Here is the list of the Barbara Cartland books I have in my personal collection. So far, I managed to collect about 300 over titles. I have started collecting her books when I was in high school. I like her stories, which are set in 18th and 19th centuries. I do not collect her books based on modern-era. The books come from different source of publishers, such as Arrow, Pan, Jove Books, Mandarin Books, Bantam, BMI and Corgi. Some of the titles are out of print and they are very difficult to purchase. The chance of me getting them is on eBay. I have to say that almost half of my collection was obtained from that online market place.
- A Caretaker of Love
- A Chieftain Finds Love
- A Circus of Love
- A Coronation of Love
- A Dream from the Night
- A Dream in Spain
- A Duke in Danger
- A Duel of Hearts
- A Dynasty of Love
- A Gentleman in Love
- A Frame of Dreams
- A Fugitive from Love
- A Ghost in Monte Carlo
- A Halo for the Devil
- A Hazard of Hearts
- A Heart in the Highlands
- A Heart is Stolen
- A King in Love
- A Kiss for the King
- A Kiss in Rome
- A Knight in Paris
- Alone and Afraid
- A Magical Moment
- A Marriage Made in Heaven
- A Miracle in Mexico
- A Miracle in Music
- An Adventure of Love
- An Angel in Hell
- An Angel Runs Away
- An Arrow of Love
- An Icicle in India
- A Nightingale Sang
- A Night of Gaiety
- An Innocent in Russia
- An Outrageous Lady
- A Portrait of Love
- A Princess in Distress
- A Rebel Princess
- A Revolution of Love
- A Royal Rebuke
- A Runaway Star
- As Eagles Fly
- A Serpent of Satan
- A Shaft of Sunlight
- A Song of Love
- A Sword to the Heart
- A Tangled Web
- A Theatre of Love
- A Touch of Love
- A Very Naughty Angel
- A Very Special Love
- A Very Unusual Wife
- A Victory for Love
- A Virgin in Paris
- A World of Love
- A Wish Come True
- A Witch’s Spell
- Beauty or Brains?
- Bewildered in Berlin
- Bewitched
- Beyond the Stars
- Born of Love
- Bride to a Brigand
- Bride to the King
- Call of the Heart
- Caught by Love
- Conquered by Love
- Count the Stars
- Crowned with Love
- Cupid Rides Pillion
- Dancing on a Rainbow
- Debt of Honor
- Desire in the Desert
- Desire of the Heart
- Diona and the Dalmatian
- Dollars for the Duke
- Dreams Do Come True
- Drena and The Duke
- Duel With Destiny
- Elizabethan Lover
- Enchanted
- Escape
- Fascination in France
- Fire in the Blood
- Fire on the Snow
- Flowers for The God of Love
- Forced to Marry
- For All Eternity
- Free from Fear
- From Hell to Heaven
- Gift of the Gods
- Good or Bad
- Gypsy Magic
- Haunted
- Heaven in Hong Kong
- Helga in Hiding
- Help from the Heart
- Hidden by Love
- Hiding
- Hungry for Love
- Imperial Splendour
- In the Arms of Love
- Journey to A Star
- Just Fate
- Kiss by Moonlight
- Kiss from a Stranger
- Kneel for Mercy
- Lessons in Love
- Light of the Moon
- Light, Laughter, and a Lady
- Lights of Love
- Light of The Gods
- Listen to Love
- Little Tongues of Fire
- Little White Doves of Love
- Looking for Love
- Look, Listen, and Love
- Look With the Heart
- Look With Love
- Lost Enchantment
- Lost Laughter
- Love and Kisses
- Love and Lucia
- Love and the Loathsome Leopard
- Love and the Marquis
- Love and War
- Love at First Sight
- Love at the Helm
- Love at the Ritz
- Love Casts Out Fear
- Love Climbs In
- Love Comes to the Castle
- Love Comes West
- Loved for Himself
- Love for Sale
- Love has His Way
- Love Holds the Cards
- Love in Hiding
- Love in the Clouds
- Love in the Moon
- Love in Pity
- Love in the Ruins
- Love is Contraband
- Love is a Gamble
- Love is a Maze
- Love is an Eagle
- Love is Heaven
- Love is Innocent
- Love is Invincible
- Love is the Enemy
- Love is the Key
- Love Joins the Clans
- Love Leaves at Midnight
- Love Lifts the Curse
- Love Locked In
- Love on the Wind
- Lovers in Lisbon
- Love Rules
- Love to the Rescue
- Love Strikes A Devil
- Love Under Fire
- Love Wins
- Lucifer and the Angel
- Lucky in Love
- Lucky Logan Finds Love
- Magic from the Heart
- Messenger of Love
- Miracle for a Madonna
- Mission to Monte Carlo
- Moments of Love
- Money, Magic, and Marriage
- Moon Over Eden
- Music from the Heart
- Never Forget Love
- Never Laugh at Love
- Never Lose Love
- No Darkness for Love
- No Disguise for Love
- No Escape from Love
- No Time for Love
