Policy and Procedures of Nephrology Unit




1. Mission

2. Vision

3. Organizational Chart

4. Committee frame of reference

5. Scope of service

6. Departmental organizational chart

7. Annual Plan

8. Departmental Organizational Goals

9. Internal policy and procedures of HD:

10. Job description

11. Employee manual

12. Orientation program

13. Performance improvement program

14. Quality management plan

15. Incident reporting form

16. Clinical review system

17. Medical records

18. Admission and discharge criteria

19. Admission consent form

20. Consent for operations and procedures

21. Infection control plan

22. Safety plan

23. Information management plan

24. Medical staff Bylaws

25. Emergency Plan




1. Mission

1.1 Mission statement:

We exist to prevent deterioration of kidney functions as much as we can, and to make the quality of life for patients suffering from end stage renal failure much better.

1.2 Major role:

Perform urgent dialysis.       

1.3 Customers:

Patients who need nephrology care in:

1.3.1 Patients admitted allover the hospital especially ICU.

1.3.2 Patients coming from home for regular dialysis.

1.3.3 Patients in OPD & ER.

1.3.4 Visitors performing Hajj and Umrah.

1.4 Activities:

                1.4.1 Manage nephrology cases during the daily round.

1.4.2 Do urgent dialysis, either hemo or peritoneal.

1.4.3 Do regular hemodialysis.

1.4.4 Evaluating patients in ER.

1.4.5 Follow-up of patients after discharge in OPD.

1.4.6 Participate in continuous medical education program of the hospital.

1.5 Finance:

Almost all the needed equipments and materials are supplied by MOH. Few items are supplied by donation.


2. Vision

After 5 years, we hope our unit will:

                   2.1 have 15 HD machines.

                   2.2 have 1 Haemofiltration & plasmapheresis machine.

                   2.3 have 1 CAVH machine.

                   2.4 have a consultant nephrologist.


2.5 have 2 more nephrologists.

                   2.6 have 2 more residents.

                   2.7 have 6 more dialysis technicians.

                   2.8 Expand working hours to 16 hours/day.


3. Organizational Chart

3.1 Manpower:

Hospital director

Medical director

Head of Nephrology

Consultant nephrologist (if any)

Nephrology specialists (older is senior)

Residents (older is senior)

Head technician

Dialysis technicians (older is senior)

3.2 Dialysis machines:

                3.2.1 by brand:             8 Fresinius & 2 Dialogue

                    3.2.2 by infection:         4 for hepatitis C

                                                         1 for HIV

                                                         2 for Unknown serology

                                                         3 for Negative


4. Committee frame of reference

4.1 The unit is under the technical supervision of the general supervisor of nephrology centers in the holy capital.

4.2 All the doctors of the unit attend the monthly meeting of Jeddah Nephro Club.

4.3 Annual report is sent to Saudi Council of Organ Transplant (SCOT).



5. Scope of service

It is to give the nephrological care for patients in the area belonging to the hospital and for patients in Mena which is very near to our hospital and so crowded in Hajj.

       5.1 Customers:

5.1.1 Internal customers: they are all inpatients in all clinical departments who need nephro care. Cooperation with all other specialties is essential.

5.1.2 External customers: they are:

·        Patients on regular HD.

·        Patients for follow up in OPD after discharge.

·        Patients referred from other OPDs.

·        Patients referred from primary health care centers.

5.2 Demography of customers: see monthly and annual statistics.

5.3 Outline: our unit offers nephrological support for all patients who need this service and eligible for that. If a patient needs a service which is not available in our unit, we refer him to Al-Noor Specialist Hospital.

5.4 Hours of service provision: daily from 7:30 Am to 8:00 Pm we have doctors and nurses. From 8:00 Pm to 7:30 Am we have on-duty nurse and on-call doctor. Week end is covered by on-call doctors and nurses only.

5.5 Service providers: we have one nephrologist (HOD), 2 residents, and 6 dialysis technicians.

5.6 Equipments:

·        10 HD machines

·        7 electrical beds

·        1 crash cart

·        1 ECG machine


·        6 sphygmomanometers

·        1 vital signs monitor

·        2 pulse ox meter

·        Stethoscopes

·        2 electronic weighing machines

·        Water treatment system with 2 chillers

·        Personal computer

5.7 Interdepartmental relationships:

5.7.1 Departments we help: all clinical departments specially ICU. Discussion with other colleagues in those departments is case dependant.

