Hands On Spontaneous  101-110

Problem:The object of the activity is for all of the team members to get across the taped 20 foot "Toxic Swamp" using only the invisible "Magic Shoes".  The following rules apply:
1. There is only one pair of shoes.
2. Both shoes may be worn by only one person at a time.
3. A person may only wear the shoes for one trip in one direction across the Toxic Swamp.
4. The Magic Shoes may not be "Tossed" across the Toxic Swamp to another team member.

Materials: 12" peice of string, paper punch, 1/2 gallon plastic milk container, 6 index cards, round ballon, scissors, 6" paper plate, 4 pencils, masking tape
Problem: You will have 3 minutes to discuss your solution, and 5 minutes to construct. During the 5 minutes, you may not talk. Construct a musical insturment that will play at least 2 different tones. Additional tones will be worth 15 points each. You will recieve up to 5 points for each item used from the supply list.  

Materials:  6 identical cicular objects (EX) buttons, bottle caps, pennies etc,
Problem: Visulization - form a circle by moving only two objects
  Starting Position
   0  0
   0  0
   0  0

Materials:  Spaghetti (20) pieces, lump of clay, sticker tabs
Problem: Use these materials to create a picture.  You will have 5 minutes to do this.  After this you will have 2 minutes to respond to picture or tell a story about it.  EX. The team may create a farm.

Materials:  Piece of paper (8 1/2" X 11"), 4 playing cards, clothspin, piece of yarn, 2 batteries, small magnet (or any little object such as a button), 5" masking tape
Problem: You have 2 minutes to think and 5 to respond. You have to build a little object that can carry the magnet (small object) with touching the magnet.  You get points as to how many feet you can pull it.

Materials:  A piece of PVC tubing ( about 4' long), 12 balls ( golf, tennis, ping pong), 20 wooden blocks, and 3 "targets"( the targets can be circles cut  out of construction paper)
Problem: The team will arrange the targets and the blocks on the floor to make a track to guide the balls.  The balls will then be rolled through the PVC tube, one at a time...in any order. The objective will be to amass as many balls as possible on the targets.  Targets and balls can have various point values.  Depending on the team, the tube can be held at any angle.

Materials: Blue poster board ( ocean), 50 pom pom balls (boats), box of tooth picks( oars), Box of straws( sails).
Problem: Get as many ships safely across the ocean as possible. Team members may "row" using toothpicks or  "sail" using straws to blow.  Any shipwrecked boats must begin again.

Materials: 8 lifesavers, 10 pretzel sticks (butter braids), 10 large marshmallows,  ramp, and 4 oreo cookies.
Problem: Construct a vehicle in 3 minutes.  Test drive the vehicle down the ramp.  Score if vehicle rolled more than 4 inches. Relax and eat your creation. 

Materials: Ping-pong balls, 15 straws, 10 toothpicks, Wallpaper trough or some basin filled with water, 12 inches of masking tape, 2 sheets 8-1/2 x 11 paper, scissors (may not be part of objects).
Problem: You must build an object using the provided materials. This object must move across the basin of water propelled by air.  The object will receive bonus points for transporting pin-pong balls.  You receive 10 points for each lap across the basin.  Each ping-pong ball that is on the object at the end of the time earns 7 points. You have 5 minutes to design and build your object and 2 minutes to propel your object

Given: 2 sets of Legos (equal numbers and equal sizes)
The team will divide itself into two groups. you will have 2 minutes to discuss the problems before parts 1 and 2 begin. This is a completely nonverbal problem.
You will be penalized 10 points each time you talk.
Part 1- In 3 minutes, build a freestanding structure with the Legos.
All of the Legos do not need to be used. Each layer must be made of all the same color. You will be given 5 points for each correct vertical layer of Legos. Once there is a mistake in the layering, the scoring for layers stop. Scoring starts from bottom to top. There must be a layer separating two identical color layers. There must be one layer of each color before the colors can be layered again. When a color is no longer available, then all the remaining colors must be used in the layering.
Part 2- You will be given 4 minutes. After part 2 begins, the first structure cannot be changed. The group who built the first structure is to instruct the other group how to build an identical structure.
You will receive 2 points for each correct block. Scoring starts from the bottom to the top. The two groups may not look at each others structures.

Given:  puzzle pieces
Team members will use them to make abstract objects.

Given: sectioned fruit, raw cut vegetables.
See how many different creative faces, items, etc. can be made in five minutes.

Given: On a plain piece of paper the coach draws any kind of line or squiggle. Team passes paper around adding one line each to make a complete recognizable picture. No talking allowed. Paper goes around twice. This problem encourages the team to learn to work together on a common theme and to communicate via the drawing and not words.
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