The following short story is based on characters created and/or copyrighted by SEGA! Enterprises, DiC Productions, Archie Comic Publishers, Fleetway Comic Publishers, and the Taki Corporation. All other characters were created and copyrighted by Roland Lowery. The author gives permission to distribute this work freely as long as it remains intact and unaltered, and the transfer of monetary units is not involved. Questions, comments, suggestions, complaints? Send them to me at . I enjoy hearing from people who can spell. Chaotic Multiverse Tale #9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote for the day: Hobbes: "I have a question. Why don't we get younger as we go back in time, and disappear as we pass the day we were born?" Calvin: "I'd explain it, but there's a lot of math." Hobbes: "I thought you got a 'D' in math." -Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heroes of War (Part 5 - Heroes Saga) by Roland Lowery IN THE dense jungles of the Floating Island, which hovered some three thousand feet above sea level, hundreds of animals stirred uneasily. Their peace had been broken well over an hour ago by the sudden appearance of a group of other, stranger animals. These new animals were unlike anything seen before on the island. Their skins were not covered with fur, nor were they scaley or wet. They were dry and shone in the sun with a brilliance that no other animal could hope to accomplish. Their bodies were silvery gray, and their wide, uniocular eyes glowed a dull red. In their hands they held long sticks that were made of the same material as their bodies. The sticks would suddenly unleash a crimson light that would destroy all that got in its way, including a large gathering of evolved animals that called themselves Mobians. The lesser evolved animals could not understand this. For centuries, their kind had been sheltered by the Guardians of this island, a race of evolved echidnas who had, over the years, dwindled in number. The animals had never been subject to such treatment as they were now. Many of the smarter animals were retreating to the edges of the island, where there was less fighting now that the large shapes that carried the gray animals onto the island had stopped landing. The few that remained in the jungles, forests, and on the few mountains on the island were treated to a sight even stranger than the gray animals and the bewildering confrontation that was going on. This sight was a blue object that moved through the trees at such a speed that even the swiftest gazelle would have not been able to keep up with it. The jungle, forest, and mountain creatures all hung on tight as the blur sped by as it inched bit by bit from the "western" side of the island to the "eastern" side. Every nook, every cranny, every cave, crevice, hole, burrow, everything that could be used as a hiding spot was searched by the blur. Within mere minutes, it would have covered almost the entire island. It WOULD have, had it not found its objective. Or rather, had it's objective not found IT. Sonic T. Hedgehog, the blue blur, found himself flying through the air. Something had caught his leg as he had been running, sending him careening towards a tree trunk. He twisted his body in the air in an attempt to start up a Sonic Spin, but he realized that it would be too late. Instead, he continued to twist around, this time into a position where he would take the least force to his vulnerable spots. He hit the tree with a resounding thud. He thought he heard something break, and hoped that it was something on the tree and not something on himself. After rolling down the trunk, he came to a stop at the roots. he looked around blearily to find what had tripped him, but could see nothing. Everything blurred out around the edges, but he struggled to stay conscious. The last thing he could afford to do right then was pass out. He struggled to stand up, but felt a hand on his shoulder as it pushed him back to the ground. "Ssssh," said a voice. "You just go on t'sleep and I'll take care of everything else." "Who . . . are . . . ?" Sonic mumbled just before a searing pain hit him in the shoulder. He succumbed to the blackness without a fight. "Nicole." "Yes, Sally?" chirped the palm-top computer. "Locate Sonic, Knuckles, and Archimedes." "Searching . . . . . . . unable to comply. Subjects are out of sensor range." "So, where did they go?" asked Espio. "Sonic departed west," replied Nicole. "Knuckles and Archimedes disappeared." "'Disappeared'?" said Mighty. "'Disappeared' where?" "Unable to reply. Insufficient data." "What do we do then?" asked Tails. "Unable to reply. Insufficient data." Though the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix had no idea where Knuckles T. Echidna and Archimedes Fire Ant were, Snively and Doctor Ivo Robotnik were very certain of their location. "The engine room, sir," said Snively. "Visual now." On the main screen in the operations center of the Death Egg, Knuckles appeared. He and Archy were standing in between two large machines, looking back and forth and arguing. Robotnik ground his teeth. How did they get past his defenses and all the way into the engine room? No matter. However they got onto the flying fortress, they would only be leaving one way: in many pieces and shoved through a garbage chute. Robotnik opened a commlink. "Robotnik to Mecha-Sonic." "Mecha-Sonic here," the robotic voice droned. "Mecha-Sonic, never mind coming up to ops. Instead, I want you to go down to the engine room and get rid of a few pests. Do you think you can handle that?" "Affirmative. Mecha-Sonic out." The fat doctor closed the commlink from his end, and decided to go about some more evil chuckling before turning his full attention to the battle on the island below. "How much do YOU know about the Death Egg?" "Probably more than you, pup!" "Would'ja quit calling me that?" "I will when you start acting like a grown up!" "What're you talking about? I'm a pup just because I don't want to go the way you arbitrarily chose?" "Instead you want to go the way YOU arbitrarily chose?" "I didn't choose it arbitrarily! I hear some sort of electrical current running off to the right . . . and now, there's some sort of metal clanking, too. I say we go that way." Archimedes' face clouded up. "I believe I know what the source of the metal clanking is, Knuckles. Turn around slowly. Don't make any sudden moves." Knuckles did as Archy instructed. Stalking through the aisle in the machinary was a blue robot. In the dim light, the echidna could just make out a few features on the robot that looked vaugely familiar. As the robot got closer, Knuckles' good eye grew wide. "Archy?" "Yes?" said the ant. "That's Mecha-Sonic." Archy rubbed his chin. "You mean the robot that attacked back when you first formed the Chaotix?" Knuckles began to back away from the slowly advancing