Hands - On Spontaneous  221-230

Given:  A 4" x 5" piece of aluminum foil, a tub of water and a pile of pennies.
Use the aluminum foil to build a boat to hold as many pennies as possible. You have 5 minutes to build and test the boat and to see how many pennies the boat will hold before it sinks.

Given: Different color markers and a large sheet of paper.
Each team member is given a different color of marker. On the large piece of paper, team members, in a circle, take turns adding onto the drawing of the person before them. After time stops, team members that participated can make creative comments about the teams' masterpiece.

Given: One container of Playdoh, 3 toothpicks, 1/2 straw, 2 marbles, 2 pipe  cleaners, 12 mini marshmallows and 1- 4"square of cardboard.
Build a unique animal. It must fit on the 4" card. Each team member will build onto the story of why this animal is unique. O-10 points are awarded for the animals movement and how it relates. Give one point for a common answer and 3 points for a creative answer. You have 4 minutes to discuss and build and 2 minutes to respond.

Given: Poster board, 5 pieces typing paper, 3 mailing labels and scissors.
Build a singie structure which stretches from edge of the poster board to the other edge. You have 5 minutes to discuss and build. The structure will be measured at the end of the 5 minutes. The team will receive 2 points for every inch of length.
You will be penalized 5 points for every inch of structure off the poster board.

Given: Ten pieces spaghetti, 2 straws, one mailing label, 1 - 8 1/ 2 x 1 1 sheet of paper, 2 - 3" x 5" cards, 4 toothpicks, 1 - 12" piece of string, 2 cotton balls,20 saltine crackers and 20 rigatoni pasta.
"Bridging the Gap"  Make a long span structure on a table with the materials given that will support the crackers and pasta for extra points.
You have 5 minutas to build a structure having only two vertical supports. The structure will be measured at the end of the 5 minutes. The structure length will be measured between the furthest unsupported span of the structure as measured parallel to thetable top. For each one inch of structure length between the two supports, the team will earn 3 points. For each cracker and each rigatoni supported off the table the team earns one point. Any crackers or rigatoni supported more that 2 inches off the table will each earn 2 points.
A penalty of 5 points per word will be given if you talk during the problem.

Given: 25 tennis balls, 1 - 8 1/2" x 11 " sheet paper, 4 rubber bands, 2 mailing labels, 1- 36" piece of string, 2 paper clips, 2 toothpicks, one balloon and one cotton ball.
Make a structure or structures out of the 25 tennis balls and the materials given. The team has 5 minutes to discuss and make a free standing structure. The structure must stand for at least 15 seconds after the 5 minutes. Points will be scored after the 5 seconds of stand time. Each tennis ball supported 2" above the table is worth 5 points. Bonus points: 1-10 points for creativity and 1-10 points for team work.

Given:  Four student desks, 1-12" pieces of string, 25 blown up balloons,and 4 self stick labels.
Your team has 3 minutes to stick all the balloons to the desks. They may not touch the floor at any time.

Given:  Five small lumps of clay and 15 toothpicks.
Give each team member a small lump of clay and 3 toothpicks. Make something using some/all of the items. Be creative!

Given:  25" of string, 4 paper clips, 4 straws, 50 cotton swabs and a
bucket with a handle.
How many cotton swabs can you get into the bucket from 10 feet away?

Given: A spoon, wood ruler, paper cup, keys, pencil, 2 marbles and a
sheet of paper.
In front of you are 6 different colors of construction paper. A bowl
of M&M's are on the table. Using the items listed above, the team is to
develop a non-verbal  communication scheme by which one or more team members will direct the others to put various color M&M's on the same color papers.
Coaches: Dream up any color/M&M patterns you wish.
Scoring: One point for each correct M&M, 10 points for each paper that is totally correct and 100 point bonus if all are correct. Feel free to eat the evidence!
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