I chat online all the time... in a room known as astrology 1. We're always goofing around in there and many of the people that frequent the chat are hysterical. So I got the idea to put up the funny things we all say, somewhere where everyone can see it and then we never forget those funny things we said in passing. So... in closing, I give to all my beloved roomies, this site, so they can remember all those times too and to the other people that read this, so that they may have a glimpse into what I see everyday... A chatroom like no other, made up of an online family, unbelievably close to one another in spite of distance and absence.

Keep in mind that the names of the people involved herein have been omitted for protection purposes.

If you see something youve said here and would like credit, EMAIL ME and I will add your screen name to your quotes.

This page of my site is not recommended for children under the age of 18, due to adult themes, profaine language
and other objectional material.
If you are under 18 years of age, please click here

Wolves can't be all bad if they'll eat your grandmother.
Even grandpa won't do that

There's a great new book called "eat right, exercise, feel great and die anyway"


Don�t knock on Death's door.... ring the doorbell and run..
He hates that

Confucious say person who stand on toilet is high on pot

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

Virginity is like a bubble, one prick and it's all gone.

Kermit the Frog: Time�s fun when your having flies

I am man... hear me fart

You can leadawhoretoculture, but ya can�t make her think

Gonna party next to my bed so I don�t have far to fall

If cancer likes seafood does that make him/her a cannibal??

Weclome To Astrology 1
Where the men are men and the sheep are afraid

I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person

don�t sweat the petty stuff.... pet the sweaty stuff

If lemonade is made from lemons, hence it�s name, then is Gatorade made from gators?

Denial is not just a river in Egypt

He who laughs last didn�t get the joke

If you keep eating your hand, your not gonna be hungry for lunch

No, I am NOT the spawn of Satan, just a distant relative

I�m not obnoxious, I�m tact challenged

Your village called, their idiot is missing

Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely

If intelligence was as widespread as inbreeding AOL would be famous for geniuses

Blind Bambi= no eye dear

When an eel swims on by and it�s bitin� off yer thigh�that�s a moray

I dys not m lexic

Without sarcasm, I am rendered mute

Men sweat women INSPIRE

Hung like a horse but not a whale, thankfully I�m not the size of a quail

I know where to find sympathy...it�s in the dictionary between shit and syphilis

If a bear shits in da woods, does it wipe its ass with da rabbit??

Dirty deeds done with sheep

Atheism is a non-PROPHET organization.

Don't fuck with me� I'm running out of places to hide the bodies

I'm loyal to all of my men

Im not prejudice . . . I hate everyone equally

A hangover is the wrath of grapes

Frankly scallop, I don�t give a clam

IF there is no god, then who pops up the next Kleenex?

Heck is the place people go who don�t believe in gosh

You must have a keg in your pants, cause I wanna tap that ass

I�m no Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bedrock

If the dog hadn�t stopped to shit, he woulda caught the fox

Don�t sing it...bring it

Don�t let two seconds of bravery ruin the rest of your life

Some people, in other cultures, consider what I do normal

Love will go where it�s sent... even up the dogs� ass

My tire was thumping , I thought it was flat , when I looked at the tire, I noticed your cat

Surgeon general says pot smoking can lead to ....uhhh...I forget

[SIGN SAYS] Thank You for Pot Smoking

Trespassers will be violated...uhhh...I mean prosecuted

If limp bizkits' bizkit is soo limp, then how the hell did he do it all for the nookie?

*ASTRO speaks to GEORGE on the Jetsons* Ruh Ro Rorge, Ri ridnt rean ru rump rour reg, rease ront rix re!!"

I think your mouth is writing checks your ass cant cash

I see London I see France...I see your underpants

Ive looked under a skirt of wonder that Ive looked under before...first come the ankles then come the knees, then come the panties blowing in the breeze.

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most

I do whatever my rice krispies tell me to

Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which one you get filled first

Mary Mary, quite contrary, why is your pussy so damn hairy?

Ok guys, what's the difference between erotic and kinky?

Erotic is when you use a feather........
Kinky is when you use the whole chicken..........

I'm not as think as you drunk I am

No occifer I'm not under the alcofluence of incohol

Passionate kiss like spider's web. Soon lead to undoing of fly.

I'm not looking for Mr. Right...Im looking for Mr right inside me

Your a fruitslinger......bad singer.....stinky finger wont ya get away from me

Damn, people are dropping like flies at a urinal


gotta lick it... before you stick it

People kept saying I was a dog, and I couldn't understand why.. So I went and looked up the meaning of dog and ya know what? They were right.. I am a dog... A beaver retriever....they throw it and I catch it.