mecha. He picked up Archimedes and placed the fire ant on his shoulder. "Not . . . exactly. Hold on, I want to see what this new peeper can do." The echidna put all of his concentration on the electronic eye he had recieved at Knothole Village. Slowly, he saw the light level in the eye go up to where he could see in the gloomy engine room as if it were covered in twilight. In this slightly brighter light, he could see- "Uh-oh," he breathed. "This model does not appear to be any friendlier than the last." Archimedes' head shot up to look at Knuckles'. "What do you mean, 'THIS model' and 'any FRIENDLIER'?" "What I mean is, HANG ON!" Knuckles suddenly jumped into a glide through a side aisle, Archy hanging from his shoulder. Through the spot that they had occupied just a few seconds before, a mini-missile flew. It continued on its course and hit a wall, exploding on impact. The whole engine room vibrated. "Sir!" cried Snively. "Missile impact in sector E-3!" He looked up from his console with a worried expression on his face. "Track the trajectory of the missile," Robotnik said calmly. Snively opened his mouth as if to say something more, but decided it was more prudent to close it and turn back to his console. A few seconds later, he looked up again, this time with an astonished expression. "Sir," he said unbelievingly, "the missile came from INSIDE the Egg!" The doctor yawned. "Of course it did, you nitwit. That was Mecha-Sonic." "But, sir, he could destroy all the machinary! We stand a chance of crashing if we don't have enough engines running the hover pads on the underbelly of the Egg!" "I realize the consequences, SNIVELY," Robotnik said with a steely glare fixed on his assisstant. "I told Mecha-Sonic and the rest of the 'bots that all intruders on the Egg are to be purged with EXTREME prejudice. Understood?" Snively gulped and nodded. "Y-yes, sir. Crystal clear." He turned back to his console again and wiped some sweat from his brow. A small, blinking light caught his attention. "SIR!" he practically screamed. "Nack has the hedgehog!" "Excellent," breathed Robotnik. "Everything is falling into place, it would seem. All we have to do now is wait for the rest of the little pests to give up or be destroyed, and victory will at long last be mine. If my heart wasn't mechanical, Snively, I do believe that it would be thumping rapidly from all the excitement!" Everything is blurry on the moon, thought Sonic. Well, BOTH moons, really. But then, they're made of purple cheese anyway, and I don't really like purple cheese. "Whur yu shertoop? Donwan har but pirp cheece." Sonic opened his eyes. Ugh, he thought. Everything's blurry on Mobius, too. Best sleep it off. Sonic giggled at the thought of sleeping off a blurry planet. "If yu don shertoop, llll ba ferched tu du simtin kut massie tu yu." Sonic shook his head to try and clear it. "What'd you . . . say?" he asked. "I SAID," a loud, nasal voice hit his ears, "WOULD YOU SHUT UP? I don't want to hear about purple cheese! If you DON'T shut up, I'll be forced to do something quite messy to you!" Sonic tried to put his hands to his ears to block out the shouting, but found that he couldn't move his hands. The shouter had already moved away anyway. The world slowly came into focus. Sonic found himself sitting between two tall trees. Plastic strings were tied tight around his arms behind his back. In front of him sat the shouter, a puple furred Mobian weasel. The weasel had his back turned to the hedgehog. He was crouched over some sort of strange looking hover-cycle. Tools were strewn all across the ground. "What happened?" Sonic asked. He was immediately sorry that he had stepped out of the blurry world he had been in. Pain hit him in his forehead and travelled down the length of his body. "You hit a tree," the weasel said simply. He didn't look up from his cycle as he spoke. "Damn," cursed Sonic, "it sure feels like it!" "Yes, I suspect that you'll have quite a few bruises within the next hour or so." "So, how did I hit the tree?" He struggled through the pain that ran across his face as he talked. He needed some answers. "You tripped on my invisible wire." The weasel spared a glance over his shoulder to look at Sonic. "Do you remember what I said about shutting up?" Sonic struggled to get comfortable in his sitting position . . . as comfortable as he was able to get wedged between two trees. "Humour me, all right?" he said. The weasel sighed and turned back to his work. "At least you aren't mumbling about purple cheese anymore. Go ahead, talk away." "What is that you're working on there?" "It's what most Northwestern Quadrant Mobians call a 'speed bike'. I'm sure you're familiar with the term." "Yah," said Sonic. The Freedom Fighters normally used speed bikes to get back and forth from one village to another, or from the villages to Robotnik's installations. Sonic never used them, personally, for obvious reasons. "Over in the Northeastern Quadrant, most notably the Janap Territories, they have a slightly more powerful version of a speed bike. This, basically, is a speed bike hull with the more powerful engine in it. Many of the Janaps think I'm crazy for riding around in it. They're probably right. I call it an ion sled, because it's powered by negatively charged ions instead of water like most speed bikes." "Uh huh. So, what about the 'sled' part?" The weasel looked back over his shoulder. "I like the sound of 'sled'." He resumed his work. "What's wrong with it now?" "That's what I'm trying to find out." "It's a pretty nice machine . . . NACK." This time the weasel didn't merely glance around. He stood up and turned around fully to face Sonic. His eyes glinted as he pushed his bent-brimmed hat back off of his brow. "How did you know my name?" he demanded. Knuckles and Archimedes' original plan was shot, almost literaly. The plan had been simple. Teleport into the Death Egg's engine room (which they did) and destroy the main engine (which they didn't). The plan HAD been simple. But Mecha-Sonic persisted in hunting them down. The two of them ducked and weaved and bobbed amongst the machinary, but somehow the evil mecha found them again and again. "I have a question," said Knuckles as he dodged a laser blast. "Yes?" replied Archimedes, who was still clinging to the echidna's shoulder and his own hat. "WHY DON'T YOU TELEPORT US OUT OF HERE?" "A nice idea, in theory, Knuckles," the fire ant said, "but I'm afraid that it would only serve as a minor distraction for Mecha-Sonic, and it would get us no nearer to our objective of crashing this monstrosity." Knuckles ducked and rolled as Mecha-Sonic banged a fist on the floor where he had been standing. Knuckles was suprised at the mecha's apparent speed. Unlike his predecesor, who currently lay in pieces on an operating table back at Knothole Village, this Mecha-Sonic was streamlined rather