Energy Cells

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Commonly known as "enercells", these are the general all-purpose battery of the modern age. Except for unique cells made for specialty jobs, enercells come in four sizes . . . small (for laser tools, hand-held holovids, etc.), standard (for standard holovids, wireless household appliances, etc.), large (for vehicles, supercomputer network hubs, etc.), and industrial (for heavy duty machinary, full-building security systems, etc.).

Enercells are energized from the integration of Power Rings, which must be harvested from Zones all around Mobius. It takes five rings to energize a small cell, ten for a standard, twenty-five for a large, and one hundred for an industrial cell.

The process of Power Ring integration was first developed by Dr. Geraldine T. Fox in 3012 AD and has been further refined over the centuries by such notable scientists and inventors as Mitchell Barker, Dr. Hamil Mason, and Sir Charles Hedgehog. It is hoped that in the future, through the enhancement of the relevant technologies and advancements in the study of Power Ring mechanics, it will be possible to re-energize cells in the field without the use of several tons of equipment.


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