Guild Quest Page
The Neopia Battlers holds guild quests for items.  By sending in items, you will gain items in return.  At level 50, a super prize is given out.  The quests seem easy at first, but get harder as they progress.  However, at harder quests the prizes are also better and more worthwhile.  You may do the quests whenever you can.  the items required must be sent to by_the_RCMP. The quests up to level 10 are listed below.  After you have completed all of these quests you will be given a secret URL to access further quest levels.  If you give out this URL to any other member you will return to level 1 of the quests.

Level 1-Spooky Treasure Map
Level 2-Purple Negg
Level 3-Treasure Map
Level 4-Dark Faerie
Level 5-Light Faerie
Level 6-Water Faerie
Level 7-Earth Faerie
Level 8-Air Faerie
Level 9- 2 Fire Faeries
Level 10-Super Ice Negg
OFFICIAL WARNING:  You will no longer recieve prizes for guild quests and should only do then if you want to donate.  I will no longer be tracking guild quests because they are not popular enough.  
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