- Ola and the Sea Wolf
- Only A Dream
- Only Love
- Paradise Found
- Paradise in Penang
- Passage of Love
- Passions in the Sand
- Punished with Love
- Punishment of a Vixen
- Pure and Untouched
- Real Love or Fake
- Revenge is Sweet
- Revenge of the Heart
- Riding in the Sky
- Riding to the Moon
- Royal Punishment
- Running Away to Love
- Running from Russia
- Safe at Last
- Safe in Paradise
- Sapphires in Siam
- Saved by a Saint
- Saved by Love
- Secret Harbor
- Secrets
- Secrets of the Heart
- Seek the Stars
- Signpost to Love
- Solita and The Spies
- Someone to Love
- Stand and Deliver Your Heart
- Starlight Over Tunis
- Stars in My Heart
- Sweet Adventure
- Tempted to Love
- Terror From The Throne
- Terror in the Sun
- The Angel and The Rake
- The Audacious Adventuress
- The Bargain Bride
- The Blue-Eyed Witch
- The Bored Bridegroom
- The Call of the Highlands
- The Captive Heart
- The Castle Made for Love
- The Castle of Fear
- The Cave of Love
- The Chieftain Without a Heart
- The Coin of Love
- The Complacent Wife
- The Cruel Count
- The Curse of the Clan
- The Dangerous Dandy
- The Dangerous Marriage
- The Dare-Devil Duke
- The Devil Defeated
- The Devil in Love
- The Devilish Deception
- The Disgraceful Duke
- The Dragon and the Pearl
- The Dream and the Glory
- The Drums of Love
- The Duchess Disappeared
- The Duke and The Preacher's Daughter
- The Duke Comes Home
- The Duke Finds Love or The Duke is Trapped
- The Earl Escapes
- The Earl Rings a Belle
- The Elusive Earl
- The Enchanting Evil
- The Eyes of Love
- The Fire of Love
- The Flame is Love
- The Fragrant Flower
- The Frightened Bride
- The Ghost Who Fell in Love
- The Glittering Lights
- The Goddess and the Gaiety Girl
- The Goddess of Love
- The Golden Cage
- The Golden Illusion
- The Haunted Heart
- The Heart of the Clan
- The Hell Cat and The King
- The Herb for Happiness
- The Hidden Evil
- The Hidden Heart
- The Horizons of Love
- The Husband Hunters
- The Impetuous Duchess
- The Incomparable
- The Incredible Honeymoon
- The Innocent Imposter
- The Irresistible Buck
- The Irresistible Force
- The Island of Love
- The Karma of Love
- The Kiss of Paris
- The Knave of Hearts or The Innocent Heiress
- The Lies for Love
- The Lioness and the Lily
- The Little Pretender
- The Loveless Marriage
- The Lovely Liar
- The Love Pirate
- The Love Puzzle
- The Love Trap
- The Magic of Love
- The Magic of Paris
- The Magnificent Marriage
- The Marquis Who Hated Women
- The Marquis Wins
- The Mask of Love
- The Music of Love
- The Mysterious Maid Servant
- The Naked Battle
- The Necklace of Love
- The Odious Duke
- The Passionate Princess
- The Patient Bridegroom
- The Peaks of Ecstasy
- The Penniless Peer
- The Perfection of Love
- The Perfect Pearl
- The Perfume of the Gods
- The Peril and The Prince
- The Poor Governess
- The Power and the Prince
- The Pretty Horsebreakers
- The Prince and the Pekingese
- The Prisoner of Love
- The Problems of Love
- The Protection of Love
- The Prude and the Prodigal
- The Queen of Hearts
- The Queen Saves The King
- The Race for Love
- The Reluctant Bride
- Theresa and a Tiger
- The Rhapsody of Love
- The River of Love
- The Ruthless Rake
- The Saint and the Sinner
- The Scent of Roses
- The Scots Never Forget
- The Secret Fear
- The Secret of Glen
- The Secret of Mosque
- The Shadow of Sin
- The Sign of Love
- The Slaves of Love
- The Sleeping Princess
- The Smuggled Heart
- The Spirit of Love
- The Storms of Love
- The Taming of Lady Lorinda
- The Taming of the Tigress
- The Tears of Love
- The Temple of Love
- The Treasure is Love
- The Twists and Turns of Love
- The Unbreakable Spell
- The Unknown Heart
- The Unpredictable Bride
- The Unwanted Wedding
- The Vibrations of Love
- The Waltz of Hearts
- The Wonderful Dream
- The Wicked Marquis
- The Wicked Widow
- The Wild, Unwilling Wife
- The Windmill of Love
- The Wings of Ecstasy
- The Wings of Love
- The Wrong Duchess
- This is Love
- Three Days to Love
- Too Precious to Lose
- To Scotland and Love
- Touch A Star
- Two Hearts in Hungary
- Walking to Wonderland
- Wanted-A Wedding Ring
- Warned by A Ghost
- White Lilac
- Who Can Deny Love?
- Winged Magic
- Winged Victory
- Women Have Hearts
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