Cross patch, draw the latch...sit by the fire and spin.
Take a cup, and drink it up...
and call the 'neighbors' in...
...the neighbors, the wee folk, fey. Genus loci; spirits of a place, and too, of all places. They are giggles from the  shadows, flickering on the very edge of vision. Insatiably curious and impossibly shy, they are merry makers, and mischief makers, masters of the dance and rulers of the dew touched meadows.

We may try our entire lives, and never catch a glimpse of them, and still... in our childhood hearts, we are certain they exist.  We can hear their music, when the night is still and our daily thoughts are quiet. We can feel their watchfull eyes, peeking from behind folliage, we sense their presence.

Entice them with a treat, a tune, a story. . . feign disinterest and resist the temptation to look too closely. wait, reinvent patience and wait some more...  and above all, if you would seek them, never forget how to play.
Sacred Play
The world of the faeries is one of magick based on sacred 'play.' Most faery tricks and much of their mischief is seen (by them -at least) to be a game... no matter ito the faery if the target knows this , but AS the target, the attitude of play can do much to improve relations.

Faeries love the arts, music, dance poetry. They live for enchanting food and drink, sparkling fabrics and fantastic costumes. There is no place in this for one who cannot let go and experience the playfull joy that they inspire.

Their rules are different, by far, than ours, and I must say, subject to change at a whim. (see tricksters for more info) If you wish to touch their lives, learn to bounce back, flex greatly, and remember...nothing is so important that it cannot be made foolish.

Happy Games-
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