This lovely plant is another fave of ours. Its called the desert rose. Technically it is a type of cactus though it kinna resembles a tree. It blooms bright pink flowers and can get to be very big.
This plants is a begonia. They come in two different colors (well that I know of anyways) RED AND PINK. Ive had mine a little over a year and its only this small coz I refuse to transplant it yet, its huge enuff. It hangs off my awning outside.
Here is our ponytail palm. We have had this plant for over 5 years now, and it just keeps growing and growing. We dragged it across alligator alley when we moved to Naples Florida and then back to Ft laud later on when we moved back. In this pic, which was taken prolly 3 yrs ago, it was only about a couple of feet high. Now it stands approx. 5 feet and 4 inches high. We love palms so we have a bunch of different types, but this one is the fish's fave of them all.
Heres our walking Iris, which weve had for about as long as weve had the ponytail palm. It is in bloom in this picture, but its hard to see the flowers (theyre the yellow ones if you can tell). This pic was taken the same time as the above pic, so its very small here. It is ALWAYS in bloom with tiny yellow irises, and has split into 5 pieces which have been planted and are growing as well.
Heres our staghorn Fern. Dont let the name fool ya, its a type of air plant so ya dont plant it. These suckers are rare and extremely expensive. A full grown one like ours would prolly sell for about 200$...maybe more.. Ontop of ours in this picture there are several Florida Orchids, which are an endangered species. You prolly cant see em tho, they have tiny minute little yellow/greenish flowers... if it was even in bloom at the time this pic was taken.This pic was taken 3 yrs ago, and the stag had troubles for awhile and died off a bit. It came back tho and is growing like a house afire and we still to this day have it.
This is a flower off of my lobster claw heliconia. A friend of ours gave us a clipping over 6 years ago and its still going strong. These are tropical and native to jamaica and other south american countries. There are several types of Heliconias... This of course, the normal type which blooms orange flowers but stays relatively short and the bird of paradise, which I also have but has never bloomed yet. Pretty huh?
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