5.7.2 Departments we depend on: our work depend on laboratory work and radiology work to a great extent. Discussion and follow up with both departments is very good but is irregular according to needs. We have a written protocol with laboratory regarding chemistry forms and serology forms.


6. Departmental organizational chart

Dr. Hamdy Mehelba

Dr. Mohammad Hassan Abbass

Dra. Safaa Abdulwahed

Tec. Abdurrahman Arrezqi

Tec. Abdulla Oioony

Tec. Hemdan Al-Ossaimy

Tec. Nazma Shaheen

Tec. Hossa Makki

Tec. Warda Saraby




7. Annual Plan

At the end of the year after the hajj season, we do the following:

7.1 Collect the monthly statistics and spKt / V, and do the statistics for the year.

7.2 Analyze the statistics of the last 2 years.

7.3 Determine the plan of the coming year regarding unit’s need of manpower, equipment, supply and any other needed system.


8. Departmental Organizational Goals

8.1 Increase the manpower.

8.2 Increase the HD machines.

8.3 Have more advanced equipment.

8.4 Working all together as teamwork.


9. Internal policy and procedures of HD:

After taking dialysis consent, taking vital signs of patient, and weighing patient if possible:-

9.1 Insertion of a central venous catheter:

9.1.1 Policy:

It is to have a temporary vascular access for hemodialysis quickly, safely, and totally aseptic.

9.1.2 Equipment:

2 catheter sets, table, 4 sterile sheets, sterile gauze, wide plaster tape, alcohol, Iodine, sterile gloves as 2 per operator, sterile gowns as one per operator, masks, 2 eye shields,  2 sterile forceps, 5 syringes of size 10 and 20 cc, 2 syringes of 5cc size, 2 pointed scalpels, scalpel handle, needle holder, stitch 02, xylocaine 1% IV, heparin, Saline, kidney basin, sterile

scissor, sterile bone-cutting forceps, tubes for blood specimens(CBC, chemistry, APTT, and serology), and  investigation forms.

9.1.3 Procedure: All staff put on their gowns, masks, gloves…..etc.

          Disinfection by iodine then alcohol.

          Insertion according to medical rules.


          Dressing. Check position and rule out complications by X-ray for jugular and subclavian catheters. Connect the patient to previously prepared dialysis machine.

9.2 Insertion of fistula needles:

9.2.1 Policy:

Insertion for regular dialysis with safety and asepsis.

9.2.2 Equipment:

2 fistula needles 16 gauge, sterile gauze, alcohol, iodine for grafts, 3 syringes 20 cc, saline, heparin, plaster tape, sergicell, 2 non sterile gloves, hand disinfectant, 1 sterile sheet, and 1 absorbing sheet.

9.2.3 Procedure:

          Wear your glove, mask, eye shield if needed.

          Disinfect puncture site.

          If patient request, give xylocaine first.

          Insert the difficult needle first. Insert the other needle more than 3 cm distant from the first. Remember to change site of insertion regularly. Ensure good flow of both needles. Fix them firmly for safe free movement of patient’s arm. Connect the patient to dialysis.

9.3 Terminating dialysis session:

                   9.3.1 Slow blood pump to 50 ml/min.

9.3.2 Start termination carefully, avoid any air to pass to patient.

9.3.3 Remove needles and apply wise compression of puncture sites. Don’t stop compression till bleeding stops. Use sergicell if needed. Call doctor if needed.

                   9.3.4 Record post dialysis vital signs.

                   9.3.5 Check post dialysis body weight and record it.

                   9.3.6 Always keep friendly with the patient.


10. Job description

All staff in the unit must have BCLS & ACLS certificate.

10.1 Head of the unit:

10.1.1 Qualifications:

consultant or specialist registered nephrologist.

10.1.2 Skills:

medical, administrative, leading, planning and ethical.

                   10.1.3 Link:

to medical director.

