HANDS-ON Practice Problems 91-100

Given: a deck of cards, 10 inches of tape.
Build the highest structure possible which will stand for 30 seconds.

Given: a sheet of typing paper, 5 pieces of 2" square sticky paper, 5 beans, 5 elbow macaroni, 5 toothpicks, 1 small lump of Clay.
In three minutes, build a picture. In the following two minutes, tell a story about the picture one team member at a time.

Given: 15 foam balls, 5 large paper clips,  5 rubber bands, 3 popsicle sticks, a plastic spoon, a 12" piece of string, a mailing label, 5 straws, a 4'x4" piece of cardboard, a paper towel tube, 1 large box, 1 small box.
Place one large and one small box ten feet from a line marked on the floor. You will have three minutes to think and construct, and three minutes to solve the problem. Construct at least three different devices to shoot the foam balls into the boxes. Each device must be made from at least two items and must shoot at least five balls. Balls may be retrieved and retried, but not while someone is shooting. There will be a 5 point penalty if this occurs. 5 points will be awarded for each ball in the larger box and 10 points for each ball in the smaller box at the end of the 3 minutes.

Given: 4 coffee stirrers, 2 drinking straws, 2 large cups, 1 mailing label, 12 in. masking tape, 6 paper clips, 2 sheets of typing paper, 4 small Dixie cups, 8 ft. string, 6 pennies, 5 nickels, 5 dimes, 1 pair of scissors.
Using the provided materials, your goal is to get as many points as possible by passing coins through the "gate". You have four minutes to discuss and build. After construction time, you will be given two minutes to perform our solution. During performance time, all team members must stay behind the foul line.
Every time any part of a team member breaks the plane of the foul line,
the team will be penalized 40 points. The penalty for team members crossing the foul line and moving coins through the gate is disqualification. The coins must pass completely through the gate, one at a time, to earn points. The scissors may not be used during the performance.
(Division II and above...)
No part of your construction may break the side boundaries. The penalty for moving or altering the barrier or the tape that supports the barrier is disqualification. The penalty for touching or attaching anything to the barrier or the tape that supports the barrier is disqualification. Incidental contact during construction time does not count.
Scoring: 1 point for each penny passing through the gate. 5 points for each nickel passing through the gate. 10 points for each dime passing through the gate.
Minus 40 points each time a team member crosses the plane of the foul line, once the team begins to perform.

Given: 2 pencils, 2 packages gummy lifesavers, 4 packages regular lifesavers, 2 blindfolds.
You will have 5 minutes to develop and test and 2 minutes to complete task.
The problem is to develop a nonverbal communication / system to put lifesavers on a pencil in a preset order. Two people will  wear the blindfolds, and they will be putting the lifesavers on the pencil.

Given: 4 boxes, 10 air filled balloons, about 100 straight pins, tape, tweezers, pen. prepare boxes as shown. Put the balloons into the boxes without popping them using tweezers, tape and the pen.
Place a deck of cards, including the jokers, in the middle of the table. The team has one minute to think and three minutes to respond. Team members, in sequence, will flip the cards over, one at a time, telling a story using whatever card they flipped as a part of the story. The story continues until all the cards are gone. Scoring- one point for common responses and three points for creative responses. One extra point given for each second under the three minute time limit if all the cards were flipped.

Given: table top marked with a start line and a finish line that are one meter apart, 3 sheets of typing paper, 1 pair of scissors, 2 yards of String or yarn, 36 inches of masking tape, 9 tennis balls, 2 unsharpened pencils, 1 wooden ruler, 5 plastic straws, 1 Styrofoam or paper cup.
Within 15 minutes, create a device that will transport one tennis bail at a time from behind the start line across the finish line. The device may not be touched by humans either going to the finish line or returning to the start time for another "load." Allow five minutes to demonstrate solution to problem. Balls may be removed by a team member after they have crossed the line, and a team member is allowed to place a tennis ball into the device for transport
Scoring- 1 point for each piece of equipment used on completed device. 10 points for cleverness of design of device. 10 points for each ball transported across finish line.

Given: 4 ft. of string, 3 paper clips, 1 sheet of typing paper, a Dixie cup.
There are two lines on the floor 3 feet apart. A 10 ounce glass bottle lies on its side, pointing left on the far side of the second line. The problem is to rotate the point of the bottle 3 full times without crossing the first line.
You have 4 minutes to plan and 3 minutes to execute the solution.

Given: 6 straws cut in half, a cup of shaving cream.
Without talking, build the highest structure you can in 3 minutes.
Measure the structure at its highest point.

Given:  3 pieces of typing paper, a paper towel tube, 10 pipe cleaners,
a Styrofoam plate, a wad of clay.
Using the above materials, construct a device that can cushion an egg from breaking when dropped from a height of six feet.
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