Hands On Spontaneous #131-140

Materials: 1 package of 3 X 5 index cards, 1 roll of scotch or masking tape
Problem: The team is to construct a structure using the cards and tape. Team members may not talk and each member may only use one hand.  The time limit is 3 minutes.  At times end, 1 pre-designated member will announce what the structure is or how it is used.

Materials: 20 pipe cleaners, 20 toothpicks, 20 marshmallows, 10 styrofoam cup.
Problem: To build a bridge using the matrials given. 
Scoring:  3 points for each inch of width, 3 points for each inch of clearance from the table, measured from the middle of the structure.
          1-10 points for team work
          1 point for each item used

Materials: straws, toothpicks, masking tape, paper.
Problem: Build a bridge that a ping pong ball will roll on.

Materials: two thick books, one sheet of notebook paper, one small weight such as a salt shaker
Problem: Place the books about 3-4 inches apart.  Using the piece of paper only, create a bridge across the books that will hold the weight.
(You cannot place the paper between the pages of the book)

Materials: apple or piece of bread.
Problem: Using your teeth as sculpting tools, create an object, face, scene etc   with your piece of food.
Scoring:Go around the group and make a comment on each piece. Then allow each team member to comment on the other members creation.

Materials: 40" x 50" rectangle, 50 popsicle sticks, drawing of an object such as truck using 1" line segments, then cut in half and put into clear document protectors with a backing
Problem: The team is given the popcicle sticks and told they must develop a non-verbal communication system, such that two of their members, chosen in advance, will each use the communication systems to get the remaining three team members to duplicate each half of the picture. The two signalers are separeted and may not see each others' papers.  The three "drawers" may only bring one stick at a time into the drawing area. 
Scoring:Points are awarded for teamwork; creativity of the communication system; amount of sticks located approximatly in their correct position; coherence between the two halves; and after time expires having one of the three drawers correctly identify the intended figure verbally to the head judge.  Generally, allow three minutes to develope their communication system, and allow approximentely four minutes or so to solve the problem.

Materials: box of "Tinker Toys"
Problem: You are to build a car with four wheels, two axles, and a frame. Judged on how elaborate it is.  After that it is judged when it is dropped from one foot in to the air onto tile. Each point together counts as one point added to how elaborate it was. One minute to discuss and one minute to build.

Materials: an apple, a pair of scissors, a pen, small car wheel, tweezers, paper clip, rubber glove, and a playing card
Problem: Players will each create an animal using a minimum of 2 objects and pass the objects to the next team member upon completion of their own animal.

Materials: Hammer, nails, ruler, papre clips, pencil, box of matches, stopwatch,ring, shoe, small paint brush, pop can, spool of thread, piece of tape, candle, magazine pictures, pen, buttens
Setup: Use some of the items to make a sign on the table.
Problem: Team has 2 minutes to memorize design.  They may talk while memorizing. Items are put into a box with those not used.  Team must recreate the design within three minutes.

Problem: On the floor there will be a ten foot wide octagon. Placed around the octagon will be containers.  Three members will be blindfolded. 
The two remaining  team members will give non-verbal communication signals in order to place red, green, white, and blue ping-pong balls in the appropriate container. 
Team members will have 3 minutes to plan the communication system. 
5 minutes to  complete the problem.
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