                   10.1.4 Duties:

                    Plans, coordinate, directs all unit activities.

                    Determine policy and procedures of the unit. Determines and follows up unit needs regarding equipments, supply and manpower.

                    Assigns doctors in different sites of the work.

                    Works for unit improvement and development. Participates in committees related to the unit work. Participates in medical management of patients and discussing it with other doctors. Supervises and participate in Continuous medical education program.

                    Evaluating unit’s doctors. Supervising quality management and infection control programs in the unit. Reporting regular statistics to medical director. Do his duty as consultant or specialist nephrologist.

10.2 Consultant Nephrologist:

                   10.2.1 Qualifications:

as by MOH.

10.2.2 Skills:

Excellent medical knowledge, communication, developing and improving.

                   10.2.3 Link:


                   10.2.4 Duties:

                    Managing all patients medically.

                    Supervising and training juniors.

                    Replying consultations from outside the unit. Planning and participating for medical education and training.

                    Sharing the on call system. Do whatever ordered from HOD and related to his work and experience.



10.3 Specialist Nephrologist:

                   10.3.1 Qualifications:

as by MOH.

10.3.2 Skills:

Very good medical knowledge, communication, developing and improving.

                   10.3.3 Link:

Consultant nephrologist.

                   10.3.4 Duties:

                    Managing all patients medically.

                    Supervising and training juniors.

                    Replying consultations from outside the unit. Participate in planning for medical education and training.

                    Chairing the on call system. Insert Central venous catheters and difficult fistulas. Do whatever ordered from HOD or consultant and related to his work and experience.

10.4 Resident:

10.4.1 Qualifications:

as by MOH as a general practitioner and good experience in working in nephrology.

10.4.2 Skills:

Good medical knowledge, communication, developing and improving.

                   10.4.3 Link:

Specialist nephrologist.

                   10.4.4 Duties (all under specialist supervision):

                    Managing all patients medically. Supervising and training juniors and technicians.

                    Follow up of patients during HD. Participates in medical education and training.

                    Chairing the on call system and night duty. Insert Central venous catheters and difficult fistulas. Doing all medical reports and discharge summaries. Following all investigations. Do whatever ordered from his seniors and related to his work and experience.

10.5 Head Technician:

10.5.1 Qualifications:

As by MOH and very good experience of working in dialysis and has a leading skills.

10.5.2 Skills:

Administrative, leading, good English, operating HD machines, ability to fix minor machine problems, ability to mange usual HD complications and to give good nursing care.

10.5.3 Link:


10.5.4 Duties:

 Preparing HD machines for HD.

 Connecting patients to HD. Recording vital signs and managing patients during HD under supervision of doctors. Executing doctor’s orders. Obeying safety and infection control rules. Do whatever ordered from his seniors and related to his work and experience. Maintains the supply of his unit and plan for what is needed with HOD. Organizing technicians to fulfill the work requirements, supervising and teaching them.

10.6 Dialysis technician:

                   10.6.1 Qualifications:

as by MOH.

10.6.2 Skills:

Good English, operating HD machines, ability to fix minor machine problems, ability to mange usual HD complications and to give good nursing care.

10.6.3 Link:

To his seniors.

10.6.4 Duties:

 Preparing HD machines for HD.

 Connecting patients to HD. Recording vital signs and managing patients during HD under supervision of doctors. Executing doctor’s orders. Obeying safety and infection control rules. Do whatever ordered from his seniors and related to his work and experience.


11. Employee manual

We don’t have a separate manual but we plan to create it. Currently, employer can use the hospital employee manual. New staff can get the information they need from the head of department verbally and they have to read our policy booklet.


12. Orientation program


Aim: It is to introduce the new comer either an employee or a visitor to the unit and prepare the new employee to join the team.


For visitors:

1.    HOD introduces himself to the visitor.

2.    HOD introduces the doctors, nurses to the visitor.

3.    HOD and head nurse accompany the visitor to show him the dialysis area, the water treatment system, the filing system and the administrative work.

