important information about NeoTF


what is NeoTF?

NeoTF is a server-side modification of the popular Half-Life mod Team Fortress Classic. It adds several new features to TFC, including chat-spying, tesla coils, airstrikes and more. The fact that it is server side means that any TFC player can connect to a server running NeoTF without any hassle -- if it is their first time connecting to a server running NeoTF, they'll auto-download a few small sprite and model files, but this only takes about ten seconds.

how do I install NeoTF on my server?

First, download the latest version of NeoTF from the downloads section. Extract the zip to your Half-Life directory, choosing to use the folder structure in the zip. Then open the ntf_help.txt file, which should be in your Half-Life/tfc directory. It contains information on setting up your server to work with NeoTF.

if I don't want to use all the features of NeoTF, can I enable only the ones I want?

Yes. All of NeoTF's features are enabled/disabled via a group of cvars. Check ntf_help.txt for the list of cvars.

how do I set up NeoTF with Admin Mod?

This is a very frequently asked question. SImply, NeoTF is not a MetaMod plugin like Admin Mod, but the two can still be run together. There are two methods for doing this, one which loads Admin Mod first and one which loads NeoTF first. Which one you use is really up to you -- there may be a few slight differences in operation, or one way might not work on your server.

Method 1 (Admin Mod loads first):

Set up Admin Mod as normal (dlls\metamod.dll in liblist.gam, etc.) and create a file called metagame.ini in your half-life\tfc\ directory. In this file, put only the text "dlls/ntf.dll". This tells MetaMod to load the NeoTF DLL instead of the TFC DLL. Make sure the ntf_config.txt file reads "dlls\tfc.dll" -- this tells NeoTF to load tfc.dll, which is the actual game.

Method 2 (NeoTF loads first):

Set up Admin Mod as normal, but change liblist.gam so instead of the line reading gamedll "dlls\metamod.dll", it reads gamedll "dll\ntf.dll". Then, edit the ntf_config.txt file and change it so that instead of "dlls\tfc.dll" it reads "dlls\metamod.dll".

If neither solution works, email [email protected]with a log of any erros you get.

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