Verbal SPontaneous  321-340

Name a real city or state and a creative name for a sports team for that city or state.
You can use an existing name for the sports team, but it would be counted as common.
Give a reason for the sports team's name.
ex: the Milwaukee Pedestrians because the word walk is in that city's name

Name things you sleep with.

Name as many different kinds of shoes as you can.
ex: Jogging, walking

Name as many types of occupations as possible.

Name something that shields you and what it shields you from?

Tell a story to a deck of cards.
ex: The King of Hearts married the Queen of Clubs and had 9 children

What would you say if you were a wagon wheel on a wagon on the Oregon Trail

If you were stuck on the top of the statue of liberty how would you get down?

We've all heard it said that money does not grow on trees, though most of us wish it did.
If you could have any type of tree in your backyard what would it be and why?

How do you spell OM?
ex: happy face 777

Use the word "time" in creative ways.

Name all the ways you can use the word "IT".

Name things that are inside of something, that is inside of something else.
ex: Foot inside of a sock inside of a shoe

List things that have a coat.

Name things that produce sound and what causes them to produce it.
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