

We all have them. They have been ingrained in us since the dawn of existence. Ever since man became aware of his own mortality he has wondered what, if anything, was beyond.

Entire cultures have risen and fallen on religion�s foundation. Many have lived and died by the answers given them. But what conclusion did they find? Whose words did they follow? From Budda to Christ, the pharaohs to the pope, many have claimed truth and led multitudes of followers.

Of all of the different belief systems that appeared, one common thread tied them together. A faith in a higher reality. A place far beyond the suffering of the mundane world. And most held fast to the idea of a creative power, or powers, that resided over that reality. Men needed something separate, outside of themselves, to gain meaning.


The inevitability of mortal death validated fear and expedited the search for immortality. Many found comfort in wise men, prophets and scriptures. They gained what they believed to be a connection with a higher power. They had faith. They trusted without proof, without seeing.

For countless others, the search continued. What religious paradigm held the answers? What if they were all wrong? That was a possibility that could not be ignored.

Atheism and agnosticism flourished in an advancing and modernizing world. Science began to provide answers that religion could not. It became easier and easier to believe in nothing spiritual at all. Many chose to live for the here and now and put such wonderings behind them.

But even in the most hardened mind, in the most avid nonbeliever, the spark still remained. Somewhere far back in the dark recesses of consciousness, it lived. Waiting for acknowledgment and proof.

How far would a man go to find truth? At what risk would he end the journey? And, if the power of knowledge fell into his hands, what price would he be willing to pay? It�s possible that it would not be apparent until it was far too late. Only then would the answers, and the sacrifice, become clear.

Wherefore have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven,
which endures for ever, and have lain with women;
have defile yourselves with the daughters of men;
have taken to yourselves wives; have acted like the sons of the earth,
and have begotten an impious offspring?

Enoch 1: Chapter 15 Verse 2


In the beginning before the beginning, God and his angels existed on the highest of the astral planes. God was the most powerful being in the realm, and he looked upon all the others with love and kindness. The angels worshiped him as their master, and were in awe of his presence. His love and approval was the most cherished goal they could achieve.

Another being in that place, also having a creative power not unlike God, was known as Lucifer. Guidance was also sought out from him, although his brilliance and strength did not match that of God. They lived in a state of total bliss for many millennia.

After many years God became weary of the nothingness that surrounded them. The dimensional plane that they occupied was an endless black void. He, and those that were close to him, were the only living things in known existence. They were alone in a vast sea of non-being.

He searched the other dimensions, but each one proved to be as empty and lifeless as the previous. The fulfillment and love from his angels that had once comforted him no longer gave him meaning. He could find no reason at all for his existence and he became sick from useless experience. His power was saturated with a sadness that none of his familiars could understand. They could only watch as the consciousness hid itself deep within his ethereal mass.

As God searched for purpose and reason, the angels became confused. They could not understand what had happened to their master. Many thought that he had become unsatisfied with them and the confusion soon became sadness, fear and anger.

They turned to Lucifer for the love and guidance they no longer received from God. He also had become angry with the one that seemed to have abandoned them.

God remained inside of himself for a thousand years.

Lucifer and many of the angels had long given up on him ever coming out of his current state and decided to leave him. One third of the angels followed Lucifer to a distant place, away from God. He fashioned a new realm for them. The astral kingdom became known as Hell. It was an enormous spiraling storm of light and color, a galaxy of peace and love. All who entered were washed over with eternal bliss. Lucifer and his angels had come home.

After the thousand years had past, God came out of himself with a new purpose. He would create a world that would give them all endless meaning. His energy was charged with joy and excitement.

As he looked over the angels that remained with him, he realized that Lucifer and many others were not there. He learned that they had gone to a distant place to live in a new Kingdom. He raced to see what they had done.

When he reached Hell he called out to his brothers of light. Lucifer went to meet him. God told him his plans of the mundane world, and commanded that they join him in his new task. Lucifer refused him, saying that they were content in the kingdom he had created. God was enraged and demanded that they follow his will. Lucifer once again refused and told God that Hell was their home. The angels inside, resentful and angry with their former master, agreed. They would not leave.

