recently been refilled and she seems awfully hungry... She looks a bit distracted as she stares at her swirling klah...

B'neron collects his drink and turns about, gaze obviously seeking out someone. "Rins.." he calls out as he spots her and he beelines for the greenrider. "Sorry that took so long, but Om had all these reports and they didn't make sense and then one of our wingriders had this problem and...eh, nevermind" He grins, pulling up a chair beside her. "You been here that whole time?"

Rina chuckles, "I thought you'd have less work to do now that you have an assistant!" She says, pretending to be upset at his absence. She pouts a little and startles when Snickers is impatient about the slow delivery of the food and jumps on the table and proceeds to steal a meatroll right off of her plate. "Hey!"

B'neron purses his lips "Well Om's still gettin used to it all, Rina.." he says, making reasonable excuses for why he was so long away. It's the pout that's done it. Snickers gets his attention too, and soon has the weyrlord grinning "Aww he's just hungry. And probably jealous you're not payin' him all the attention now.." He picks up a meatroll, takes a small bite and offers the rest to the firelizard.

Snickers greedily snatches the offered meatroll from the bronzerider and hops off the table. He really does know his mannors, but was upset at Rina for ignoring him. Rina hugs Ben, "I was just teasing you, Bennie! I know she has a lot to learn, and you are the only one who can teach her. I'd offer to help if I could, but I doubt there's anything I can do." She watches the exchange between Ben and Snickers. "Ben, don't let him fool you, he's been begging for several candlemarks now... I can't believe he can still get in another mouthful! There were two young men here earlier that were feeding him until his stomach bulged!" She chuckles and looks at her firelizard, who now looks hurt that his begging has been foiled...

B'neron laughs "Oh we'll let him get so fat he won't be able to fly eh?" he notes, "But young men? What young men? I didn't miss another meeting did I?" the weyrlord mildly panics "Man, coz I don't want the weyrwoman yellin' at me again this sevenday.." He shrugs a hand through his blonde hair, and takes a breath before turning his gaze on the greenrider "Or were these men bothering you?" He's the last of the knights in shining armour.

Rina shakes her head and laughs. "Yes, he'd certainly let himself get that fat! He thinks he has begging down to an art!" She turns and looks at Ben with wide eyes and chuckles, "No, you didn't miss a meeting, nor were they bothering me. Though the older one was kind of cute." She laughs. "They were just boys, teenagers. They found out that there was 'all you can eat' leftovers and came to fill up. You know how young boys eat! They were fascinated by Snickers, so spent a bit of time asking me how to get and take care of firelizards." She is flattered by his jealousy or chivalry - whichever it really was...

B'neron grins, reassured "Ah, cute's ok. Long as they were'nt like dashing or handsome, coz not even my knot can beat that..." he teases, fingers rubbed against his knee to get rid of meatroll crumbs. The bronzerider leans back in his chair with a tired huff "These guys gonna stay on here then? Should tell someone if they do, we'll get 'em workin or whatever.." he doesn't seem too much fuss about it though, as he reaches out to smooth a tendril of hair behind Rina's ear.

Rina taking a rather large bite of her meatroll, she then throws the rest to the roly-poly flit that is now on the floor. She seems to be about as hungry as a teenage boy, now that she has mentioned how much they eat. She puts it off as 'I didnt eat lunch today'. Though she really had... As Ben touches her hair, she turns to him with a smile, no longer with a full mouth of meatroll. "One of the boys looks very strong, I think he'd be a great asset. The other looks a bit shifty to me, but I'm sure there's plenty to do for him as well!" She chuckles, then looks to the door for a second, then back. "Mel tells me that she and Raj want to go swimming. I told her it was OK to go to the lake." She smiles at Bennie. "You interested in following them? I'd love to go into the hot springs?"

"I'll get them checked out then, speshilly that shifty one.." Ben notes before nodding eagerly "Oh yeah, sure let's go for a soak..as long as those two don't expect me to do any scrubbing or buffing today, I really don't feel like it." The bronzerider pushes out of his chair, and steps back, waiting for Rina to rise aswell "Do you need to go back to your place and get your swimming gear?"

Rina grins, "Yeah, I think they'll both be useful. I'll send Rolo to get my swim stuff... he's good at that and likes to be helpful, unlike Snickers, here who'd rather just eat! And it's a good thing for Mel that Rolo and Snickers both love to bathe with her and scratch her where she can't reach." She chuckles, stuffing another meatroll into her mouth. "I dont' know why, but I'm /really/ hungry today." She says offhanded, semi-worried about what she and the healer were talking about, but she declined a pregnancy test, at least for now. She stands, throwing a few more meatrolls in her bag, in case she gets hungry later.

B'neron drops his arm loosely around the greenriders waist "Alright, Raj says he'll wait outside for us, so let's go..." And he steers Rina gently around the table "But if you keep eatin', well I think you'd look so cute all chubby.." he jokes, pinching her hip lightly. "I'll just start eating loads to catch up and no-one will notice."

Rina pokes Ben back, "That is soo sweet of you to say!" She hugs him around the waist. "Let's go."