than angular. "Any better ideas?" the echidna asked. Archimedes seemed to think about it for a second, then said, "Engage him in witty repartee whilst banging his head in?" Knux rolled his good eye. "A nice idea, in theory," he said, mocking Archimedes, "but he doesn't seem in the mood for chatting," he ducked another laser blast, "or getting his head banged in! At least he's doing more damage to the machines than he is to u-" Knuckles was interrupted by Robotnik's voice booming through the room. Mecha-Sonic stopped his assault to listen. "Mecha-Sonic," Robotnik said, "forget the trespassers for now. I want you to go down the island and clear the Zoot Chute for me. Scanners are reading some of the most pesky of the Mobian rebels down there. I want them brought back alive if possible. Understood?" "Affirmative, Dr. Robotnik," Mecha-Sonic droned. Repulsor jets built into his feet propelled him into the air. "You ain't goin' NOwhere!" Knuckles cried. He made a futile grab for the mecha's legs. "Negative, echidna. I am, as my organic double is fond of saying, 'outta here'." Mecha-Sonic turned and flew across the vast room, exiting through a large door in the wall. The door closed as soon as the mecha was through. Knuckles was confused. "So . . . what? Fat boy is just going to let us run loose in one of the most vital part of his flying fortress? He doesn't even send some SWATbots or ComBots to take us on?" "Negative," said a voice from the shadows that lay in the aisles between the machinary. "Mecha-Sonic is not the only unit capable of dispatching intruders." Knuckles turned towards the voice. Once again, he turned up the light sensitivity in his electronic eye. Almost immediately, he wished he hadn't. "Priority Three: Knuckles T. Echidna and unknown intruder A," said Mecha-Knuckles, "prepare to be kicked off the Death Egg like the stowaways you are." Rotor Walrus frowned at his hand-held scanner. Since the fighting began almost half and hour ago, nothing had come out of the Death Egg. Now, though, he was reading an extremely fast object that was small, compact, and headed straight for the Zoot Chute. Of all the places we had to decided to guard, he thought. Out loud, he yelled, "INCOMING!" Immediately, the Freedom Fighters and Chaotix that were gathered at the chute jumped for the surrounding trees. "What is it, Rotor?" yelled Sally. "I don't know, Princess," Rotor yelled back, "but my best guess is that it's some sort of missile!" "NO!" Mighty bellowed. "If a missile hits the Zoot Chute, it'll collapse the Chaos Chamber! The emerald won't be able to hold the island up!" He backtracked, then ran out of the forest and up to the chute itself. The others stopped running. Sally cursed. "Bunnie, Espio, Charmy!" she called out. "Go stop him before he gets himself killed!" "We're on it, Princess!" Espio yelled back as he switched to stealth mode and turned around with the other two. When they reached the clearing around the Zoot Chute, they found Mighty standing there defiantly, waiting for the projectile from the Death Egg to appear. They ran up to him. "We gotta get outta heah, shugah!" Bunnie exclaimed. "That thingamajigger's gonna hit any second now, an' it ain't gonna explode with any less force if'n yoah standin' in front'a it!" "You don't understand," said Mighty, determination in his voice. "I'm gonna punch whatever it is before it hits the ground!" "What?!" yelled Charmy. "That won't accomplish anything, Mighty! You'll just get blown up, too! If it IS a missile, it'll explode no matter WHAT it hits - the ground or your fist!" "I'd rather die than see the island go down!" "Then yuh give us no choice, honey," said Bunnie, "but t'do THIS!" She shoved on the armadillo's chest with her cybernetic arm. He would've been able to keep his balance had not Espio, still invisible, been crouched down beneath him. Mighty fell over the chameleon and landed flat on his back. "You get his legs," Charmy said to Bunnie, "me and Esp'll get his arms." Before they could grab him, however, Mighty cried "Look!" and pointed up at the sky. The three of them followed Mighty's finger. There, flying through the sky at them was, not a missile, but Mecha-Sonic, who was slowing himself down with his repulsor jets so he could land. The Mecha-Sonic that stood before them was a lot sleeker than those previously employed by Robotnik. The mecha's head wasn't as wide as before. His torso was V-shaped and looked like it was covered in some sort of body armor. His forearms were not thin and spindly like the previous model, but flared out from the elbow joint in a conical shape with an oval base. His fingers were not sharp prongs, but triple jointed, long, thin, tapered, and exact projections. His legs looked like hydraulic jacks that had been raided from some heavy construction vehicles. Every piece fit perfectly in and on the well oiled machine. It was evident that Robotnik must have spent more than a couple of years perfecting this precise machine. If Sonic had been there, he would have noted the many similarities to the Mecha-Sonic that gave his future self a permenant black eye and an everlasting migrane in the first fight between the two that Mecha-Sonic had won. "Priority Two: Freedom Fighters," the metal hedgehog droned. He lifted his arm. The flared forearm slid around on a swivel until the wider part of the oval was facing upward. The four Mobians got to see here was Knuckles and Archimedes had been unable to see in the gloominess of the Death Egg. They saw sections of the mecha's forearm slide open, and missile launchers and laser blasters slide out. "SCATTER!" Bunnie yelled. "Oh," said Sonic, "you'd be suprised at what I know." "Oh, really?" replied Nack. "Yah, really!" said Sonic. "Fer instance, I know that you were hired by Robuttnik. I know that you are supposed to nab the Chaos Emerald that holds this island up so as it'll fall. I know that you were trying to sneak in from the side of the island opposite of all the fighting." Anger creeped into Sonic's voice. "I know that you were ready to betray other Mobians in exchange for Robuttnik's promises! I know that you are ready to turn ME in for some extra whatever it is Blubber Bolts offered you! I KNOW THAT YOU DID NOT TIE MY FEET UP!" Sonic jumped up and began to spin his legs which, indeed, Nack had left untied. Just as he started to rev up, however, he felt all of the muscles in his legs seize up. They froze in place, and he fell over in a heap. Through the wall of pain that was rushing up through his lower body, he saw Nack lean over him. "I wouldn't try that again if I were you," the weasel said. "That," Sonic wheezed, "was definitely . . . NOT way past . . . cool!" Nack stuck out his tongue, crossed his eyes, and went "Duh-ee!" right in Sonic's face. "What . . . happened?" the hedgehog asked. "Inside the cuffs of your shoes are small restraining