e.e Still around 11. More about 11:30 now though. My eyes are too blurry to see the computer screen... *laughs ruefully* Yadda yadda yadda- as before. Need any help? Midi Tutorial ready and open for service!!



Moon Revenge: This is taken from Sailor Moon R- the movie. The first time I saw the movie, I was on the edge of my seat. OH NO!! What's Usagi gonna do??? I mean- sure Fiore is a tad messed up, but don't KILL him!!! *cry, howl, stuffs her face with popcorn...* But seriously folks, ^_^ This is a really cool midi.

Melody: I'm sure most of you have heard this SM classic. If not, give it a looksie.

Mirage: This is one heck of a song. How DO they stuff all of that into a singel midi?? x.X

Rainy Day Man: Even though I have a TON of other versions of this song, this is my fave. ^_^ Yet ANOTHER SM classic. Where do I get these things???

Moon Locket- 2: Yeah yeah, I know- I have a few versions of it. I just like the song, Ok???

Oh Starry Night: This is a must for any page dealing with Rei. I love this song...^_^
Romance: Another Piano solo, this is an absolute must see. I'm sorry, but I do love a piano solo...

La Soldier: Full of beautiful melodies, guitar, bass- I'm sure I heard a few drums in there- this song is da . I mean it.

Fire Soul: If life had a sound track, this'd be Sailor Mars'. One heck of a song!!! I loved everything about it.

Negaverse: For the Beryl in us all. ^_^

Abra Cadabra: Steve Miller's classic, I know it's an oldie- but a goody. If you've NEVER heard this song- *which you probably have* Then you should.

Eternal Sailor Moon: uh- er. What else can I say about this song? ^_^;; I'm at a loss.

Amazoness: This song is absolutely kawaii! You MUST check it out.

Don't Tease My Dreams: This made me wanna get up and dance. It's really cool- enjoy it, and MAMBO!!!!

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