About the Tomb of Doom

The Tomb of Doom started in the beginning of the year 2000 as just a homepage. I was interested in learning HTML/Java and so it was a way for me to practice. I soon expanded my only homepage to what is now over 100 + pages long. The contents are ever changing and I’m always adding more stuff to it all the time. All the site content is handwritten and done by myself alone. Most of the artistical contents (tho certainly not all) are originally done by myself or by my family members, as I strive to keep things you wont find everywhere on the Internet.

It took me eons to get to this point where I have more than 100 pages up on display. For hours and days upon end I would sit and type out a barrage of text and java script. Now I write my own codes and in 2002, I acquired the program Dreamweaver and now parts of my site are in flash. I am hoping to redo alot of the Tomb of Doom to make it more interactive and hands on. I believe that through this state-of-the-art website coding system, I can make this site 100 times what it is now.


After all my years of work on this little project, Ive decided to decicate my entire site to my mother, Sharon.... in memory of her. She passed away October 29th, 2000, just 2 days short of my favorite holiday, which in the long run, forever tainted halloween. She was an all around wonderful person, completely and utterly deserving of such an honor. In my whole life, I've never gotten along with someone as well as I did my mother. Her and I were best friends as well as Mother and daughter. We shared a love of shopping incessantly when we couldnt afford it, as well as our bizzare sense of humor.
To know her was to love her indeed...
She is greatly missed.

You will notice my site has an egyptian theme set among its contents. I love Egypt and you dont find too many sites around that are composed mostly of Egyptian graphics and information. The different sections of my site are named after different places in Egypt. Examples include: The city of the dead located in Memphis, Egypt. Formally named Saqqara, this place is a burial field which spans miles long. The most famous part of Saqqara is the djoser complex. It is one of the oldest known structures that has been completely constructed with natural stone... as well as the Djoser step pyramid, which is unlike any other pyramid in Egypt. Djoser is the name of a Pharaoh who reigned Egypt in the beginning of the third dynasty circa 2625 B.C. Djoser was whom the burial complex was intended for. He now rests inside the great step pyramid which resides there. The Great Hypostyle Hall on my site is named after what Egyptians call a main hallway in a temple or kingdom. Upon the walls of this hallway are scribed hieroglyphics, paintings and stories of those who resided there, be them kings and queens or Gods and goddesses. The sacred Lake section is named after a watering hole that has small streams running from the outside of a temple or kingdom, which originates from the river Nile. The water gathers in a pool, in the center of the room. This is where Egyptians got their fresh water from. Then the Desert Oasis... and we all know what an oasis is, or at least I hope we do. For those of you that dont, an Oasis is a fertile part of the desert, where water flows and greenery grows. Most of it is self expanatory.

You will also notice that each section has an entrance.. well most of em do anyways. This is significant and I wish to mention it becuase the pictures I use on my entrances are just fabulous and I want to give proper credit where it is due. The pictures themselves are computer generated reconstructions of famous temples and places in Egypt. These are very accurate to what the real temples would have looked like back in the day. The person who made these pictures (most but not all) whom I think is one fantabulous graphic artist, is Mark Millmore. Aside from being a great artist, he is also very knowledgeable about ancient Egypt. If you would like to visit his site, Click Here

Here's another little tidbit about the Tomb of Doom. You will notice the name Neferakenaten on my site, which is a fictitious Egyptian name I picked to represent myself for exclusive use on my site. The name translates from Egyptian to read, "She who is beautiful who is service to [the sun god] Aten." I picked this sequence of names most randomly, adding the prefix Nefer (beautiful) to the name Akenaten (he who is service to Aten) who was pharaoh during the eighteenth dynasty, unbeknownst to me at the time. One night I was watching TV and they had a thing on pharaohs of Egypt. I found out from it that Akenaten and Nefertiti were actulally married during the eighteenth dynasty and ruled as king and queen, which I didnt know anything about when I picked the name.
How bizarre is that?
So ya see the name Neferakenaten has great significance...
even if it didnt start out that way.

All of the above are explained below... though not in the right order as they appear on my front page. Next to each section, you will see a date. That is the date of last time each section or page has been modified, F.Y.I.



There are two sections to my front page:

Quests and Side Quests.

The quest section is what you want to focus on, as the side quests are just extras you can do after you have raided my Tomb.


About the Tomb of Doom

This section you are viewing now. You want to come here often becuase this section displays everything that has been updated or added into my site as well as dates of last updating. It also tells you the titles and contents of the Tomb, in case you are confused as to what leads where.

Sacred Temple
This is my photo gallery, which contains pictures of all my friends and family. This sect. was remodeled in Nov. of 2001 for faster loading pages/pix and less errors. This area still loads somewhat slow, so ya must give it time.

Art gallery
This is where I keep all my original artwork, but its only for show. Please take note that you cannot clip any of these pictures. Right click and keyboard shortcuts have been disabled to avoid piracy. If you're interested in using my artwork for something, please Email Me and ask permission. If I decide you are worthy, I will send the picture via email. Some of my artwork has adult themes and may not be suitable for young children. Proceed with caution.

