The City In The Clouds
Up in the clouds deep in the sky
lies a castle grand and fair
the palace belonging to strange creatures
who fly upon wafts of air

Their noses are flat and chests stuck out
with wings gleaming upon their back
their feet look like misshapen hooves
the hair on their head they lack

Their way of life is threatened
by a most formiddable antagonist that be here
The evil Vulture - man from another place
who likes not happiness and cheer

these people are calm and peace loving
and he seeks to bring them down
take over their place as evil emperor
his sanity never being quite sound

He comes to call one sunny day
which he wishes to be dark and and full of gloom
He swiftly flies to the palace in the clouds
and up to their leaders room

He threatens this man, such a kind and dear heart
who could ever hurt him this way?
only the most demonic of foe
the most contemptible force I would say

their fearless leader tells him to leave
that hes insulted by his presence
this doth anger the vulture much much more
making his hatred intense

He pulls out a weapon which resembles a mace
and sets out to strike the leader in hate
when the royal army calls
and they throw open the gates

they come to this room fully loaded and ready
to take out this horrid raptor
to dispose their palace of his presence
would mean living happily ever after

they dont kill him, they are not cruel
they send him to a far away place
forever frozen inside a block of ice
to somewhere where no one can trace

They go on with their lives, hopefully never again
to see that horrid vulture man
Meanwhile hes escaping on the other side of the world
to return and take over if he can.

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