Huntsville's Chucky Brown

huntsville's chucky brown
It's the mighty Tigers of Trumpville
at the ferocious Lions of Huntsville
It's the fourth quarter and time is running out
The fans are on their feet giving out a shout
The score is Trumpville buy five
but Huntsville is starting to thrive
They're on a seven and 0 run
and Trumpville isn't having fun
They once had a twelve point lead
but now they're desperately in need
Huntsville passes the ball
to the man inside who's tall
the big man leaps and jams it in
Huntsville wants to win
but Trumpville marches right back down
to hit a three and calm them down
Huntsville takes the ball down
and passes it to Chucky Brown
Chucky is the hometown king
When he shoots the crowd will sing
He tosses up a three-point shot
He swishes it, boy he's hot
Huntsville is within three
but they aren't playing D
Trumpsville hits another three
That might be the key
with little time left the crowd is upset
but Huntsville isn't giving up yet
They race right down
and give the ball to Brown
Chucky pumps then lets one go
He hits the three, what a blow
Trumpsville spirits drop right down
All their players show a frown
But Trumpsville gathers all their strength
they march right down the whole court length
they hit a shot and start to thrive
now they're winning by five
With under a minute left to play
Huntsville goes all the way
they come right down
Chucky hits the ground
"He was fouled"
the ref scowled
The crowd jumped to their feet
they could here Chucky's heart beat
He swished the first free-throw
"Way to go"
the crowd beckoned
but Chucky missed the second
The rebound went to Huntsville
Wow what a thrill
they're down by four
but not any more
Chucky hits a three
Trumpsville, up by one
walks down court like they've won
but with time running out
Chucky gives a shout
He steals the ball
He runs and doesn't fall
He dunks it in
Huntsville will win!
Trumpsville tosses it in
and launch a shot to win
but no, it doesn't go in
It's a Huntsville win!

by: Justin C. Miller (aka neonprimetime)

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