[RinaChat] Rina: ok... onto the hotsprings... :)

[RinaChat] B'neron follows

Rina walks into the Hotspring area and points at the little Brown firelizard there, with Rina's swimsuit in his grasp. "See, I told you that he was good at that!" She says, grinning. She takes the suit from him and holds it open. When she notices the holes where the talons were grasping the suit, she groans. "Well, I've never had him fetch clothing before."

B'neron follows the greenrider around the path. "Oh still he's pretty good trained like that..." and he leans over to inspect the talon rips "You might need a new suit made though.." The bronzerider is quick to begin unlacing his shoes and casting them aside "So are you gonna do some lessons with K'chi then instead of all the way at Igen?" Now the weyrlord unbuttons his shirt and tosses it haphazardly over his shoulder "Coz that'd be good, K'chi's real smart and stuff.."

Rina follows Ben's lead and begins to remove her outerwear as well. "Yeah, but at least these rips aren't in any key areas.. I'll still wear it for today, but I'd better get a new one." Since he's seen all there is to be seen, she's not too shy about changing in front of him. As she pulls on the suit, the rips tend to all be on her torso, some rather close to some sensitive areas, most not. She nods, "Yep, K'chiko's offered me to take some dragonhealing classes with her. Since I'm a Healer Sr. Appy, the classes won't be much different." She grins up at Ben, "I"m only a few classes, and a project, away from a promotion to Journeywoman! I know it takes a long time to get promoted, but it's been 4 turns... and yeah, it'll be nice to stay in the weyr. I like working with K'chiko. she really knows her stuff." She doens't mention that she'll be staying here and not :betweening: just in case K'chiko and Alisha were right...

B'neron has stripped down just to glaringly red striped undershorts. "You're way too smart for me, Rins, a journeywoman huh?" He's impressed and seems almost proud as he just watches the greenrider for a short moment. "Won't you have to like teach other people when you're journeywoman and like...journey to places?" He's never been craft oriented, so he doesn't know. Ben inches towards the pool, and dunks a toe in..which turns into both feet being plonked into the water quickly.

Rina chuckles, "Me? Smart? No, I work hard. You're the weyrlord who is working incredibly hard keeping this place running right! And as a Journeywoman, I can be posted here, to have dragonhealing as my specialty. I'll still have to travel to take more classes or teach, but mostly I'll be right here. I talked to some of the ranking healers about that, and since I'm a rider anyways, they've OK'd my posting to Telgar Weyr, once I'm a Journeywoman. I still have to pick a topic for my project though..." She starts to get into the water as well, feet first, getting used to the water. "Ahhhh, this is so nice. I love coming here." She had noticed the cute red striped undershorts. "Especially when the view is so nice." She looks up at him and grins. She's trying to build up her confidence to tell him she's worried...

B'neron laughs "Oh don't look at my shorts, Rins, I need some new plain ones don't I!" Ben colours slightly, before he sinks right in, water lapping at his chest as he sits on the low steps beneath the surface at the side of the springs. "What kinda topic would you have to do a project on?" He asks, changing subject from shorts easily. He's clueless to anything else Rina may want to discuss, really. The bronzerider leans back, shoulders rolling out the cricks "Hey I heard the miners saying they could pipe hot spring water to my weyr real easy.."

Rina giggles, "I like your shorts! This is certainly the place to wear the fancy ones!" Eyes sparkling in mischief and humor, she scoots herself over so that she's sitting next to him. "Hmm, I haven't thought of a topic right yet. I think it'll do with dragons, because that is goign to be my specialty, but I'm not sure. " She bites her lip, trying to find an opportunity... "Wow, they could? That would really be great! To have a hotspring in your quarters! I'd never leave!" She laughs nervously.

B'neron grins, an arm squeezing around the greenrider's shoulders. It's just comfy. "And I figure I'm Weyrlord so they won't say no to building it for me either.." he notes, voice lazy. The bronzerider sideglances at Rina "I'll talk to 'em tomorrow 'bout it then. Big enough for Raj to soak in too.." Which may take up the entire weyr of course. But he doesn't notice if the greenrider seems a bit jumpy at all. Go cluelessness!

Rina figits with her fingers, and starts to bite her lips some more. "That sounds great Ben." Sounding really distracted, she finally takes a deep breath. "Bennie, do you remember what K'chiko said earlier? I mean what Alisha told her?" She looks up at Ben, glad his arm is around her, giving her the comfort to keep going. "I'm not entirely sure that they were joking." Not knowing how much he knows about the whole pregnancy process, she looks up worriedly at him. "It is possible that I'm pregnant." She looks down now, unsure of how he'll react, but doens't want to see disappointment on his face...

"Huh?" Ben, though his arm is still around the greenrider's shoulders, is now sitting up very straight and to attention "It's not possible Rina, is it? Oh shells, shells and shells, Rins..." he says in a rush of words. But the bronzerider wrinkles his nose, takes a deep breath, and stares at the greenrider "It is?"

