Little Man From Japan
The little man from Japan
runs round in his power ranger underoos
half naked spittin in my face
his favorite object he will lose

he looks around for it
where it could be god only knows
While screaming at the stupid dog
who has just stepped on his toes

He plants a smooch on my face
then runs away as fast as he came
he comes back ten minutes later
only to do what hes done, the same

He says, I got you a present
which hides beneath the xmas tree
which still stands in the living room
To where I go out and see

wrapped within a pillow case
are treasures which he deems high
then he asks so smugly
if he can have ice cream and pie

Not for breakfast, no siree
you may not eat those sweets
May i have ice cream and pie again
is the only thing he repeats

I tell him no and he begins to cry
So i comfort him and give him a hug
then he asks if he can play in the water
with a sly little grin like a thugg

The rain it pours down and he is afraid
of the thunder and lightning that doth gleem
off to his bedroom he walks to sleep
to a fairyland within his dreams

He awakes at the butt crack of dawn
and wakes everyone in the house
as i catch something outta the corner of my eye
a little diseased ridden little mouse

The dogs go wild trying to catch
the rodent which does not belong
but he runs away soo fast
knowing his life wont last long

The little man from Japan,
laughs with an uproarious roar
Laughs and laughs soooo very hard
his tum afterwards is sore

He tends to his day, as he did before
playing in the dirty mud outback
having to come inside later
and wash the dirt away in his bath

So you see this ends this ode
bout him and his daily ways
all the while Im Hoping that
his hyperactivity is just a phase

This poem is dedicated to my son, Austin... my little man from Japan
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