devices. When you activated your speed, they channeled your energy to directly counteract said speed. In effect, it undid your speed. They do it rather violently, too, don't they? The locking up of your muscles and such was caused by electricity pumped into your legs from the devices. Not at all nescessary, but a nice little bonus, anyway. Sort of an incentive for not trying to speed out of here. "I could have, of course, just tied your legs up with rope," Nack continued, "but what would the fun in that be? Besides, they were a free gift from the doctor. I got 'em just before I left the Death Egg, just in case I met you. Which, of course, I did." "Why are you doing this?" Sonic asked. "Why would even a freakazoid like you want to betray Mobius?" Nack stared at him coldly. "Unlike you, hedgehog," he said, "I am not a 'Freedom Fighter'. I'm not a Robotnik sympathizer, either. What I am, is a bounty hunter. I make my living tracking down pakages for whoever will pay the bounty. It doesn't matter whether the package is a living, breathing Mobian, or a glowing green rock. They pay, I get. I am not worried with you and your petty squabbles with my current employer. I do not care if you live or die. I don't care about this island or your war or anything else except how I may profit from it all. As far as I'm concerned, you are nothing more than extra bit of bounty I can squeeze from Dr. Robotnik. "Of course, you were ALSO supposed to be a challenge from what the Doc told me. You let your friends down, Sonic. But, what's worse, you let your enemies down, too." Sonic jumped at the words. The words from his dream . . . "Now, if you'll excuse me," the weasel continued as he stood up, "I have to get back to my work. When you so rudely interrupted me, I was about to find out what made the hole in the side of my sled and stopped my engine. Don't go anywhere." With that, Nack turned his back on Sonic and leaned over his ion sled. Sonic rolled on his side and winced as pain shot through his legs. That was a good sign, at least. The feeling was coming back. Another good sign was that, through the pain, Sonic felt a pair of hands unclasping the small devices on his ankles. He looked behind him, but all he could see was the hands sticking out from behind the two trees he had been sitting up against earlier. One of the hands had a puple glove on. Mounted on the glove was a small crossbow and a row of clasps that held the bolts for it. The other hand was covered with black fur. Soon, the hedgehog's ankles were free. He watched Nack as the hands worked on undoing the plastic ties on his wrists. The bounty hunter was groping down in the engine of the sled. He seemed to find whatever it was he had been looking for, grasped it firmly, and yanked it hard. He stood up, back still turned to Sonic, and said, "Hey, hedgehog, whadda ya make of this?" He turned around, holding a small crossbow bolt in his hand. As soon as he saw that Sonic was free and standing up, he dropped the bolt, grabbed a pistol from his gun belt, and aimed it at Sonic, all in one fluid motion and with such speed that the Freedom Fighter was taken aback. "Ah! Ah!" exclaimed Nack when he saw Sonic start to run off. "I'm just as fast a tracker with this gun as you are a runner! Take one step and you're a crispy critter! This is an ion pistol, similar in design as the engine in the sled, except that the ions are directed to a different place, and that place will be directly between your eyes if you move so much as an inch!" Sonic put his hands up slowly, and smiled. "Whatever you say," he said nonchalantly, then shrugged. Nack became suspicious. "What're you smiling about? Huh? And how did you get free, anyway? And- URK!" The weasel suddenly fell backwards. He fired a shot, but the blue stream of super-charged ions went wild and only disentegrated a few leaves. He sat back up, a crossbow bolt sticking out of his shoulder. With a comic look of suprise on his face, Nack fell back again, unconscious. Sonic put his hands back down, then ran to the weasel. He checked for a pulse, found one, and then pulled the arrow out of Nack's shoulder. It hadn't gone in very deep, and Sonic guessed that the shooter hadn't planned it to. On the tip, mingled with the blood, was traces of a green fluid. "Knockout juice," said an accented voice. "He'll be out fer about five minutes. Long enough for us ter tie him up." Sonic's head snapped up in the direction of the voice. Standing there was a male Mobian skunk wearing a purple beret, purple utility strap, and the glove that Sonic had seen before. "Ya didn't hafta SHOOT him!" Sonic said. "The name's Geoffry St. John," the skunk said, ignoring Sonic's statement. "Yer will want to remember that when yer tell people who rescued yer." "Riiiight," replied Sonic. "Look, 'Geof', just who are you and what are you doing here?" St. John took the ties that had been on Sonic and started to tie Nack up before answering. "I am the leader of a rebel force that was created shortly before the war with Robotnik. Lately, we've been over in the far east, tracking down a few criminals. Nack is the last of them." "Criminal?" said Sonic. "What's his crime?" "Treason," St. John replied, "among other things. Even before Robotnik came, he had quite a list of criminal activities. Why do yer want ter know?" Sonic crossed his arms. "Sometimes it's good to know who you're dealing with, Geof." The double meaning of the his statement wasn't lost on St. John. He looked up from the knot he was tying and said, "Yer don't believe me, do yer?" "All I can say is that I ain't ever heard of any 'rebel force' before. Just how long did you stay in the far east, Geof?" The skunk's faced darkened. "Don't call me that again." "What? 'Geof'? You got a problem with it, Geof?" St. John was about to make another remark, but just then Nack started stirring. "Damn," said the skunk. "He's fighting off the juice somehow!" He hastily finished binding Nack's arms with the platic ties, then told Sonic to grab the bounty hunter's legs. "Why should I?" Sonic asked defiantly. "Look, now is NOT the time for this! Grab his legs and hold them before he decides ter do anything untoward with them, like kick one of us!" Sonic grudgingly complied, and just in time. Nack's eyes fluttered open and focused on St. John. "I was wondering," the weasel said, "when one of you purple bereted idiots would catch up with me here." He smiled. "Where's the rest of your goon squad?" "My men are off helping the Freedom Fighters fight," St. John said. He then turned to Sonic. "We're going to have to carry him someplace safe. Who is in charge of your branch of the FF?" Sonic stood Nack up, then said, "That would be Sal. I'm gonna trust you. For now. Now," he held out the hand that wasn't gripping Nack's upper arm, "hang on and I'll get us there." St. John took Sonic's hand as he arced an