HANDS-ON Practice Problems 1-10

Given: 5 medium rubber bands, 10 dimes, 3 chains, Legos, shoes with
Laces Members form a circle in which alternate members face toward and away from the center. Attach the wrists of the members standing next to one another.
Without talking, complete the following tasks.
1. Stack the dimes
2. Untie and retie two individuals' sneakers
3. Unstack three chairs
4. Build a car with the Legos

Given: Marshmellows, toothpicks
Build a structure as high as you can
The team is divided into two groups. One group's members are the leaders, the other group's members are the workers.
The leaders are given two minutes to develop a nonverbal communication method (ex. sign language) in order to direct the workers to perform a task.
The judges then give the leaders a task.
The leaders must non-verbally direct the workers to perform a task
(ex. building something out of clay)

Given: 10 marbles, table or other raised surface from which to start,
cardboard-flat and tubes, paper plates, construction paper, egg cartons, plastic cups, nails, push pins, masking tape, sponges, tacks, various boards, small boxes,
8 foot and / or shorter pieces of plastic molding for paneling or other supplies as desired and available.
Design and build a marble run with as much variety as possible.  At the end of the allotted time(10-30 minutes), run 10 marbles and judge the run on variety, creativity, and  engineering.  The problem might be altered to give more points for very slow descent of the marbles.

Given: one large plastic gallon bag with the following materials; large paper or plastic plate, 3 toothpicks, 2 plastic straws, balloon, 2 rubber bands,large Styrofoam cup, 6" square of contact paper, sheet of plain paper, business size envelope, small bottle of glue, scissors.
Design and build a device which will store energy that will then be released to transport a raw egg a minimum of 12 inches using only the materials provided and without touching the egg during the test with your hands.

Given: 15 large marshmallows, 15 licorice sticks, a cup, lifesavers.
Build a structure that will hang from the ceiling.  You will have 10
minutes to complete the problem. After you have built the structure it will be hung from the doorway.
Attach a cup at the bottom of the structure and fill it with lifesavers. 
After each addition of 5 lifesavers the structure will be rocked. 
Each time the structure is rocked (and survives), 2 points will be given. 
The length of the structure will earn points as well- 5 points per 1 inch.
Build a bridge type structure. You will be given one minute to discuss
the problem.  You may talk to your teammates. 
You will have 10 minutes to complete the problem. 
After you've built the structure, a cup will be placed in the middle of the bridge span.  The addition of each lifesaver to the cup counts as two points, and each inch of the structure's horizontal span will equal 5 points.

Given: 6 paper clips, fingernail file, 10 foot piece of string, 3 rubber bands, meter stick.
A pipe is placed on a tabletop, extending over the edge at least 6
inches. Two other pipes are placed on the floor directly below the pipe
on the table top and spaced one foot apart. An 8 foot square is taped
around the setup such that the pipes are in the center. Team members
are not allowed inside the square. The team must find the vertical
distance from the bottom of the pipe on the tabletop to the top of the
pipes on the floor.

Given: crayons, cardboard.
Recreate as much of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling as possible. The team has three minutes to think and eight minutes to work.
There is to be no talking.

Given: golf balls, swizzle sticks, duct tape, one rubber glove.
Build a structure as high as possible.

Given: cardboard, pasta.
Create an artistic work and then describe what it represents.

Given: 2 Styrofoam cups, 1 sheet of typing paper, 2 popsicle stick, 1
mailing label, 2 Cheerios.
Construct a platform(s) that will cover the 2 Cheerios while
supporting a team member off the ground for at least 10 seconds.
Scoring- 10 points for every second the team member is supported (up to
150 points possible), 10 bonus points for each Cheerio that remains
uncrushed and unbroken.
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