Casual Corner
Need I say More?
"I like punk that's poppy, not pop that's punky." Tristan Hale
"It's always easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission." Panther Dewart
My most special thanks goes out to my crew. First to the Liz Page whom spent at least an hour of her life checking the spelling and grammar of this page. Without her Nick D would have looked as stupid as a little known republician at a spelling bee. I also now know the difference between the "long I" and the "short I." Then I would like to thank Tim and E at the same time for giving me the inspiration and know how to do this...I love my crew...peace
"Punk's dead and fortunately it took a lot of punks to do it." David Hicks
"How long is your Long Island Ice Tea?" That's Nick D's favorite question to ask a bar tender.
"Cause there's so much more to life than the things that pass you by." The Gamits
Many people, girls and dudes alike, ask if the picture of me and of the over sized light saber (now located in the vault) is to compensate for something I lack. But I understand that secretly inside they all only wished they knew.  If you know what I mean?
One of the most truthful songs of all time is Bush's x-Girlfriend. The whole song is a fast paced simple chord progression and the only words are "you only call me when you you're down" It also has a cow mooing sound as the back up
Did you know?�If you type "Nick Dewart" (and you need the quotation marks, thanks Scooter for pointing that out) into the google search engine you will come up with some of my embryonic attempts at writing? We�ll come on check it out.
"The only people with perfect kids are the ones that don't have any." My grandmother Jackie Machetta
"Love is another word for regret." N.F.G.
The most important thing I learned in N.Y. was how to take a picture, talk on my cell phone and get pick pocketed all at the same time.
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