The End of Time  But not the End of the World
<<< To Infinity    -6  -5   -4  -3   -2   -1  0   +1   +2   +3 + 4   +5  +6   to Infinity  >>>

Infinity is the sum of ALL things. Infinity is all inclusive

Both ends of the scale above go to Infinity.

Both go to same point and there can only be ONE Infinity.

Both ends of the scale undeniably meet back at the same point.

Therefore Infinity must be circular, meeting back at zero .

That would mean that the World is round ? !

-Drats, and I was just getting used to Copernicus-

A Brief History of Time : The Updated and Expanded Tenth Anniversary Edition

In order to physically demonstrate this theory it would be necessary to travel from Zero , circle the globe of infinity and arrive back at Zero again . This is obviously a physical impossibility due to the restrictions of the Fourth dimension - TIME. Were the restrictions of the Fourth Dimension lifted , and we were permitted to eat of the Tree of Knowledge "we would Know  "without labor countless things at the same time and in an instant of time, unaccompanied with doubt or obscurity. We would know everything at a glance. {1}"

In the small Town of Garabandal in Spain, a supernatural apparition, believed to Angelic by the Devout, demonic by others and insanity by still others is alleged to have made a statement to a young Child, who was incapable of completely understanding the meaning of what she was relaying.  The Entity she was conversing with, she believed to be an apparition of the Virgin Mary,  The Apparition told her that after the third Pope then will come the end of time but not the end of the world . 

But how can this be ? If time stops , our very existence ceases, we become nothing within nothing, and we all know zero + zero = ZERO ...The problem with Zero + Zero is  that Zero can only exist as  a concept , not a substantiated fact  when using a lineal thought process. In the same way the World was flat at one time.  { And there is still a fringe element that believes this !}

DOES ZERO EXIST ? On the other side of the coin does infinity exist ?And completing the triumvirate/trilogy/trinity DOES GOD EXIST ?  " A child once asked me if I believe in God. I said, God is a concept like zero -- does zero exist?" --- Larry Bierman Positive Atheism ..Yes Larry Bierman There is a Zero , didn't you hear that recent scientific studies have proven that the world is round ?!

These concepts have been the great riddle of mathematicians , philosophers and physicists since the beginning of time , and it might well take the end of time to arrive at a definitive answer.

The biggest challenge to  physicists today is how to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. These Two fundamental pillars of modern science are highly incompatible.  What the two theories clash over is zero and infinity" A black hole for instance occupies ZERO space, so how can infinite mass-- be crammed into zero space, curving space infinitely ?  Einstein's equations of general relativity cannot deal with the sharpness of zero. In a black hole, space and  time are meaningless/ zeroes. Everything is nothing.  Human beings can not adequately process this information neither. If you divide any number by zero the answer is undefined. If you are using a windows operating system to view this page try the calculator installed in all windows systems . dividing a number by Zero.. you'll get "Can not divide by Zero" in most handhelds you'll get "undefined" Undefined can mean many things. But basically It is translatable as "need more info" . One could argue that Zero and infinity are abstract or imaginary quantities, because in reality Zero/ nothingness does not exist. There is no such thing as Zero or true Nothingness in Human reality or  Human experience that we can  point to as an example. However without Zero our entire mathematical structure and theory collapses.

Only in the absence of the time could we fully comprehend the concept of Zero.  My god that's a ludicrous statement isn't it ?  Without time we cease to exist/ die ..Become Zeroes, nothing at all, or everything within everything. The problem with our the Human mind is that it is locked within the constraints of linear time. First I will search for the "F" key on the keyboard in front of me , to begin typing the word First  next the letter "I" and so on, all our actions and thought processes  revolve around linear time. It is natural of the human to think that there must be a beginning and an end of everything.

  • This too will end
  • So what came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • God created the Universe ..who/what created God ?
  • There is nothing new under the Sun

This is the one truly and absolute unanswerable riddle of mathematics. These are questions we could debate endlessly and never arrive at a definitive answer locked within our current dimensional constraints. The references of time are critical, without them we would be lost and completely disorientated . No passage of time ? No lineality ? Our simplest logical equations down to the basic  right foot. left foot. .this go. that go are out the window. We couldn't even walk and chew gum at the same time.

A peculiar statement was made by an apparition  that appeared to the child at Garabandal ,Spain.

"The power and wisdom of God is not confined to the creation of man and the material world. Beyond man millions of creatures exist, far more perfect than man. The angelic nature is a whole world of perfection, angels are spiritual substances, incorruptible by nature, entirely free from infirmities which compass us on every side. They are all brightness and beauty, their loveliness surpasses all united charms of earth. Their intelligence is Godlike for the knowledge extends to all truths of the natural order. They are acquainted with all secrets of nature and all that remains hidden from the greatest minds that ever existed. They know without labor countless things at the same time and in an instant of time, unaccompanied with doubt or obscurity. They know everything at a glance."  countless = Infinite  everything at a glance =  Instant Knowledge , a thought process unrestrained by the weight of time.

the above statement was relayed by a twelve year old child and allegedly were the words of the Archangel Michael, I could expect a twelve year to be imaginative enough to envision seeing angels, and invisible friends, but the words above are a bit much {IMO} What the apparition is describing are minds operating outside of the constraints of time "..They know without labor countless things at the same time and in an instant of time,.. " At the same town the same child, and two others were seeing apparitions of The Apparition an interesting promise was that At a point in the not too distant future ".. will come the end of time but not the end of the world"  

"A child once asked me if I believe in God. I said, God is a concept like zero -- does zero exist?" --- Larry Bierman Positive Atheism

Yes Larry Bierman There is a Zero , didn't you hear that recent scientific studies have proven that the world is round ?!


