Bring Me To Life
On the eve of a day in which nothing went right for two people, with one still traumatized . . . something finally goes their way . . .
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Loving to Learn, Learning to Love
My Immortal
Nothing in this world is immortal . . . nothing at all . . . unless it is love. Second in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles.
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Taking Over Me
People will change, and will both lose and gain characteristics . . . but what if not everyone of her friends are ready to see the change within her? Third in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles.
Everybody's Fool
Change is never accepted easily. Nor, apparently, is the knowledge of a hidden secret. Fourth in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles
Dinobot and Sinead . . . what will come of this friendship? Or . . . is it something more? Fifth in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles.
My Last Breath
There are often a lot of hard topics to deal with in life. However, it is with who helps you deal with them, that helps you overcome them. Sixth in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles
Going Under
Everything happens for a reason, and most reasons are unknown. But . . . sometimes, you find out that reason. Seventh in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" Chronicles.
If, in the chance, that the learned reason is hard to bear, you must understand that it is what it is . . . and hope that life, precious life, is not wasted. Eighth in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" series.
Haunted Hello
When Sinead went through the mirror, setting out upon her first encounter with the Maximal Dinobot, she realized that nothing is what it seems, ever. Here, she sees the final product of what that first encounter was meant to prepare her for. Ninth in the "Loving to Learn, Learning to Love" series.
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