Solid Bucks
Tune's Brutus
Main Herd Buck
Audrey's Sarge x WW Kavi
Wow, does this boy have genes! He is related to some of todays finest Hollands. Some of his finer known siblings are:
Tune's Brett, BOB '99 Conv. youth and 1st SSB open '00 Conv, Tune's Adrian BOV '02 open nationals broken, and Tune's Darlena, BOSV broken '00 nationals youth. This line is incredible and Brutus is proving himself worthy of calling himself a relative!
He has sired NE"s Charmin, 1st BJB '02 conv youth, as well as some of my top breeding and show bucks NE's Chipper and NE"s Brock. He remains today a great buck in the rabbitry, I owe all my success to him, thanks Alena!
Proud Ear's Teddy
PE Tobias x PE Starla
Wow! What a boy! Teddy has proved himself as quite the show rabbit! He granded easily in one show season, which is pretty good for me, since I dont attend all that many shows!Ted is a sweet buck, with tremendous bone and a giant head. He has a few litters on the floor now, and I'm extremely excited.
North East's Brock
Tune's Brutus x North East's Lily

After staying home for almost the entire 2002 show year, Brock is looking forward to hitting the tables next spring. He proved himself as quite the sire this year, with his highlight daughter placing 4th BJD at convention (Tallie is now living in Kansas). People generally love brock because of the fact that he has absolutely no length in his shoulder, something I always work hard to achieve.
Brandan's _____
Cowan's Brandan x Cowans ?
This is an absolutely adorable buck that I was convinced to purchase (actually that i was convinced to allow sarah to with the idea that he will be visiting does at Sandy River Rabbitry (links page) and here at North East. Hes got fantastic bone, and an INCREDIBLE body. I think he'll fit in just fine here :-) His father was one of Maines top Hollands a few years back, and he looks similar, so lets keep the good traits goin...Thanks Jessica and Sarah!

North East's Lestat
North East's Brock x North East's Alias

I LOVE THIS BUCK! He has been shown a total of 5 times and won the SJB class ALL FIVE TIMES! He has nice bone, a round short smooth body and a large head. He should continue to do well on the tables and his mother is due with a repeat of this cross! He looks a lot like his dad with more bone, dont you think? :-)
Lestat's junior pic is still on the juniors page...
PE/NE's Coal
Townsend's Klaus x PE Etta

5th SJB '02 Convention
This buck is really looking good lately. Although he hasnt been able to beat Lestat this year, hes won the SSB class a few times which is simply amazing due to his young age. He placed 5th at convention in a large and competitive SJB class (the 1st place winner went on to win BOS) at only 4 months of age and in molt.
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