The Omniverse

The Omniverse was a concept that I had come up with long before I made up TCM, but I found that one fit into the other so well that I would be a fool not to combine them. So what is the Omniverse? Simply put, it's everything. It's all of reality rolled up into one big ball . . . every single dimension, superlayer, and state of being. Everything.
Now, where did it all come from? Well, that's a little more complicated.
In the beginning - or as close enough to it that it doesn't make much of a difference - there was The One. It's impossible to explain the nature of The One since at that high a level, what we consider logic has broken down long long long beforehand. Even those closest to The One have difficulty telling whether or not it is truly exists or not, and they can manage to come into direct contact with it from time to time.
In any case, regardless of whether it was conscious of its actions or not, The One created reality and created itself in the process. Yes, this is confusing. Anyway, in the first layer of reality, intelligence was born. It started out much like our own version of life did, starting small and gradually moving up through various stages of growth and progress until the dominant lifeforms became masters of all around them. Seeking something new to do, they decided to copy The One after a fashion and they created another reality one level below theirs and watched as another set of lifeforms grew and prospered.
This became a cycle as more and more of the sentients on each level of reality would create new dimensions, states of being, and other neat and interesting planes. It is unclear as to The One's thoughts on this process of continual creation that it set in motion, but as it has not yet seen fit to bring the whole thing crashing down it can only be surmised that it either approves, doesn't care, or hasn't noticed.
So, fast forward an amount of time that cannot be reckoned by our feeble temporal instruments. In one of the billions upon billions of realities, a group of several thousand scientists gathered around a teeming mass of Chaos.
Chaos, it should be mentioned, is not something that anyone on any level of existance has ever been in any real hurry to mess with. Supposedly cast off remnants of The One's original creation process, Chaos contains pure kinetic potential. It is simultaneously everything that has ever been, everything that will ever be, everything that will never appear anywhere else, and nothing at all. It is the ultimate in possibilities, including the possibility that there are no possibilities. A space of pure Chaos is a place where pure logic and pure madness rule equally and spells almost certain death for any Ordered creature foolish enough to venture near it. It builds, it tears apart, it hopes, and it kills hope. It is the sum of all knowledge yet it is unknowable.
In short, I cannot adaquetly explain it except to say that it is extremely dangerous stuff.
So these scientists all gather together, and for reasons unfathomable to us, decide to use this ball of pure Chaos to create a superverse. They use their abilities to mold it and form it to their desires. This, naturally, was very tricky work and had not - as far as anyone knew - been attempted anywhere else in the whole of reality. Once they had the initial superstructure made up, they moved in further to start developing the spacial and temporal coordinates, then began to form the dimensions themselves and everything that went in them. Finally, they stepped back, and started it all with one big bang.

Unfortunately, from our point of view, the superverse is a hoplessly complicated setup that we could never fully understand. I will, however, try and give a basic rundown.
First, imagine our universe as a bubble. Got that? Good. Now imagine that there are five other universes very similar to ours but different enough to warrant their seperate existance. They, too, look like bubbles. Now, squish these bubbles together so they form a much larger, segmented bubble. Each segment, of course, representing the seperate dimensions. This collection of similar dimensions is commonly known as a multiverse. There are several such multiverses, most consisting of no more than a thousand or so dimensions, strung all about the superverse. They, for the most part, never interlap unless the Entities in charge of them wish them to do so.
Each multiverse typically has at least one Entity watching over it. A few are left alone, but mostly only long term projects that don't need constant supervision. In any case, the Entities in charge watch over their experiments in those multiverses, occaisionally giving them a nudge here and there and generally keeping watch and taking notes, learning everything they can. Sometimes the Entities will even enter their dimensions directly, appearing in an avatar form (usually inhabiting a native of the dimension itself) as their true forms are far too powerful to enter such primitive reality structures without tearing them apart.
The largest and most important of these multiverses by far is the Earth Globe. Remember the bubble analogy? Well, now imagine near-on to a million of these bubbles all bunched together in a gigantic globe shape. This, of course, is not its real structure since quantum physics allows each universe to occupy the same space-time with different quantum signatures, but it's really an easier concept for the human mind to grasp, neh?
In any case, Earth Globe is constantly under surveillance by the Entities and all the most important experiments are run within the thousands upon thousands of dimensions that it is made up of. One of the most important and dangerous of these experiments resides here, in fact . . . an experiment known as The Ordered Multiverse.
A trio of Entities volunteered themselves for a most dangerous experiment. While the general construction of the superverse had been done from the outside, the three - collectively known as the Ancient Walkers - decided to create a system of universes from within the Chaos. They took a portion of Chaos that had been left alone to help balance the Order that had been woven into the superverse and studied it long and hard. They found that, strangely, some of the Order had infected the ever-changing mass and that fairly stable intelligences had begun to appear. So, in order to better examine this and go about their work, the Ancient Walkers entered three of the burgeoning intelligences and used their bodies as avatars. The other Chaotic Beings took great offense to this and tried to mount an offensive against the Walkers, but the three Entities began to use their powers of Order to devestate them and began reforming the Chaos to their desire.
When they were finished creating what would become the worlds of Mobius, they gained permission to attach their multiverse tentatively to Earth Globe. The Earth experiments had always facinated the Walkers, and they ended up modelling much of Mobius after the human planet. When they noticed the interesting side effect that many of the universes closest to Earth Globe became Earth first and then turned into Mobius, they were overjoyed at the interplay and studied every facet of the transformation.
Unforunately, even though they thought they had accounted for every variable, they failed to realize that Chaos was one variable they could never fully prepare for. When they had moved the Ordered Multiverse to its new location, they had dragged a line of Chaos across the fabric of their reality like a tear through a piece of cloth. The Chaotic Beings still remembered what the Walkers had done to them and wanted the substance that rightfully belonged to them back at any cost. The Walkers, in their Chaotic avatars, were sadly ineffective in holding off the attacks. They managed to set up a hasty barrier in between the Ordered and Chaotic Multiverses, but could not hope for it to hold strong forever.
They attempted to enlist the help of other Entities, but were told that the problem fell under their jurisdiction alone since it was a direct result of their own experiment. When the Walkers managed to convince others that the destruction of the Ordered Multiverse might result in an overflow of Chaos that could wipe out several key areas of the Earth Globe, they managed to at least recieve the support of one or two others. It would not be enough, however, and they finally decided that their creations would have to learn to defend themselves if they wanted to stand a chance.
And so began the construction of the universe that would be known as Champion Mobius, the central focus of the stories I would have written if only other things hadn't gotten in the way.


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