For new employee:

1.    HOD introduces himself to the visitor.

2.    HOD introduces the doctors, nurses to the visitor.

3.    HOD and head nurse introduce the new comer to the patients.

4.    HOD and head nurse show him/her the water treatment system.

5.    One doctor will explain to him the utility of patient’s file.

6.    The new employee is given a copy of the unit’s policy and procedures, infection control policy, emergency plan and machines manual to read it and follow it.


13. Performance improvement program

13.1 On monthly basis: check the blood of the regular dialysis patients for certain parameters, through which we:

13.1.1 Adjust and modify the drug therapy of the individual patient.

13.1.2 Adjust and modify the dialysis prescription of the patient.

13.1.3 Estimate the efficacy of dialysis given to the patient through calculating spKt / V using a sophisticated formula by

computer. When we find patients had received dialysis of poor quality, we analyze the possible causes and try to correct it.

13.2 On monthly basis, check the dialysis water as follows:

                   13.2.1 for TDS.

                   13.2.2 Microbiologically for infectious hazards.

                   13.2.3 for metals and minerals.

13.3 On monthly basis, check the dialysate for correct sodium content and also for microbiology tests.


14. Quality management plan

14.1 Monthly spKt / V report is sent to quality management department.

14.2 Our target spKt / V is 1.2-1.8

14.3 Every 6 months, a form supplied by quality management department is filled and self-assessment is done.


15. Incident reporting form

15.1 The head technician records any important event daily in a log book for endorsement.

15.2 The incident report form for needle pricks is that of the hospital.





16. Clinical review system

16.1 Dialysis patients:

16.1.1 Daily check: vital signs, weight gain, general wellbeing, physical examination if any complaint.

16.1.2 Monthly check: CBC, full chemistry, Dry body weight, Patient’s medications. Modifications are to be done accordingly.

                   16.1.3 Other investigations: see patient’s file system.

16.2 OPD patients:

16.2.1 On first visit: history, examination, kidney function tests (KFTs).

16.2.2 On each visit: CBC, KFTs, modification of treatment if needed.

16.3 Admitted patients:

16.3.1 On first visit: history, examination, KFTs, renal sonogram, urinalysis, 24 hours urine and specific tests according to diagnosis.

16.3.2 Daily: systemic review, vital signs and KFTs (biochemistry), intake output chart, CVP.


17. Medical records

17.1 File system:

17.1.1 Inpatients will have the same file system of the hospital.

                   17.1.2 HD patients have a special file system (attached).

17.2 Medical reports:

                   17.2.1 Inpatients follow the hospital system.

                   17.2.2 HD patients: Brief report in Arabic. Detailed report in English for transplantation.

17.2.3 All reports should be requested by the patient through hospital administration.


18. Admission and discharge criteria

18.1 Admission criteria:

                   18.1.1 for inpatients:    same as hospital criteria.

                   18.1.2 for HD patients:

Admission is temporary for 5 hours per session, 3 times per week. Criteria are ESRD, eligibility, vascular access, haemodynamic stability.

18.2 Discharge criteria:

                   18.2.1 for inpatients: Stable kidney functions. Follow up plan: OPD, HD or cure with no follow up.

                   18.2.2 for HD patients: Completion of HD session.

                                                 Cessation of bleeding.

                                                 Stable vital signs.


19. Admission consent form

19.1 For inpatients: same as the hospital.

19.2 For HD patients: a special consent form (see file system).


20. Consent for operations and procedures

The same consent form for admission and procedures in the file system is to be signed by the patient and his relative. For irresponsible patients a hospital committee formed by medical director to decide the start of dialysis.




21. Infection control plan

21.1 General precautions:

As the hospital  infection control manual regarding hand washing, disposal of sharp objects, no recap of needles…..etc.

21.2 Specific precautions:

21.2.1 Hepatitis B patients to be dialyzed with a separate machine in a separate room.

21.2.2 HIV patients to be dialyzed with a separate machine in a separate room.

21.2.3 Hepatitis C patients to be dialyzed with separate machines. Separate room is advisable if available.

21.2.4 Negative patients should be dialyzed with separate machines, in a separate room if available.

21.2.5 Assigned technician should not handle other patients with different serology.

21.2.6 Dialysis technician should wear a separate glove for each patient.

21.2.7 Bed sheets and pillow covers should be changed and disinfected after termination of each patient.

21.2.8 Disinfection of the dialysis machine should be done as follows: Chemical disinfection of the inner tubing of the machine after each dialysis session using the machine manufacturer recommendations. Thermal disinfection of the machine at the end of the week. Disinfection of the outer surface of the machine using Clorox 10% except screen part by Alcohol after each use.