eyebrow, then suddenly found himself caught in a whirlwind of speed. Knuckles was getting tired. He had a great amount of stamina, to be sure, but even he would tire out after almost half an hour of dodging crazy mechas. He and Archy had found a small hollow in the middle of one of the machines in the engine room. Knuckles squeezed into it and rested while Archimedes watched out for Mecha-Knuckles. "We HAVE to get out of here!" Knuckles said between heavy breaths. "Not until we've crashed the Death Egg," said Archimedes. "We can't crash it unless we get past that stupid 'bot!" Before Archimedes could answer, a shudder ran through the Death Egg. Knuckles could feel it all the way down to his bones. His electronic eye fuzzed over for a second. He looked down at Archy and said, "What was- -that, Snively?" Robotnik asked. "The engines, sir," the doctor's assisstant replied. "They've taken too much damage from the mechas." Robotnik growled. "They SHOULD have been able to DESTROY that accursed ant-eater by now!" He slammed his fist on the armrest of his command chair, then began drumming his fingers. "Snively," he finally said, "I had wanted to get as many live Mobians as I could out of this, but it appears that if something is not done now, the Egg will go down." "What do you have in mind, doctor?" "Start up the main roboticizer, Snively. If I can't take the Floating Island by brute strength . . . I'll just have to cheat a little." "WARNING! WARNING! MAIN ROBOTICIZER UNIT IS POWERING UP! COMPLETE ROBOTICIZATION OF ALL LIFE FORMS ON THE FLOATING ISLAND WILL OCCUR IN FIVE MINUTES!" The speaker turned off, cutting off the computer's voice. Knuckles and Archimedes looked at each other with looks of horror. "Quick, Knuckles!" said Archimedes. "We have to take out the main engine NOW!" Before the fire ant had even finished the sentence, Knuckles had scooped him up and was out among the aisles again. He moved stealthily along, trying to move towards the center of the room. Not stealthily enough. "Priority Three: Knuckles T. Echidna!" Knuckles ducked and jumped as he ran, dodging sharp metal spikes that were shooting out of Mecha-Knuckles' hands. While Knuckles was going for broke, Bunnie and Mighty were doing the same. Espio and Charmy had gone to find the others, so the two powerhouses were left to hold Mecha-Sonic off from the Zoot Chute and the Chaos Emerald that lay at the end of it. "Calculating odds for sucess in one-on-two fight with organic designates: Bunnie E. Rabbot and Mighty M. Armadillo," Mecha-Sonic droned as he picked Mighty up and threw him face first into the ground. The armadillo skidded for a few feet, then pushed himself back up to a standing position. "Great," he said under his breath, "not only is he kicking my and the rabbit's butts, but he knows my name, too!" Bunnie did a Bunnie Hop over the mecha's head, then slammed backwards into his back with her metal elbow. Mecha-Sonic curled into a ball and rolled with the punch, then used his repulsor jets return the backwards elbow hit to the suprised rabbit. "Odds calculated," he said. "87.95%." "That you're going to lose?" Mighty asked as he threw a punch. Mecha-Sonic easily grabbed the armadillo's hand in mid-air. "No," he said. "That I'm going to WIN." He spun Mighty like a top, then delivered a punch that sent the Mobian flying. Bunnie, who had just recovered from the elbow to the gut, was startled by the mecha's use of the pronoun "I". Normally, he would say "this unit", like the SWAT and ComBots. Not only was Robotnik making them stronger, he was making them more self-aware as well. It didn't really matter if he said that breakfast was ready and he had prepared the toast at the moment, because he had turned his attention back to Bunnie. She dropped into a simple martial arts stance that Sally had taught her, then advanced with a punch to Mecha-Sonic's head. He easily deflected it, then crouched down and sweepkicked at her legs. She jumped up to avoid getting tripped. When she landed, she assumed the Dragon stance, a more advanced stance than before. She had first wanted to see what his martial arts abilities were. Unfortunatly, is seemed that Robotnik had programmed him with some martial arts moves of his own, because he moved into the Crane stance. Bunnie should have had the advantage at this point, because the Crane stance demanded that the fighter stand on only one leg, thus making it impossible for them to move without hopping. Mecha-Sonic, however, had no problems with this, because he set the repulsor jet in the leg on the ground to hover. The two of them circled around for a few seconds, trying to find a break in the other's defense. Bunnie's stance was more of an offensive posture, but Mecha-Sonic knew that she would be able to attack and possibly injure him if he attacked first. Mecha-Sonic's defensive stance kept Bunnie from attacking for basically the same reasons. Plus, there was the armadillo to consider. He had stood up and was attempting to clear his head before attacking, which would take only a few more seconds. Bunnie had seen this, and was just stalling for time. Mecha-Sonic calculated the trajectory, and when his circling brought his back to Mighty, who was now running towards them, he popped a laser out of its compartment in his outstretched arm. It turned backwards, zeroed in on the Mobian . . . . . . had a blue blur enter its sights, and fired on empty air. Mecha-Sonic, suddenly distracted, became the victim of a sudden, massively damaging kick to the chest from Bunnie. His repulsor jet hadn't shut off when she hit him, and it pushed him faster as he flew backwards. The tree he hit nearly broke in two. He fell to the ground, then slumped forward as his lights went off. "Am I the number one hedgehog, or what?" asked a familiar voice. Bunnie turned to Sonic and hugged him. "Shugah-hog!" she exclaimed. "Where the hoo-hah did y'all go? Yuh had th'rest'a us worried sick!" "I hadda make a stop or two on the way over," Sonic said. "I got stopped by a convict bounty hunter by the name of Nack, then met a rebel leader named Geof, then found Ant, Vector, and the big guy lookin' for me, then ran up on Sally and Rotor, who had just run up on Mighty and Espio themselves. They're all waitin' for us back in the forest." "What're we waiting around here for, then?" asked Mighty. "Let's get back with them, and then figure out a way to stop the Death Egg!" "ONE MINUTE TO COMPLETE ROBOTICIZATION OF ALL LIFE FORMS ON THE FLOATING ISLAND!" the computer declared. "Which one is it? Which one is it?" Knuckles chanted to himself as he dodged Mecha-Knuckles' shots. "Y'know, Archy, it probably would have helped if you or my father had trained me to fight evil robotic versions of myself!" "Yah, yah, it's OUR fault now, huh?" Archimedes mumbled to himself. "KNUCKLES! Here!" The echidna slowed down and looked in the direction