The Devil Has No Remorse
Purple and green painted around

Cotton candy colored ground

Dancing away to the sound

Something extreme or so Ive found

Will it last forever?

Nothing eternally remains

Nothing here but forgotten stains

Inside my head it pours and rains

Searing ache and stabbing pains

My eyes are closed.. sealed shut

Open them if you would

Release them you really should

What if you really could

Here in this fire, I have stood

Searing of flesh, the horrid smell

Light like a fresh spring

Weeping, I set out to sing

Bounded by the tightest string

In royal threads just like the king

To the ocean I walk, against the grain.

Little man so confused

Looks at me bewittingly bemused

As I sit horridly accused

Harshest words we have transfused

Turn around and look away

Fly in the sky like a jet

Acting like you'll never regret

You have issues I would bet

I will not worry... I will not fret...

For the devil has no remorse.
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