Booh o.ó!!Algunos datos más sobre la web o.o
Name: Zazu Torque Arisugawa
Age: 16 (ia casi 17 ¬-¬U)
Gender: Grrl
Country: México
Preferences: J-Pop/Rock, Fanfiction, Books, Manga, Anime, Webdesign, School and Lala Grape Juice ^_^
E-Mail: [email protected]
Messenger: [email protected]
In this moment is Edge of Soul in my ears o.o.
Algunos datos más sobre Nerabie
Name: Neko An Rabie (Nerabie)
Age: 2 years or more o.o
Layout: Endless Rain
Name: I love this song :P
Character: Horo Horo (i love Horo Horo ¬w¬)- Shaman King.
More: Blue, black and white. Some of my favorite colors :3
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