She changes everything she touches, and...
...Everything she touches changes.  'She' is the goddess, the earth, the ocean, the changing moon, and each and everyone one of us.

She is the Feminine divine, the Source of all life, the Mother of time. She is the creative force in the universe personified. Her forms are as many and as divergent as the stars themselves, and her names have changed with time, culture and locality.

What use is she to modern society? What could be the possible appeal of an ancient figure in a modern world? The answer is simple, she is all that we have lost and seek to regain.

In the Goddess we find the voice of women, and the emotions of men, both lost to time and 'civilization.' Through her we can reclaim and heal, becoming whole and at the same time, coming home.

The alchemy of life is growth and change... here is her secret, "everything she touches changes" Life is never constant without becomming stagnant. Our lives are no exception.

   Her lessons are often difficult, sometimes painfull, always rewarding. We must 'grow' like the living things we are. When we are our most secure, our most sure and our most comfortable, there is the largest risk of losing our way, the greatest danger of becoming rigid.

   Learn to challenge yourself, learn to stretch and question. Become change. The divine paradox is this: the more we change the more we become our true, individual self.

        Blessed Be
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