Holy anal intrusion batman

Erin go braless

What do ya call 10 rabbits dancing backwards?
A receding "hare" line


The square root of 69....8 something


Crouching tiger hidden dragon:
Crotchless Panties Hidden dildo

Forest Gump:
Foreskin Gump

The adventures of huckleberry Finn:
The Adventures of Fuckleberry Sinn

Never ending story:
never ending Whorey


Star wars:
Star Whores

The emperor strikes back:
the emperor likes Crack

Episode one: The phantom menace:
episode 1 "The Crotchless menace
episode 1 "Phantom Penis"

I was only drinking coffee but switched to cock an hour ago

Meanwhile, back at the fort granny was beatin' off the injuns... but they still kept cumming"

Your Sun may be in Aquarius but your head is in Uranus

Gods' cruelest joke was to give men two heads, but only enough blood to use one at a time.

Sung to the tune "In the navy" by the villiage people:

"In the naval/you can put your chewing gum/in the naval"
"a spot for your man to cum"

beer <------ helping ugly people have sex since 1865

I am so wound up I don't know whether to wind my ass or scratch my watch

Two cannibals were eating a clown one turns to the other and says does this taste funny to u

I recently got into astronomy and put in a skylight. My upstairs neighbors are really pissed

Sung to the tune "I'm too sexy" by Right said Fred

I'm too sexy for my diaper....
too sexy for my walker
tooo sexy for viagra

I'm a senior ya know what I mean and I get incontinent on the catwalk

I dont know about air signs, but I do know that Pikachu is an electricity Pokemon.

False advertising would be wearing a sock in my trousers...
I don't do that anymore.

Girls just wanna have fun. They dont need a guy with feelings until theyre 26 or something and by then, all the guys with feelings have turned gay

oh and next time you want to serve a woman, be sure to say" At your cervix"

Some person: do u think if u squeeze yourself hard enough u could blow up?

Nepiphany 727: well whore daf... ur bodily fluids have no where to go once pressure is increased

Nepiphany 727: like a water ballooon

Some person: whore daf?

Some person: lmao

Nepiphany 727: omg lmaooo

Nepiphany 727: freudian slippage

Nepiphany 727: i mean shore*******

Nepiphany 727: thats the funniest typo i ever made

1st Person: wearin nothing but a lei

2nd Person: I hate gettin leid against will,....no means no..

Sung to the tune "Bobby McGee" by many people...
Ok Janis Joplin in this case

busted flat in astro one... waiting for a seer...
and im drowning out sorrows in my beer
Kerley came and generalized... just fore it rained
knowlege of astro they did feign
well i pulled out my crossbow...
and my flaming bolts for it.....
and aimed it right at their friggon head..
Blood gushing like turpentine
I Tied their hands up with barbed twine
No more generalizations from the dead

Im out of estrogen and I have a gun... any questions?

i practice bitchery, not witchery

Why does peter pan fly??
If you got hit in the peter with a frying pan, you'd fly too!

Sung to the tune "Gin and Juice" by snoop doggy dog

Rooling down the street eating cous cous
sipping on wheat grass juice
Laid back, with my mind on my ginseng
and my ginseng on my mind

Idea for an answering machine
Sung to the tune "The macarena" By I dunno lol

You ve reached our machine coz we are not at home
Or we are so busy that we cant pick up the phone
So leave yer name and number and a message at the tone
And we'll call ya later

Optional words for "margaritaville" By Jimmy Buffet

Wasted away again no cleaning ville
Searching for my lost bucket and mop
Some jerkoffs claim that its a womans job to clean
But I know.... dododododo
that I'd rather shop

Wasted away again in bong and reeferville
Searching for my lost baggie of pot
Some people claim that smokin bud is lame
But I know... dododododo
That they dont know squat

Wasted away again in balls and peterville
Searching for a nice erected cock
Some people say that they are the best lay
but i know...dodododododo
its just stuffed with a sock


Once there was a young Miss,
Who was about as holey as Swiss,
when asked if she woulda
she was as good as gouda
Individually (un)wrapped, you would wish..

Once a young lad had felt betta
When he had dipped a certain item in chedda
quite often he'd unzip
and use the cheese as a dip..
and when he was finished he was very unsteada....

Cheese is a wonderful thing to eat, but
The cholesterol can drive the doctor into a nut
But my biggest belief
is Cheese can bring great relief..
Especially when it has been cut.......

Woo Hoo!!


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