Episode 24: An Artful Attack
Lonnie--I mean, Peggy -- is a major cool artist. But she thought people expected her to be beautiful as her paintings. She was living up to other people's expectations. We all want to please peaople at one time or another, and that's okay...as long as we don't get caught up in what other friends want, like getting into drugs or other bad stuff. You don't have to do everything your friends tell you to. When something feels wrong, be true to yourself first, like Peggy. Sailor Moon says!
Episode 25: Too Many Girlfriends
For Lita, it was really a blow finding out that Andrew had a girlfriend. Life's full of blows, but the trick is knowing how to get over them.
Lita: Yeah, it really helps talking to my friends. But, the best help can come from counselors or, believe it or not, your parents!
Talking always helps me, but lots of kids get depressed and clam up. They feel like there's no one who can possibly understand them. If you"re feeling that way, please reach out for help. Don't try to solve it alone. Sailor Moon says!
Episode 26: Grandpa's Follies
Raye's grandpa sure wasn't acting himself today, but he has a good reason. Lots of kids are impatient with older people. Some have hearing problems or can't move as fast as we'd like them to. But they also have years of experiences we haven't had. With all that living comes lots of wisdom and lots of stories of times long before we were born. Don't miss out on what older people have to say. Sailor Moon says...bye now!
Episode 27: Kitty Chaos
Luna's got to be one of my very best friends. But keeping pets is more than furry hugs and cuddles. If you love your pet, you'll want to give him or her good, nutritional food.
Luna: And make sure they get all the shots they need from their veterinarian!
And don't let them wander into the street where they can get hit by a car!
Luna: There are so many unwanted pets in the world. Talk to your parents and your animal's vet about getting your pet spayed or neutered. Luna says!
Episode 28: Tuxedo Melvin
Boy, Melvin sure surprised everyone today. Who thought he had a superhero inside him?
Molly: That's why it's important not to judge people by how they look or what they wear, but what you personally know about them.
Amy: And don't be swayed by some syupid prejudice you've always heard and never really questioned! Everyone is a unique individual.
Right. You never know what's inside. Then again...
Episode 29: Sailor V Makes The Scene
Mmmm...I love to eat!
Lita: But it's important to eat well if you wanna get strong like me.
Raye: Right! Pass up all the junk food for fruits and vegetables that give you more staying power.
Ami: And drink lots of water. Not only those carbonated drinks that have too much sugar in them.
Mina: And make sure you get plenty of exercise. Your doctor or gym teacher can tell you what's best for you.
Raye: You wanna be like us? Stay fit and healthy.
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