Now we've come full circle in this page,  Have we proven everything or nothing at all ?

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Infinity and the Brain: A Unified Theory of Mind, Matter, and God

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A Qubit can represent more than 0 or 1, 1 and 0, yes and no , up and down. and all that simultaneously.

Quantum mechanics was discovered in the the 1920s, and it added an entirely new dimension to physics as we understand/understood it.  Quantum theory suggests the world is not at all what we perceive it to be...In quantum computing for example..

."Information storage is not based on a string of ones and zeroes, but as a series of quantum-mechanical states such as the spin directions of an electron, or orientation of a photon. Quantum computing is based on qubits instead of bits. A Qubit is the basic unit of information in a quantum computer. A bit can represents one of only two possibilities such 0 or 1, positive or negative , yes or no, up or down. A Qubit can represent more than 0 or 1, 1 and 0, yes and no , up and down. and all that simultaneously.

In summary While one bit represents just 1 or 0, one Qubit represents a vast array of possibilities and all can be calculated simultaneously taking numerous probabilities and variables into account. "For a start, a qubit can be both a 0 and 1 at the same time. Take the spin of an electron--a property that can be imagined as the spin of a top with its axis pointing either up or down . The up or down spin can correspond to a 0 or 1. But the electron can also be placed in a ghostly dual existence, known as a superposition of states, in which it is both up and down, a 0 and a 1, at the same time. Carry out a calculation using the electron, and you perform it simultaneously on both the 0 and the 1, two calculations for the price of one. At first glance, this may not seem impressive, but add more qubits and the numbers become much more persuasive. While 1 qubit can be in a superposition of two states, 0 and 1, two qubits can be in a superposition of four states--00, 01, 10, and 11--representing four numbers at once. The increase is exponential: with m qubits, it is possible to carry out a single calculation on 2m numbers in parallel. With only a few hundred qubits, it is possible to represent simultaneously more numbers than there are atoms in the universe." Justin Mullins Spectrum Online ...Quantum laws are constant/ unvarying as any other physical laws and A number of scientists have been exploring ways to exploit the eccentric laws of quantum physics for the purpose of creating a new computational "stone tablet/abacus/super computer" smaller, faster, better than anything silicon based."

Quantum Computing by Aardduck


Since  math was developed to count somethings, and zero represents nothings, it makes sense that we don't commonly switch into a system where zero equals infinity.. {infinity being the sum of all things}., although it can be done.

Miscellaneous relative & archaic notes

A Slice of Pi

 Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is an irrational number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two whole numbers and has an apparently random decimal string of infinite length.

The value of pi is known to 500 billion places, and so far no cyclic patterns have been found , that-s not to say they don't exit , but if mathematicians are correct none will ever be found no matter how many digits are calculated.  Another theory that can not be proven 100% in this dimension.

All numbers of the same number of digits inside pi occur with the same frequency: 234 appears as often as 876, and 23,568 as often as 98,427. Mathematicians call such a number that behaves this way "normal".

According to David Bailey, of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the US, the normality of certain math constants is a result of some reasonable conjectures in the field of chaotic dynamics.


Quantum Immortality


We are in Digits of Pi and Live Forever
" If the digits of pi include every possible finite sequence, than in principle a hypothetical super-and I mean really super- computer could "crank out" all of the permutations and thus produce a copy of everything that has ever lived. "

"There is also an infinite number of realities encompassing the genetic codes, the molecular structures and the past and future events of every living and non-living thing. A computer powerful and fast enough would theoretically be capable of using pi to decode, record and rerun every event from the birth of the universe to the present and into the future"

, a point somewhere beyond current human capacity to fully comprehend.



Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
It is the centre hole that makes it useful.

Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.

Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.

Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

That the Olympics were held every four years is well known, but some evidence for that assertion is not out of place. Ancient writers all refer to the Olympics as a 5-year period (in Greek, pentaeterikoi, Latin quinquennales). This might seem strange, but Greeks and Romans most commonly counted inclusively; that is to say:

    1          2       3      4         5
 Olympiad      .       .      .     Olympiad
which we would call a four-year interval. NB: our way of counting implies a zero start, a concept both Greeks and Romans lacked


1This Melchizedek was king of Salem and priest of God Most High. He met Abraham returning from the defeat of the kings and blessed him, 2and Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, his name means "king of righteousness"; then also, "king of Salem" means "king of peace." 3Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.

Horus says It is I who traverse the heavens, I go round the Elysian Fields.
Eternity has been assigned to me without end, Lo! I am heir to endless time
and my attribute is eternity

Jewish Fate

'The great temple will be entirely destroyed so that not one stone will be left upon another. Then the Jews will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away as captives into all the gentile nations. Jerusalem will be trodden underfoot until the age of the gentiles is completely fulfilled.' (Luke 21:6 & 24)

It is not for you to know that time or that date, for that time has been decided by the authority of the Father." (Acts 1:7)

Concept of Zero & Infinity in Religion

The concept of infinity in the Bible and Various Religions

Revelation 1:8
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty."

Revelation 21:6
He said to me: "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. "

Revelation 22:13
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

2 Peter 3  But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

Quoted From Catholic St. John Bosco :
"God has neither past nor future; everything is present to Him, everything at a single point of time. Nothing eludes God. No person, no place is distant from Him"
Quoted From Zoroaster , a forerunner of Christianity
“O’ Mazda, when I was looking for you with my wisdom and speculation faculties and tried to find you with the eye of my heart, I recognized that you are the starter and the end of everything"

Indra of Tibet, a Hindu god , bearing a strong likeness to Jesus Christ was worshiped as a " god who had existed as a spirit from all eternity"




