The other side of the mirror...

This is the backside of the mirror I painted. As I'm sure you saw, the front side is donned with various symbols of ancient Egypt: Lotus flowers, ankhs, scarabs and the sun, etc.
This isnt the best picture unfortunately, but on this side you can see a story, starting with 3 pyramids... The larger one representing the great pyramid of Giza, Egypt, as well as the 2 smaller ones flanking, perfectly matching the three stars in Orions belt, whom the Egyptians believed was Osiris, the god of the deceased, Judge of the underworld and once a great pharaoh of Egypt. They believed when the stars aligned with these three pyramids, it would resurrect Osiris back from the dead. In the sky there are actually five gods presented: Isis, Osiris, Nephthys, Nut and Horus. Horus is represented by a symbol (They call this a winged solar disk and is often flanked by two uraeus (cobras), representing Nekhbet and Uazet, which I will be adding to it later) as opposed to the other 3 who are represented in human form. Nut is depicted by the starry sky above them, which is really hard to see.
This mirror took me more than 3 days to paint... and is still to this day not completely finished.
Click Here to see another Egyptian painting I did...
pssst, you can only get to it from here.
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