the fire ant was pointing. At first, all he saw was an engine like all the other engines in the room. It wasn't until they were past it, however, that he realized that a large tube in the center of that engine had the words "Main Turbine" emblazoned across it. He ducked into one of the side aisles, followed closely by Mecha-Knuckles, then into the aisle running back the way he came, but on the other side of the engine with the main turbine. "So, what do we do?" he asked. "With HIM on my back, I can't get at the main engine or turbine or whatever it is!" "Don't you remember anything I or your father taught you?" Archy shot back. "Though he didn't and I haven't covered evil robotic clones, you still learned the general rules with dealing with an enemy!" "Would you just- . . . oh, yah!" Knuckles said as he passed by the main engine again. "'Use your enemy's strength against him'!" He suddenly turned around and ran AT Mecha-Knuckles. The mecha sent a volley of sharp blades in the echidna's direction. At the last second, Knuckles jumped up and over the blades, which were as wide as his head. They flew on until they hit the main engine, a few sticking into the metal, others moving with such speed and force that they sliced through the casing, then the turbine itself. A horrible wrenching noise filled the room. Mecha-Knuckles, realizing his mistake, simply stood there . . . his second mistake. Knuckles glided into him as fast as was possible in the limited space. They crashed into one of the engine towers. A pipe was sticking out of the mecha's chest, and his lights had gone out. A shudder went through the Death Egg again, but it continued for a full ten seconds this time. Suddenly, it seemed like gravity was trying to reverse itself, because Knuckles felt himself being pulled upward towards the ceiling. "NOW can we teleport out of here?" he asked Archy. "Already working on it!" the fire ant replied. "WHAT IS GOING ON, SNIVELY?" Robotnik bellowed. Snively tugged at his collar and wiped the sweat from his brow. "Um, er, uh," he said. "It would, ah, appear, sir, that we are, ah . . . falling . . . " The last word came out as little more than a squeak. "Are we going to hit the island?" the doctor asked. Snively looked at his console, which was blinking on and off. As best he could, he checked their trajectory. "No, sir," he replied. "It would appear that . . . that we're going into the ocean. Ah, impact in, uh, in two minutes!" "Then, Snively," Robotnik said in an icy voice just before bursting into another fit of yelling, "WHAT ARE WE STILL DOING *HERE*?" "Eep! Er . . . ah . . . transport two is ready for departure!" The evil dictator quickly grabbed his whiney assisstant and ran as quickly as he could out the door and for transport two. The core Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix - including Knuckles and Archimedes, who had teleported in a few minutes ago - Geoffry St. John and Nack T. Weasel all watched as the Death Egg tilted in the air. With the main engine sliced up, all of the smaller engines were burning out from the strain put on them. As the oval shape turned against the bright, blue sky, only one of the Mobians watching the scene was able to express his feeling at the moment accurately. "So much for my bounty," Nack sighed. As the egg fell into the sea, the SWAT and ComBots that were fighting on the island all began to retreat. The few that had survived the battle clambered into their hoverpods and flew off, following the escape pod that ejected from the egg earlier to Robotropolis. Soon after the Death Egg finally sank beneath the waves of the ocean that the Floating Island was currently hovering over, all of the Mobians, save for those mercifully few injured or dead, gathered together around the Zoot Chute and celebrated their victory. Food and drink were provided the by jungles and forests. Music was provided by Vector's CD player. The dance floor was the clearing surrounding the Zoot Chute. The decorations were giant flowers from the jungles. Though the victory party was rather impromptu and improvised, everyone enjoyed it as if it were a gala ball. And why shouldn't they? They had saved the Floating Island from crashing into the ground, immobilized Robotnik's flying fortress, stopped the evil doctor from obtaining a Chaos Emerald, and took from his hands an interdimensional machine. Sonic and Knuckles partied especially hard, since they knew that they had done more than this. They had saved the future from the horrible fate they had seen. Even Nack joined in, in his own way. St. John had confinscated his gun belt and bag o' tricks, so the skunk felt that it was safe to free the weasel's hands. He told his men to keep a close watch on the bounty hunter, however. Nack, under close supervision, sat back and sipped a cup of coconut milk while watching everyone else party. Time flew by. The hundreds of Mobians congregated around the Zoot Chute and in the surrounding forest found that it had quickly become night. Their party continued, the two full moons and the stars blanketing them with ample light. And it wasn't until the stars came out that one of the Freedom Fighters noticed that something was amiss. "Where th'hoo-hah did Mecha-Sonic go?" Bunnie asked. "Are you sure he was here?" asked Sally. They were standing at the tree that the mecha had been smashed up against. Most of the partying had stopped, and there were a few search groups being organized to look around for the missing mecha. "Yes, Sally Girl!" Bunnie confirmed. "Ah kicked him in th'chest, and he flew inta this heah tree!" "I was here, Sal," said Sonic, "and I saw it." "Me, too," said Mighty. "He was trashed! Unless someone picked him up and dragged him off, he stood up and walked off on his own. I seriously doubt it, tho', 'cause he was a wreck after Bunnie got 'im." "What would anyone want with a 'bot that wasn't any good as a 'bot?" asked Espio. As everyone stood in thought, a sudden sound filled the air. They all looked in the direction of the sound. Standing there was Nack, who had been bound again when Mecha-Sonic turned up missing, laughing his head off. St. John walked up to him, grabbed his arm, shook him, and asked, "What're YER laughing at?" Amidst his sharp, barking laughter, Nack managed to say, "You idiots don't know ANYthing about the new mecha-bots, do ya? They're tougher ta kill than THAT!" "What're you talkin' about?" asked Knuckles. "They have these internal systems," Nack chuckled, "and they're able to slowly repair even the WORST damage done to them, short of severing a limb or atomizing them!" Suddenly, a dull thump vibrated through the air, followed by the distant sound of of splashing water. Knuckles quickly scrambled to the edge of the isalnd, which was only a few yards away, and peered down. What he saw caused him to jump backwards and yell, "GET BACK!" No one