
The Layout:
Title: Sloth Love
Version: 1.0
Picture from: Neopets
Layout By: Sarah at Neopets Design

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Recently Updated
2/6/04-New Layout

Alrighty! A lot of people may like this site, but fail to realize that there was something that started it all. Well, here it is!

Why it started:
*sigh* It's actually a very sad story. You see, there used to be another Neopets Design. It was kinda like this, except with a worse layout, but more content. We had spent loads of time working on it, and well, then everything went wrong. There was a situation with the site. Someone made it poor. I knew immediately that it was not the other owner, but I did know it was one of the staff. I quickly repaired the site, glad that no damage was done, then went to investigate. I questioed many people that I thought could help me, and soon a conclusion was drawn as to how it all happened. Someone I hired deleted the ENTIRE site, AND was the one who made it porn. He deleted it supposedly because I fired him previously. So, angered, with the help of the other owner of neopets Design, we quickly started reconstructing the site.

What new things does this site have?
Well, for one, a way better layout and more orginization. With the first Neopets Design, none of us really knew how to code a layout, and I didn't have Winzip so I coudln't download. Now we know how ot use layouts, and now make our own. There are more features in that site, but there were more guild layouts and some more features like a newsletter [which will be added to this site] in that one too. This site though will be much better than the other one, since we have the determination to go above and beyond with it.

What plans does the site have?
We plan to change layouts bimonthly!

Have questions? Email us!

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