Yahoo! Geocities
Geocities helped out NortheastPark by being our webhosting company. We are very thankful for geocities for keeping NortheastPark up for over 4 years!!! Visit the geocities site for us!
They provide great web designing tools and give you great amount of web space!
Free Java Chat
Free Java simply helped us out by supporting our Live Java Chatroom!  Need a chat, free java will help!
Pulse Poll
Pulse Poll is a small site that helps you customize your own personal polls for your webpages.
Soul of Hope ( Site is down )
Soul of Hope is a Multi-player online RPG.  You can fight monsters,
join clans, collect items, chat with people from around the world,
and so much more!
This game is hosted by a NEP friend please support him when his site is back up!
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