had to be told twice. Within seconds, a large space was cleared out between the Mobians and the edge of the island. Some of them, though, had enough sense to stay around the entrance to the Zoot Chute. A large object whooshed by the edge and continued to shoot up into the air. Everyone watched as the object stopped its ascent far up in the sky, seperated into two objects, and began to descend. As the objects started to land, it became obvious as to what they were. They touched ground and immediately jumped into a brief speech in unison. "PRIORITY ONE: SONIC T. HEDGEHOG! PRIORITY TWO: FREEDOM FIGHTERS! PRIORITY THREE: KNUCKLES T. ECHIDNA! PRIORITY FOUR: SALLY A. ACORN! SURRENDER AND PREPARE TO BE ROBOTICIZED!" Mecha-Sonic's chest was still a little caved in, but not as much as before. It was obvious where the hole in Mecha-Knuckles' chest had been, even though it had been closed up and hastily patched. Though both looked like they had been through enough to destroy a whole army of SWATbots, they still stood there, pointing wrist lasers at the Mobians. Sonic laughed. "Yah, right!" "Odds of survival in a fight against the combined forces of the Knothole Freedom Fighters, the Chaotix Freedom Fighters, and the Rebel Freedom Fighters-" droned Mecha-Sonic. With silent precision, the two mechas ejected hand coils, simlilar to the ones that the ComBots used. Before anyone could react, Mecha-Sonic had grabbed Sally, and Mecha-Knuckles had Nack. Mecha-Sonic turned a wrist laser on the Princess, holding her in a hostage position. Mecha-Knuckles popped a pair of sharp blades from the back of his hand and severed the ties binding Nack. "-93.47% and rising," Mecha-Knuckles finished for his compatiriot mecha. "Aaaah," said Nack as he rubbed his wrists. "Now," he said to the mechas, "all I need is my gun belt and bag o' tricks from the skunk over there." He jerked a thumb at St. John. Mecha-Sonic turned to St. John, pushed his wrist laser closer to Sally's face, and said, "You will hand over the requested objects, or the Princess will die." "Don't do it!" Sally yelled. "He'll take me and roboticize me if you DON'T give him the guns!" When St. John had first seen the Princess in the forest, after the windy ride with Sonic, he knew immediately that he had fallen in love. This kind of thing had happened to him often, but this time he knew it was for real, especially now that he saw Sally in trouble. He had an overwhelming urge to spare her life, no matter the cost. With great reluctance, he unlooped Nack's belt from his own. As he walked forward, he said with a heavy voice, "I'm sorry, Princess. One of my duties is to see that you come to no immediate harm." He looked out at the rest of the crowd. With a glance and a silent signal, he made sure that his men knew to not fire at the machines or Nack. He handed the belt over to the bounty hunter, who immediately put it on and unholstered his guns. Nack aimed his ion pistol between St. John's eyes. "That was a rather stupid move on your part, rebel," he said. "What do we do?" Sonic whispered to Knuckles. "I don't know," the echidna whispered back. "But I think I know someone who does." He turned his head slightly to the side and said, "Archimedes." The fire ant appeared on Knuckles' shoulder. "Yes, Knuckles?" "You got any ideas?" Archimedes absentmindedly scratched one of his mandibles as he thought. "Maybe," he finally said. "Great!" Sonic said. "What is it?" Archy scowled. "I say 'MAYBE'! I don't know if it'll work, but if you can, lure them down into the Chaos Chamber." Rotor, who had been standing close and heard the conversation, said, "I don't think that's going to be a problem, guys. They're heading for the chute now!" Sure enough, a second later they heard Nack calling Knuckles' name. The Guardian motioned for Sonic to follow, then walked out of the crowd and up to Nack, who shifted his gun from St. John to them. "We need you to go through the chute first," the bounty hunter announced, "to turn off whatever defenses ya got down there." He glanced at Sonic. "The hedgehog stays." Knuckles shook his head and glared at Nack with his good eye. "If HE doesn't go, *I* don't go," he said. "You're wasting time, Guardian," Nack said as his eyes narrowed. "Unless you want yourself, or the hedgehog, or the Princess to die right now, I suggest you get your butt down there." Both Sonic and Knuckles crossed their arms. "If you want to kill us, Nack," Knuckles said, "go ahead. Then you can brave the defenses of the Zoot Chute yourself, or send one of the walking junk heaps there to get incenerated in your stead." "Recommended course of action: Allow Priority One: Sonic T. Hedgehog to accompany Priority Three: Knuckles T. Echidna into the Chaos Chamber," said Mecha-Knuckles. Nack grumbled for a second, but finally said, "Alright! Just . . . hurry it up!" he growled. As they moved towards the chute, the Mobians surrounding it parted for them to pass. Knuckles hit the hidden trigger for the door to the chute with his foot, then jumped in. Sonic took a long look around him at the Freedom Fighters, Chaotix, and Rebels, stared sadly at the captive Sally for a second, then followed Knux. "You," said Nack to Mecha-Knuckles. "Stay up here. You and the tin hedgehog here keep in constant contact. If anything funny happens up here or down there, start shooting. You hear that?" he asked, raising his voice so all of the gathered Mobians could hear him. "If one of you peeps so much as turns around to try and leave, this mecha-'bot will sense it and start firing into the crowd! In other words . . . DON'T move!" He jumped into the chute, followed by Mecha-Sonic. The door to the chute closed. "Oof!" grunted Sonic as he hit the multi-colored floor of the Chaos Chamber, butt-first. "Jeez, I'm still a little sore from the tree!" He walked up beside Knuckles, who was staring at the Chaos Emerald on its pedestal. "So, whadda we do?" he asked the echidna. Knuckles continued to stare forward. Since Sonic was on his left, the side with the electronic eye, he couldn't see that the Guardian's good eye was wide, his pupil constricted. "Yo, Knux!" Sonic clicked his fingers. "C'mon, man, they're going to be here any second now! Don't zone out on us!" Knuckles turned his head towards Sonic. The hedgehog gasped when he saw the haunted look on the other's face. "In-in-in-in-" the echidna stuttered. Sonic heard the faint sounds of Nack cluttering down the chute. He grabbed Knuckles by the shoulders and shook him. "C'mon, snap out of it! If you have something to say, spit it out!" "In-in-in . . . " Knuckles' eye suddenly focused on Sonic. "In thy faith . . . " Sonic's jaw dropped. "No way . . . " The dream! It was the dream that he had been in just as they had returned from the future! He struggled to remember the rest. "Uh . . . 'In thy faith' . . . 