Sailor Star Healer
Japanese name: Yaten Kou
Pronounced: Ya ten Koo
Meaning: Light of the night Sky/Night Sky light
Birthday: February 8
Birthstone: Amethyst
fav.gemstone: Amethyst
Flower: Violet
Starsign: Aquarius
Blood type: B
Height: 5'0"
School attended: Juuban high school
Club membership: Homecoming club
Fav. subject: Art/music
Least fav. subject: Gym
Fav. food: Caviar
Least fav.: Hot dogs
Fav. colour: Light blue
Hobbies/likes: Camera/photography
Dislikes: sweating
Strong point: Insulting people
Has trouble with: physical exertion/sweating
Identities: Sailor Star Healer
Transformation phrases: Healer Star power make-up
Attacks: Star senstive inferno
Japanese voice: Sakamoto Ohiha

About him/her:
Yaten is a menber of the three lights band he plays keyboard.
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