

the Suit of Swords

The Suit of Swords is associated with the element of air, representing our mind and mental ability. Swords show how we think and reason, but can also be symbolic of strife or aggresive behavior, as these often start in the mind.

Ace Triumph Strength in spite of adversity, an indication that good will come.
2 Balance Stalemate, nothing can move or change, a situation of great tension
3 Sorrow Quarrels & conflict, stormy weather for relationships, tension released.
4 Seclusion A need for rest or retreat after stress of physical or emotional tension.
5 Defeat Pride must be swallowed, & limitations accepted, for progress to be made.
6 Passage A period of calm after great anxiety, release of tension, smoother waters.
7 Opposition A need for evasion & avoidance of confrontation to reach an objective.
8 Indecision A fear of moving out of a situation of bondage, paralysis, a no win situation.
9 Nightmare A time in which the mind is tormented by fears of impending doom.
10 Ruin The end of a painful situation or state, an ability to see a situation realistically.
Page Ideas Beginnings of intellectual development; gossip may cause disruption.
Knight Ingenuity Gemini ~ A fascinating & disruptive individual; alertness & sudden change.
Queen Independence Aquarius ~ A strong, idealistic, aloof woman; immovable faith & high ideals.
King Intellect Libra ~ An intelligent, charming, high-principled person; logic & reasoning.
the Suit of Pentacles

The Suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of earth, representing our connection with the material world. Pentacles can indicate material gain and abundance, or they can represent difficulties with handling finances. Pentacles show the financial success or material gains you can develop in your life.

Ace Reward Material achievement is possible & financial aid for new enterprise.
2 Change Change & fluctuation in financial matters, harmony within the change.
3 Work Initial completion of work, structure is built, requires finishing touches.
4 Possessiveness Danger in clinging too tightly to what is earned. Nothing can be gained.
5 Anxiety Loss of finances & esteem, losing faith in oneself & in life.
6 Generosity Help from a generous friend or employer, good fortune is shared.
7 Frustration A difficult decision must be made, material security or new opportunities.
8 Craftsmanship The apprentice, training or starting out anew in another profession.
9 Abundance Great satisfaction & pleasure, reward for effort, & material benefits.
10 Protection Financial stability, a firm foundation for home & family.
Page Practicality Beginning awareness of material value; slow & patient development.
Knight Reliability Virgo ~ A gentle & hard-working young man; reliability & practicality.
Queen Good Fortune Taurus ~ A strong, sensual woman; self-sufficient yet generous.
King Pragmatism Capricorn~ An ambitious, successful individual; material self-confidence.


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