'In thy faith' . . . " Nack fell from the chamber's ceiling and landed square on his backside. He stood up and immediately pulled his guns, aimed them at Sonic and Knuckles, then moved to the side as Mecha-Sonic gently floated down on his repulsor jets. "Sonic!" Sally cried out from the mecha's arms. "Don't help them!" Sonic's memory suddenly restored itself. "'In thy faith,'" he said, "'thou shalt be healed for all time!'" "'And thy loyalty shalt be rewarded immeasurably,'" Knuckles finished. He placed his hand on the Chaos Emerald, and held his other arm out towards Nack, Mecha-Sonic, and Sally. Before Nack was able to ask, "What the hell is this?", a green light travelled up Knuckles' arm, through his body, and out the other arm. The blast of light hit Nack's guns, causing all of the ammo in them to spill out, then bent around Sally, engulfing Mecha-Sonic. From there, it shot up the Zoot Chute and caught Mecha-Knuckles as well. Mecha-Sonic dropped Sally, who hit the ground and rolled away. He let out a metallic screech as he gradually turned into a blue colored puddle of metal slag. From the sound that drifted down through the Zoot Chute, it was a safe bet that the same thing was happening to Mecha-Knuckles. Nack found that his guns, gun belt, and bag o' tricks had all ended up in Knuckles' hands after the green light subsided. "Um . . . " said the weasel. "I don't suppose there's any way we could, ah, negotiate, is there?" Knuckles, Sonic, and Sally all shook their heads. Nack sighed. "Didn't think so. Should I put up my hands, or-" He was interrupted by Knuckles' sudden screaming fit. He dropped all of Nack's equipment and fell to the floor, holding his head. Sally was at his side in a second, flipping him over and opening Nicole. "Nicole, scan Knuckles for any anomaly!" Sonic held the echidna down to keep him from hurting Sally or himself in his wild thrashing. He looked up at the Princess and asked, "What is it, Sal?" Sally shook her head and mumbled, "I don't believe it . . . " She quickly snapped out of her stupor and reached down to Knuckles' head. "Hold him steady, Sonic!" she said. "I'm trying, I'm trying!" Sonic yelled. Sally grabbed Knuckles' hands and pulled them away from his eyes, then firmly grasped his electronic left eye, twisted it, and pulled it out of the socket. The wires that had previously been connected to Knuckles' optic nerves came out with untied ends. Underneath it all was a just fading green light, exactly the same shade of green as the Chaos Emerald. After the glow was gone, Knuckles stopped screaming. He looked up at Sonic, blinked, blinked again, then shoved the hedgehog off of him and stood up. As he dusted himself off, he noticed Sonic and Sally were staring at him. "What?" he asked. "Did I grow a third eye or something?" Sonic's jaw just moved up and down, no sound coming out. "Actually . . . Knuckles," said Sally, searching for the words, "I . . . I think . . . you did!" She held up the electronic eye she had just pulled from his head. Knuckles started, then reached up with a hand. "OW!" he yelled when he poked himself in the left eye. "Ow ow ow ow ow!" After the pain had subsided, he looked up with his now-red eye. "How . . . ?" A puff of blue smoke deposited Archimedes on his shoulder. "Ah, my boy," he said, "it worked! I, ah, knew it would!" "But, how did he get his eye back?" Sonic asked. "All of the island's Guardians have an intrinsic link with the Chaos Emerald," Archy explained. "It can do many things, including destroying 'bots and healing hard-headed echidnas. Let's go topside, shall we?" "Alright," said Sally, "but first we have to get Na-" She turned around to find that the bounty hunter and his equipment were both gone. "I wouldn't worry about it TOO much, Princess," said the fire ant. "He's not going to be getting to far. Now, hold on tight!" They disappeared in a puff of blue smoke. "This-" Nack pulled the suction cup on his hand off of the wall of the Zoot Chute, reached up, and suctioned it higher up. "-sucks!" While the two Freedom Fighters had been helping Knuckles, Nack had taken the opportunity to take his gear, including the suction cups he was now wearing on his hands and knees, and climb up the Zoot Chute. His plan was to- Well, he didn't really have a plan. With the mechas and Robotnik gone, Nack was pretty much up the Eternal River without a paddle, or even a boat. He was playing it by ear at the moment. He finally reached the trap door of the chute, and gently pushed it open a crack so that he could see out. Suddenly, the door shot open, and he was roughly grabbed and thrown to the ground. He tried to stand up, but found St. John's crossbow glove shoved in his face. "No negotiation?" he asked simply. "No," said St. John. The victory party, which had been so rudely interrupted before, began anew. It carried on until far past midnight. Finally, it was time for each group to leave for their respective homes. St. John and his Rebel Troops, as per Princess Sally's request, handed Nack over to the Freedom Fighters for a good long stay in the Knothole Jail. St. John informed them that he and his men would establish a rebel camp deep in the Great Forest, and would always be on call when the need arose. Knuckles and the Chaotix waved good-bye to the Freedom Fighters' and Rebels' planes as they left the island. As the others went off to other business, the Guardian stood at the island's edge and stared at the electronic eye that Rotor had left him as a souvinier. "Problems, lad?" Archimedes asked from the echidna's shoulder. Knux sighed. "Not really, Archy," he said. "I was just wondering about the future." "Ah," the fire ant said knowingly. "You're wondering about the dark future you and Sonic saw." Knuckles was confused. "How did you know about that?" "I know about many things, pup. You don't think that a simple ripple in the time-stream was going to escape my notice, did you?" He smiled, then sighed. "I know what you two saw, and . . . " He paused, trying to collect his thoughts. " . . . and while what you saw will no longer come to pass, I think that it will still directly effect an upcoming event." "What event?" Knuckles asked. Archimedes shook his head. "Some things I cannot tell you. You know that. But . . . in this case, it's best not to say anything without knowing for sure, first." "What? Why?" "Because anything I told you would effect the outcome of the event, if it does occur, and not for the better. I know you are curious, but sometimes you just have to do what you're told." And so do I, he amended silently. Knuckles grumbled, not satisfied with the answer, but he knew enough not to push any further. They both stared out at the rising sun, wondering what this new day would bring - happiness or sorrow, love or pain, gain or loss. Though they no longer knew what the future would bring, they knew that the future was safe. For now. THE END Roland Lowery