Hands - On Spontaneous 191-200

Given: One empty toilet paper tube, 4 tissues and one rubber band.
Build a ghost.

Given: A yardstick, a plastic tub, a 4" x 4" block of wood, 10 rubber bands, a 12" piece of tape, a 12" piece of string, a basketball hoop and a basketball.
Using the materials given, create a device to shoot the ball into the hoop without using your hands.

Given: Five paper clips, 5 straws, 20 wooden sticks, 2-10" pieces of tape,  6 rubber bands, a paper cup, pennies and a bowl of water large enough to float your structure.
Build a raft that will float. It then must hold the paper cup while putting  pennies in as weights. Each weight is worth 10 points. The problem is finished if the raft falls apart or could not float. You have 2 minutes to think and 3 minutes to build and hold weight on your structure.

Given:  Masking tape, 5 cardboard circles each marked with one of these
numbers - 1, 3, 5, -2 and 0, and a blindfold.
Inside a 10 x 20 foot area are place numbered cardboard circles.
Blindfold one team member. The remaining team members will use non- verbal directions to give the blindfolded member directions. The blindfolded member will attempt to pick up cards for their score. The judge will provide the team with 2 blocks of wood, an empty soda can, 2 small rocks and a ruler.

Given: Rolling pin, 12" craft wire, 2 Styrofoam cups, 3 paper plates, 4 mailing labels,20" string, 1 ball clay, 24" masking tape, 2 pencils, 4 marbles, 4 pieces typing paper, 2 ping pong balls, '2 empty soda cans, 2 full soda cans, 1 metal or wood spoon, 1 brick, 2 - 2 x 4's  ( 3 feet long), bungee cord, 6 paper clips, scissors, 4 rubber bands, one empty thread spool and one egg.
You will have a 9 x 12 foot area covered with a plastic tarp in which to work.A small table will be placed on the tarp within this area. Your problem is to design and build a five-step chain reaction which, after the 5th step, breaks an egg.
Each step in the process must initiate the next step. The table may be used along with the materials provided. Note: the table, tarp and scissors may not be altered.
Scoring: Each step will receive 3 points for a common movement or task and 5 pointsif it is creative. If the chain reaction succeeds in breaking the egg, 5 points will be scored. If the egg cracks but does not break, 3 points are scored. Once the chain reaction has been set in motion, team members may not touch or adjust it with their hands. Additional points may be earned for each additional step designed into the reaction beyond the 5 required. Team members have 10 minutes to build and test your solution.

Given: Obstacle course and blindfold.
Set up an course using your choice of obstacles. Blindfold one team member. The other team members must devise a means of communication
with the blindfolded team member. The blindfolded team member must navigate the obstacle course without the use of verbal communication.

Given:  Newsprint paper, markers, scissors and glue sticks.
"Treasure Pleasure" Create a map to a self-named island where
a treasure chest is waiting. This is a nonverbal problem.

Given: One square foot of aluminum foil, one ball of yarn, 2 feet of tape, 2 crayons, 2 sheets of paper.
Create a children's toy out of the materials given. It must have at
least one fully functional feature.

Given: A ball of clay, five blindfolds.
"Shape it Up" Blindfold all five team members. A ball of clay will
be passed from one team member to another. Each team member must contribute some shaping to the clay to result in a finished product. Points are awarded on how well the clay resembles something. You have 2 minutes to discuss and test your solution. You have 4 minutes to solve the problem while blindfolded.
You may not speak to each other during the 4 minutes.

"Statues" Team members stand in a circle and one at a
time take turns posing. The team member to the right must describe who or what the posed member is.
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