21.2.9 Water treatment and distribution systems used for the production of dialysis fluid shall be treated to remove bacterial and chemical contaminants and should be checked monthly and whenever necessary by hospital maintenance according to hospital policy and procedure.

21.2.10 All hepatitis B negative patients and staff should have Immunization according to medical rules.

21.2.11 Patient’s prick site should be disinfected with alcohol in fistulas and with Iodine for grafts.

21.2.12 Central venous catheters should be dealt with absolute aseptic technique and by a doctor if possible.

21.2.13 all personnel caring for dialysis patients shall understand the risk of infection transmission and take appropriate measure to prevent and control infection to and from patients and personnel.

21.2.14 all personnel involved in patient dialysis shall be educated and knowledgeable about the dialysis equipment including water treatment system and all disinfection and sterilization strategies which are necessary to prevent the transmission of infection before, after and during dialysis.

21.2.15 Disposable dialyzers and tubes should be used and discarded after each use.

21.2.16 Smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed inside the dialysis area.

21.2.17 Hands must be washed with chlorohexedine 4%.

21.2.18 anything in the dirty area beyond the imaginary dirty line should not move back to the clean area.

21.2.19 Barrier precautions: Disposable gloves should be worn by staff members when handling patients, body fluids or dialysis machine parts. Scrub suits and aprons should be worn at all time while working. Plastic visors should be worn to any procedure in which splashing of blood is likely to occur.

21.2.20 Cleaning procedures: Gloves should be worn for all cleaning procedure. Clean the outer surfaces of HD machine as mentioned before after HD session. Clean the entire dialysis environment with Clorox 1000 ppm at the end of the working hours. Wipe any blood and body fluids promptly using a Clorox using the special kit and maneuver. This must be done by the nurse himself.

21.2.21 disposal of trash and infectious waste appropriately, following the general hospital policy.

21.2.22 Hepatitis and similar infections prevention: All patients and staff should be screened for HBsAg and HBsAb, Anti HCV Ab, Hepa delta, HIV1,2, according to fixed policy: When they join to the unit to determine basic serologic status.

          Every three months. When they return to the unit after having HD elsewhere. Hepatitis B vaccine must be given to staff in the usual dose if found to be HBsAg negative and HBsAb negative/or low titer. Hepatitis B vaccine must be given to patients as medical rules for HD patients (double dose, 0,1,2,6) if found to be HBsAg negative and HBsAb negative/or low titer. New patients entering the unit with unknown serologic status are offered heamofiltration -if available and applicable- until two serology results one week apart are received before they are offered heamodialysis on the machine suitable to their serology. If heamodialysis is mandatory, those patients must be dialyzed on a dedicated machine for unknown serology patients only. Staff members who have HBsAb on two consecutive occasions at a level of at least 10 samples ratio units (SRU) need only to be tested for HBsAb annually to verify their immune status. If HBs Ab decreases to less than 10 SRUS or becomes undetectable, such persons shall be considered susceptible and be re-vaccinated.


22. Safety plan

22.1 Safety for patients:

                   22.1.1 Fire fighting equipments should be available.

                   22.1.2 Emergency plan (attached).

22.1.3 Infection control precautions as mentioned.

                   22.1.4 Use of modern machines which guarantee patients'


22.2 Safety for staff:

                   22.2.1 Fire fighting equipment.

                   22.2.2 Emergency plan.

                   22.2.3 Infection control.





23. Information management plan

23.1 Medical reports are given to information center of the hospital.

Other information about the work as a whole is given to hospital administration, general supervisor of kidney centers in the holy capital and the Saudi Council of Organ Transplant (SCOT).

23.2 Useful non-confidential information is published in our web page.       

23.3 Feed back from our customers or public, can be received through our e-mail.


24. Medical staff Bylaws

          They are the same as those of the hospital.