God looked over the blissful spiral of Hell�s power, the comfort inside. He became even more furious watching the angels at peace, completely satisfied behind the washing color. He told Lucifer that Hell had not provided any meaning for them, it had only created selfish pleasure.

God sent a thick stream of astral hate into the light storm. It wrapped around the existing cloud of color, nullifying its power. As the bliss fell away from the occupants within, they glared at the one that had taken away Hell�s comfort. They hated him for ruining their home.
God called out to them all. He told them none that had abandoned him were welcome in his sight. If Lucifer was to be their new master, then they should stay with him there, forever.

Hell�s creator boiled with hate as God returned to his previous place. He vowed to destroy God�s creation, just as he had ruined theirs. God took his remaining angels to the lower dimensional plane and got to work. He created the mundane universe, the planets and the stars. He made galaxies, moons, and comets. He created life.

It took millions of years to fulfill his vision of the lesser beings that would be known as man. He watched the world evolve into a place that would support the things he had intended.

He became so enthralled with the mundane realm that he ignored all else entirely. His remaining angels watched as the attention and love once given only to them were now given to the new beings that resided on the planet�s surface.

A small group of angels were appointed as God�s messengers to the earth. They were the only ones apart from God, who were allowed to see the world and its inhabitants up close. But they found out that they were not the only ones visiting the Earth.

Lucifer sent his own angelic watchers to the mundane realm to learn of the new creation. The anger grew deeper with each expedition they made to the planet, and the tales they brought back with them. In their travels they learned that the people were confused, powerless beings. Some loved their creator, while others held him in great contempt. And God loved them all with a higher conviction than he had ever loved any of his angels.

As their visits to the mundane world became more frequent, God�s hate for them grew. He despised those that had disobeyed him. Lucifer realized that the way to ruin creation was to turn its occupants against their creator. He traveled to the Garden of Eden and convinced a young woman to disobey God�s law. So temptation was born.

When God learned of this he told his adversary that any one of them that entered the world again would meet his most terrible wrath. Lucifer laughed in the face of God, knowing that he was a creative being, and had no power to destroy anything he did not create. God, furious, cast him out of the world of men.

Lucifer returned to his brothers in Hell, to devise a plan. His decision was a simple one. To enter the mundane world they would have to become part of it. They needed to be flesh and blood. They could then walk among men. They had to breed with the human females. Two hundred angels would invade the earth, spreading their seed.

Lucifer put the powerful angel, Samyaza, in charge over the legion of invaders. Samyaza, fearing God, spoke to the group before him. He wanted to be sure of the dedication of his army. He did not want to stand alone before God, to suffer for such a grievous crime. The large group all swore together, that they would not change their intentions, nor would they flee, leaving him to pay for their crimes alone.

When he was satisfied of the angel�s loyalty, they stormed into the mundane realm and descended upon Mount Arman. The huge spirits spread out across the land, raping all women they encountered. God�s angels, seeing the invaders, raced to inform him of the terrible event. The creator raged down from the heavens to see for himself, Lucifer�s atrocity.

In a great whirlwind he gathered the fallen ones up into the air. He knew, as they did, that he could not destroy them. If he had held that power, he would have surely done it. Instead, he would make them the things that they truly despised: human.

Every woman that was now with child dropped to the ground and immediately gave birth. The angels trapped in the spiral of God�s wrath watched as the babies grew to adult size in just moments. He then locked each angel in an earthly body, one by one.

They cowered inside their living prisons as they experienced physical pain for the first time.

An angel�s astral matter was much larger and more powerful than a human�s. The bodies they occupied became huge and disfigured from the energy. Due to the astral pressure, some grew over four hundred feet in height, while other weaker ones grew to no more than twenty feet tall.

The fallen ones' spines became twisted and black, pushing through the pale gray skin. Their foreheads were enormous and sloped up to the hairless scalps. The knotted muscles sweated profusely and a bitter smell came with it. Their teeth immediately rotted and fell from their mouths, as the taste of spoiled blood sickened them.

They were truly the things that should not be.

Outcasts before God.

Deformed giants among men.

copyright �2002 Brian Holtz
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