My Life Flies Right On By

My life has been so messed up as it passed me by

I've wondered as I listened to what I could hear,

Many times my heart tells me I want to flee, leave you, never set my eyes upon you,

ever again... its all a damned lie.

It touches me to know how much you care...

Care of how my life might end

Tears come as I think of the times we've had

The terrible horrible bends

They always end up seeming to be at their worst and it seems so very bad...

But there is one major thing I'll never forget...

The love we will always have

I feel as if I've been thrown in a court..

A court full of people who have been banned

Banned with our troublesome lives

How do we even manage to to get by?

It seems as if our life is nothing more than a gruesome crime

A crime of guilt and betrayal

Then as the times passed, we near our end,

And I wonder if its been the same,

With hardships and bends

Makes us seem like we've been slain

Over and ever again kind of like the way death must feel

We seem to have been nothing but badness

Theres nothing to have of any major concern

But there is one major thing I'll never forget...

The love we will always have...

Does this look Backwards to you?

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