25. Emergency Plan

25.1 Electricity Shutoff (Power Failure):

25.1.1 As an experiment of generators: HOD should be informed about it in advance regarding its date, time and duration and he should agree to do the experiment. The notice for experiment date and time should be placed in a clear place in the unit. All the staff should be informed. All dialysis sessions should be terminated 15 minutes before shutoff. Don't remove needles or lines. After end of the experiment, dialysis sessions should be completed as usual. The time gap between shutoff and start of generators is noticed and reported to administration.



25.1.2 Sudden unexpected electricity shutoff: All manpower (including porters) should hurry in dialysis area. Medical staff should keep patients calm and quite and not allow any corruption. HD machines containing batteries is monitored, if batteries failed; should be treated as non-battery machines. Non-batteries machines should be operated manually (hand cranked) by the technician, doctor or any person if no sufficient manpower. If generators don't work quickly (within 10 min. approx.), HOD orders termination of HD sessions manually, return the blood to patients, and they go home. If electricity works back again, HD sessions are to be continued normally.

25.2 Disaster and evacuation plan (Code red):

25.2.1 When code red is declared in hemodialysis unit?

                             If there is fire or breakdown of the building …etc.

25.2.2 Hemodialysis unit site:

                             In the floor of sunstroke building (see diagram).

25.2.3 Type of evacuation:              Horizontal.

25.2.4 Evacuate to: Main place: Emergency department, males to male observation section and females to female observation section. ER trolleys should be moved to examination area by ER team once code red in dialysis unit is declared. Secondary place: main hall of the hospital reception, if fire is at the ER side. Tertiary place: if the whole hospital to be evacuated, our patients will be moved to outside hospital buildings.

25.2.5 Job description: Job of HOD: He is the leader of the whole process. Determine the place to which evacuation should be. Determine priorities for evacuation. Medical supervision for patients till the end of process. Participating as a member of the teamwork if manpower is less than patients. Ensures evacuation of medical records. Helping other doctors. Job of the doctor (doctors): Keeping patients calm and quite to avoid fatal complications. Giving medical care to patients during evacuation process and dealing with complications accordingly. Working as a member of the teamwork if manpower is less than patients. If more than a doctor is present, one goes with patients to ER, the other stays in the unit till he moves with the last patient. Job of head technician: Check for sufficient light either by opening doors or by emergency light. Shut the electricity main switch off. Close main oxygen supply of the unit. Immediate reporting code red to hospital director, deputy director, or central operator. Ordering one porter to open the door for evacuation and put the special runway, then close the other door. Participating in the activities as all other teamwork after finishing doing his job. Job of dialysis technicians:

It is to perform evacuation activities.

25.2.6 Evacuation activities: Head technician should disconnect electricity, oxygen supply. Reporting code red as mentioned before. HOD determines the place for evacuation. Opening doors for evacuation. Doctors start to keep patients quite. Dialysis technician start to handle one patient as follows: Stops dialysis machine. Disconnects blood lines. Keep fistula needles clamped in place in patient's arm. Fix it with additional tape. Don’t return blood in fistula needles tubes to patient as it is time consuming and needs concentration. Leave blood lines on the machine. accompanies the patient on his bed (to avoid sudden hypotension) to evacuation place. Stays with his patient in ER to complete the evacuation process. With last patient moving to evacuation place, all personnel leave the unit to evacuation place and

close all doors. In ER, technicians do the following: Remove fistula needles and discard it aseptically. Compress the insertion site for bleeding as usual. Put dressing at the sites of pricks as usual. Extract blood for CBC to check any need for blood transfusion. Patients need blood should receive it in ER, patients need admission be admitted through ER, and stable patients should be discharged home. Evacuation is recorded in dialysis flow sheet. Blood lines on HD machines should be discarded later as usual way aseptically. If manpower is less than patients, each technician or doctor should handle one patient till he drop him to evacuation place, leave him to his colleague and return back to handle another patient and so on.

Prepared by                                                           Reviewed by

Dr. Hamdy M. Mehelba                       Dr. M. Gamaluddin Makhdoom


Head of Nephrology                                        Medical Director


Approved by

Dr. Abdurrahman Bakhsh


Hospital Director

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