Rina nods, "It's possible. I'm late. I've been late before though... stress and all, so I'm not entirely sure." She feels the stiffening of hte arm around her. "And I've never been pregnant before. I talked to K'chiko and she reminded me not to ::between:: unless I dont want the baby. She offered me to do a pregnancy test, but I wasn't ready. What do you think?" She looks up, but at his shoulder, not his face, not daring to look there yet. "How would you feel if I was?"

B'neron just shrugs, and starts babbling "I don't know Rins, I mean we're young and I'm so not the father type and I'm weyrlord and we're not weyrmated and kids are noisy and you'd get all uncomfortable and you should be doing your project and I don't know if I'm really ready for kids and I'm not ready and I'm repeating myself..." the bronzerider rubs a wet hand over his face. "Maybe you're just stressed, hey, Rina, that's all, nothing's wrong with you, they shouldn't have worried you.." Probably not the best speech to reassure the greenrider at all.

Rina nods, "Being young parents is best, though for kids. You need your strength to keep up with them. /I/ think you are the father type! I've seen you playing with the weyrkidlets. Being a father isn't much different. The weyrmating isn't a problem, we can get weyrmated - like K'chiko and Ma'rx. They did it quickly and not many people knew at first. I know she's not pregnant, yet, but they are both happy." Looking down, she hopes that he doesn't notice the tears. She has always loved babies and is hoping she is going to have one. "There is always a chance that mating flights end up in pregnancies." She offers an ironic chuckle. "Maybe that's what I can do my project about. Do some research and get a percentage of riders who get pregnant during mating flights. I"ve been told by a lot of female green and gold riders that their lifemates somehow know when they are most fertile, and their cycles coincide."

B'neron clears his throat "But Rins...whoah...ok, whoah..." he notes, waving a palm up. The poor boy feels a little swamped and it shows as his throat gulps "first maybe a pregnancy and now we're getting weyrmated already? Rins...oh, man, don't get upset but...how come things can't stay the way they are now, this is good.." His hand waves around them "Isn't this good?" Mind you he's threaded his other arm away to worry a hand through his hair "I mean I know it's possible, but you want to move in right now? Today? Oh shells..." Gulp gulp.

Rina splashes some warm water on her face, so that the redness might be possibly mistaken for the warmth of the springs. Then she looks up at him. "I didn't say we had to be weyrmated. It was just a suggestion. I dont want to pressure you into something you don't want to do, especially when we're unsure. I'll wait another sevenday or so, and if nothing happens, I'll go talk to K'chiko." She looks around, "Yes, Ben, this is good. This is wonderful. Being here with you is great, and I don't mean to ruin it this way... but I had to tell you. This has been bothering me for at least a sevenday, and K'chiko convinced me that I had to tell you." Biting her lip to keep from crying, "I didn't mean for this to happen."

With a deep breath, the weyrlord gathers his wits (what there is of them then) "Rina" he says, puffing his breath out around the name "I know, it's not your fault at all, I'm...yeah shells, I'm sorry and I'm rooly awful.." He slides along to gather the greenrider against his side "Guess I'm not really yknow, used to these sorts of things comin' up and look at you.." Bennie peers down at her face "You're all upset and stuff, and I shouldda been askin' if you were ok not like, going mental.." And he even manages a less-than-shocked smile.

Rina goes from hugging her arms around herself to wrapping her arms around Ben as he moves closer to her. She sniff-nervously laughs, "I'm not used to this either! I certainly wasn't planning it. My first thought about it was when Alisha teased me... that was before I was late. Then, when K'chiko teased me, it just threw me for a loop! I was wondering if, well, maybe there was some way to tell just by /looking/ at someone. I know that there isnt'... but at that time I thought she was looking at me and just /knew/." She lays her head on his shoulder, looks at him then notices his smile. "I guess I"m OK for now... but I think I'll be crazy until I know. I'd like to be... but I'd like not to be too!" Not enough to go ::between:: and abort, as one rider suggested though. She'd never do that unless he really wanted to.

B'neron reassuringly squeezes the greenrider "I didn't look at you and think well..." he's back to nervously gulping. "Ah, couldn't you find out sooner? Do that test K'chi reckons? Coz if you are then...shells, do I have to think about that yet till you know?" It's as if the weyrlord doesn't want to tread a path needlessly, and he fidgets where he sits awkwardly. "And I don't reckon I'd be a good weyrmate...ahh..." Since their being honest he brings it up "..not yet anyway, Rins, I'm rooly sorry, s'that mean and horrible right? I dunno.."

Rina shakes her head, "K'chiko says the test won't show much of anything unless I'm almost 3 or 4 sevendays late, and I'm only 1 now. We'll have to wait." Of course, the waiting will be much harder on her than on him! "So dont' worry about it, as soon as I know anything, I'll let you know. It's probably because I'm all stressed out with the healing classes, and going back and forth from Igen." She chuckles, "I'm not sure I'd be a good weyrmate either... I've never shared a weyr, but I do know it is nice when we wake up together in the morning!" She coyly grins at him, remembering the times that they did just that. Putting her hand over his fidgity one, she smiles. "No matter what, it'll be ok."

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