*The Origin Of…Britney Spears…* taken from Inspirational Poems

Deep in the valley,
In the middle of a lake,
On a dirty, smelly, rotty delta
There lived twenty cows and an ennuch…
These were special cows…
And the ennuch was a a special ennuch…
Each day, the cows would go to the Cowschool where they learned how to milk themselves.
The ennuch would read Playgirl and drool over glossy pages.
When the cows returned, they would all play house
The ennuch was happy but sad…
He felt like a father of lead and was consumed by a cold fire…the fire to scratch his butt
The cows would not let him!
"Your hands are gonna get dirty if you scratch that turd-filled butt of yours…"
"Oh pleeeeeeeeese! Let me scratch my butt!", the enuch wailed in a pitiful wail
"Nehi!" said the Indian cow
Suddenly, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, surprise, surprise!, appeared…Michael Jackson.
"Stop tormenting that poor girl-guy!" he bellowed, "or I'll punish you with the ultimate punishment!"
Most of the cows were scared; they did not want to be transformed into Michael Jackson (brrr…)
The Chief Cow continued to look threatening i.e. by pushing her teats forward and trying to look like Pamela Anderson …[music from a horror movie]
Seeing this, Michael Jackson sang and a horrible scene unfolded itself…
Slowly (but surely) Chief Cow became…Britney Spears!
Horrifies, all the cows began to scream and transformed themselves into sphincters…
The ennuch was happy, he could now scratch his butt
He fell in love with Michael Jackson and they lived as 'live mutilated people on TV' for ever and ever!

~Skye can certify that this is indeed a poem and is TRUE!~
~Skye can also certify that Blakette has been given in person permission by Shakespeare to use "cold fire" and "feather of lead"~
~ Skye can yet again certify that Blakette has no Psychiatric Hospital record~


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