The birth of the Civil War: Part 2

The provinces were willing to talk. A conference was set up for April 11th-14th, 1370. Tran Redskin, Native ambasador, and Darren Van Allen, both sat down to talk peace. Talks went smoothly, but no deal was finalized. There were still more details to hammer out.

The next conference was set up for August 20th-24th, 1370. Proceedings went smoothly... untill the last day. One of Van Allen's ministers made a rascist remark about the Natives, and it quickly made the rounds. Tran Redskin ended the conference right then and there and stormed off.

Natives again took to the streets in protest; some minor violence in several cities occured.

Eastern Natives weren't that mad at the government; they actually got along with them. Western Natives saw their lands being raped and pillaged, and their rights slipping away. This was far from the truth. Queen Magnolia tried to set the record straight many times but her words fell on deaf ears. (Some thought of her as a government sympathizer and as having been bought off. This wasn't true either.)

One thing that was true was that the Natives were martialing their forces; they had built a sizable army which they said was "to protect Neptunia's western borders." Van Allen new this wasn't true, but said nothing in order to keep the fragile peace together.

One last peace conference was set up for January 16th-20th, 1371.

Darren Van Allen and several of his ministers, and the Vice PM (nick-named the 'Fathers'), came out to Woodstock, Kanata, on the shores of Lake Freedom, to finally hammer out a peace deal. Van Allen wanted to end the violence and create peace between the Western Natives and the rest of the country. Darren Van Allen had everything to loose.

Van Allen truly was in a tight spot, but it looked as though peace was finally on the horizon. On the second-to-last day of the conference, Native ambasador Tran Redskin and Darren Van Allen were about to sit down to business after lunch when Native and Reform MP Travis Morrison opened fire on the conference. Redskin was killed outright; Two of his aids were injured. Three Reform MPs were killed and two others were wounded.

Morrison was shot dead by guards, but too little, too late.

When the dust had settled, the Reformers knew that shit had hit the fan. The Natives retreated quickly, and the Reform camp fell back to an abandoned Woodstock hospital.

Native sympathiseres gathered outside the hospital, and even started shooting at it! Reform security started to fight back, and several people died that night in the gun fight. Within days, the Native provinces decided they'd had enough and succeeded from the country. Seven other provinces joined them. There was a clear divide in the country, and almost 1/3 of it was on the other side.

The succeeded provinces declared war on the Reform Government within a week and the war was on.

Part 1 The Outcome of the Civil War


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