One Beating Heart

She smiled to herself as she walked home that night,
Sodium orange flashing in an strange eerie light,
She had longed for his words his touch, they�d kissed,
For weeks she had waited for his move, thought she�d missed,
Flirting with abandon waiting for their love to start,
She�d longed for them to share one beating heart,
Past the florist and chemist, the grocers and pub,
Past a couple kissing on the way home from a club,
Into the lane by the bakers to get her self home,
Hit over the head hard, the crunching of bone,
Slipping from consciousness she stared in stunned fright,
As the shadows moved in an evil black sight,
Such noise she thought could never exist,
Banging and throbbing, her thoughts clouded by mist,
Cold and confused and not knowing why,
Head pounding in drumbeats, she thought she would die,
Then eyes opening in the shadowy non-light,
Her body exposed and signs of a fight,
Memories flooding back in stark bitter sense,
Her head and the shadows, falling down by the fence,
She touched at he stomach and flinched with the pain,
Thoughts racing, I�m dirty, I�m going insane,
She screamed in terror at what had happened that night,
The bruises, the scratches, the viscous love bites,
On her feet she ran towards her own flat,
To safety, to cleanness, her bed and her cat,
She reached her flat and shaking opened the door,
In the mirror beyond she saw a bruised whore,
Crying and shaking and shivering from the cold,
To have missed the abuse her soul she�d have sold,
Three days later they caught the sick little man,
Another week later his five year prison term began,
Now she still has the nightmares and the horrible dreams,
She wakes up in the night in a still silent scream,
Her boyfriend was brave but she drove them apart,
She loved him, and hated him, she broke their one beating heart.






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