My Best Day In My Life... If You Ask Me...

Graduation! Cool huh? I believe this was the best day of my life. I graduated from 8th grade. The ceremony thing for the 8th graders was lame as hell. But what happened afterwards was so very good. I got HER #. lol. I was acting like an ass, but I got it. She yelled my name to have me come over to sign her year book thing. She told me to sign it, and I simply asked what do I put, and she said whatever or something. After that she handed me her pen and I wrote my name and my number. Then I just ran off with her pen. :P. Found out, she didn't get the 3rd and final letter of mine. The was the best letter... sigh, lol, oh well. Any way, later on (this yr book incident happened about, 11:30am or so) about noon or so I finally caught up to her, and asked her to sign my yearr book thingy, and she asked me what to put, and I said whatever. So she signed it. (She was helping a teacher so I didn't stay and chat.) So I said cool, and ran off again. Then when I was a few feet away I looked at what she put, and it happened to be her #. So I went home, ( did some other things but no need to mention it ), went to the library, (the library is by her bus stop, this was about 2:35 pm or so), to see if I could catch her. I didn't see her. So I went and chilled out in the library till four pm or so. So, I then went home and got on the computer... Looked her name/# up to see if it was legit. It was, so I decided to call her! HEHE! I did, and her little brother that sounded like a girl answered. He yelled for her like 3 times. She came. And we talked for like an hour and 45 mins. Pretty neat, huh? Well any way, she had to go, (problems or something), and said bye and also said she'll call me tomorrow! That rocked a little. I like asked her to marry me like 8 times. I think... at least 4 in the letters I wrote, plus a few friends asking when I didn't say to. LOL!!!!!! I think I might of asked a few times on the phone, ohw ell. hehe, Oh well, MoRe UpDatEs TomOrRoW. See you all,

Ser Olmy

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