Hypostyle Hall
This is where you can find graphics I created on my computer. There are free backgrounds, free buttons, linkware and hybrids listed here. In Feb, a new section was added which contains all the Egyptian computer graphics I've made.


City of the Dead
This is my memorial to my mom and dad, both of whom are deceased. This section has pictures of them as well as tidbits about their lives. It’s a tribute more or less.

Desert Oasis
This is another gallery of pictures. This one contains pictures of all the flowers and plants my fiancé and me have cultivated. There is also another link on this page, which leads to another section with information on butterfly gardening.

Sacred Lake
This is the section of my site where you’ll find all my poetry I’ve written. Only the best of my stuff is posted here... hopefully in the future, I will be adding more to it, such as haikus and random thoughts I write as well. Some of my musings has adult content which may not be suitable for children.

Lost Scrolls

This is prolly one of the most popular places on my site.
This is where I keep funny quotes I’ve clipped from my friends I chat with in a room known as Astrology one, as well as my real life friends and family.
Definitely visit this part!
This section is not recommended for children under the age of 18.

Oracle of the Gods
Has 6 subsections, all for entertainment purposes only. You can consult the fortuneteller and recieve a yes or no answer, get your Chinese astrological sign if you dont already know what it is, ask Isis any question and she'll grace you with an answer, find out who you were with the past life generator. There's also my rude magic 8 ball... ask it a question and it answers in a funny yet crude way... this is the only part that isnt for children. There is also the love test, which does a compatiblity of two different names and responds with a percentage rating of how compatible you are with the other. Finally try the astrological love compatibility meter. This shows what zodiac signs your sign is most compatible with.

Voodoo Lounge
A ridiculous part of my site made in fun. Stop in and have a drink! *not for children*

Book of the Dead
This is my guestbook, which also contains some info on the actual Egyptian book of the dead. You may view or sign, the choice is up to you.

The Mistress
Its about... uhh... just what it says

My astrological chart
My astrological chart and interpretation. There are two pages listed here: the first page is a very large picture of the natal graph which depicts what the heavens looked like on the day I was born. This particular graph I made on the computer, so its decorated with planets and stuff. The second page is what all that confusing symbol crap on the first page actually means... hence the title "interpretation" lol. I put my chart up here coz I got tired of everyone asking me what it looks like, so now I can just send the link and say "If ya wanna know so bad go look at it and leave me the hell alone!." hehe. Since I'm a blonde and can't remember my placements half the time, I figured this would be more convenient.

Win my awards
This is for people who wanna advertise on my site. With the exception of my friends, it isnt easy to get a link on the Tomb of Doom... you hafta really deserve it. So.. I made awards on my computer and I give them to sites, some with limited criteria to win. There are currently 7 awards that you can win, all of them different with miscellaneous criteria. You must view each to make sure you can apply for it. There are three judges who decide what sites win; Myself, My best friend of 11 yrs Kathrine and my fiance' Stephen. Mind you, Stephen is major picky, he rejects alot of sites, which makes it even harder to win one. The only way you can win is by having an unanimous vote of 3 thumbs up. To win my highest award, The Eye of Horus Special Recognition award, you have to meet rigorous criteria and possess a previous award from me.
This award is practically impossible to win.

The great chamber
This is my treasure room.... hey... all pharaohs had one... and i do too. This is where I keep all the awards I’ve won for the creation of the Tomb of Doom. Feel free to browse, but do not clip any of the graphics... the gods will be angry.

The great Pyramid
This section is way fun! Its mostly comprised of... uhh.. links... but only special links go here, such as, links to my online/offline friends' sites and other sites I really reallly love. You wanna let the Pyramid corridor page load completely before proceeding onto my pyramid for the best effect. As you proceed thru my pyramid corridor you will come upon a link that leads to my great pyramid.... once ya click it, you will know why I told you to let the page load... lol... you will also see the pyramid itself has several links on it... which lead to? :::Sorry, I'm sworn to secrecy::: *Evil laughter*

Link to the Tomb of Doom


This contains graphics I made in case you want to link to the Tomb of Doom. Simply clip any graphic which is appealing to you and add it on as a link.

Language of the dead
Ok this one isnt very self explanatory, So I splain lucy... Kemetic is the language ancient Egyptians spoke. This is a java code I wrote myself *beams* which translates different phrases you choose from the page that are in English, into ancient Egyptian.

The great library


This is where I keep my Egyptological Glossary of terms. I added this page, because it very informative about ancient Egypt. It tells about symbols, pharaohs, queens, Netjer and it explains phrases and words in both english and Kemetic.

Though most of the graphics on my site are original, not all are. Some of the pictures on my site have been obtained from many different wesites. Some of my graphics that I have made feature art made by other people and graphic artists. I do not claim the pictures that are not original as my own, nor do I claim any of the artwork featured in my graphics. The only thing I do claim are the graphics featured on my site that are absolutely original.

Also, take note that some areas of my site are not intended for underage audiences, therefore please view with caution. The pages that are not child friendly are listed above.

The Tomb of Doom is exclusively owned by:
Barb Marandola
Copyright 2000-2002
All rights reserved


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