The Almighty Disclaimer

First and foremost, this site is a Sonic the Hedgehog fan site. It is not an Anime Sonic fan site, or a SatAM Sonic fan site, or an Archie Sonic fan site, etc. etc. etc. Sonic the Webhog is dedicated to Sonic the Hedgehog in all his forms. If it bothers you that I don't stick to one Sonic-verse and purport it to be the best over all others, then this isn't the site for you.

Because I supposedly have strange standards of what is offensive, there is the great likelihood that you will be offended by at least one thing you find on this website. For example, if you can't handle a small bit of swearing now and then, perhaps you should find another site to visit. I personally don't see a problem with it, but that's just me. Anyway, the point is, if you are easily offended by any little ol' thing, then this isn't the site for you.

Furthermore, if you feel the need to complain about something on my website that offended you, DON'T. I really can't stress this enough . . . I didn't make you come here and nothing is keeping you from going somewhere else. Complaining at me just because one of the pages in my site has a curse word in it isn't going to make me change the page. It's simply going to annoy me and make me ignore you. If you don't like my attitude, then this isn't the site for you.

Also in that vein . . . to the Angry Mothers of the World, don't bother complaining to me about your child coming to my website and seeing something that you think is inappropriate. First off, in most cases anything I feel someone else might be offended by is clearly labeled as such, so the kid knows what s/he is getting into. Second, if you're that worried about what they see on the 'net, you should be watching your child more closely in any case. And finally, as stated above, your complaints will simply fall on deaf ears anyway. If you cruise this site first and find something you don't want your kid to see, just tell them that this isn't the site for them and send them to the Teletubbies website instead.

Now for some legal stuff . . . All of the official Sonic stuff on this webpage is the property of its respective owners, and I have put it on this page without their permission. This means there is the possibility of retaliation on their part, of course, but it's doubtful it will come to that for the following reasons: 1) I am not making any money off of it, 2) they don't really seem to mind, and 3) if they tried to take me down, they'd have to do the same to every Sonic fan on the 'net, which is a substantial undertaking I don't think they're going to bother with. Once again, I'd just like to state that I'm not making any money off of the distribution of their stuff. So there.

All of the fanmade Sonic stuff, however, is used with permission of its respective creators. But, like the real Sonic stuff, neither I nor the fanwriters/artists/whatever are making any money with it. So, if Sega or one of the other bigwigs tries to sue us, they aren't going to get very much, I think.

Well, that's all I can think of right at the moment . . . hopefully I won't have any problems severe enough that I'll have to add anything else to this page. Thank you, and have a nice day! =]

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