Verbal SPontaneous   81-100

Talk to our about a "slinky" giving as many creative uses as possible.
Ex. You go down stairs by yourself, you move between hands, you look like spring in bed, this is an antenna for an alien, a fishing pole for a whirlpole, a telescope

What are the uses of bubble gum?

What are all the uses of umbrella?

If you could give an animal, person, or thing a "noise" name, what would it be?
Ex. Cow is moo-moo

Name as many "oxymorons" as you can. (two words next to each other that are opposite but make sense together)
Ex. Jumbo shrimp, icy hot

Name puns dealing with ocean and sea life.
Ex. Play me a "tuna"

Name as many ways you can to be unfair.

Name things with the word light in it or kinds of light.
Ex. Bright light, fog light

Name a famous person today and a quote they might be remebered for in the future.

If you could travel in a time machine, what year would you go to and why?

If the pop-top can had never been invented, what would the soda companies use?
Ex. Bottle, jar, flask, stein, coconut

Name as many products and warning label pairs as you can.
Matches and "close cover before striking" cars and "fasten seat belts"

Primative man only understood three numbers:one, two, and three. Anything greater was simply "many".If our neanderthal friend were with us today, He would have understood the number in the book "The Three Mmusketeers" but to tell him the speed limit was "35" would not be a concept he could understand. Our world today is full of numbers. Name other things that tend to be associated with a number.

What colors your life. Creative points if color is mentioned in the answer.
Ex. If I "read" a good book

Name a many types of matches as you can in the given time.
Ex. Match book, match box, matchbox car, Matchmaker International

Name as many things as possible that are square and you eat them.
Ex. Piece of cake, lasagna Jolly Rancher, brownie

Name things that turn.
Ex. Earth, wheels, pages, stomach

Name things that go around.

Name something that is inside something that is inside something.
Ex. a yoke is inside that is inside the shell

Name as many things as you can that can "count" with two successive numbers.
Ex. one-toothed animal
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