how to make a pc dual-boot (win95 / debian) at neonprimetime's den

The steps i went through are
1.) install windows 95 like you normally would
2.) run a partitioning tool (i used partition magic)
    C: 101.9MB FAT Primary hda1
    -- 401.6MB LinuxExt2 Primary hda2
    -- 81.7MB LinuxSwap Logical hda5
    D: 228.8MB FAT Logical hda6 (shared)
    rule: i heard a rule that you should make your
    swap space about twice as large as your RAM (i have 40MB)
3.) you will have to make a debian rescue & root floppy first
4.) now we install debian by rebooting and inserting the debian resuce floppy
5.) when prompted, insert the root floppy
6.) configure the keyboard, initialize the swap and linux partitions
7.) tell debian to look at the CD-ROM for the kernel & files
8.) insert the 1st debian CD-ROM
9.) configure the device driver modules
10.) configure your network
11.) install the base system
12.) make a boot floppy (and perhaps a backup one!)
13.) place the boot floppy in and reboot
14.) when asked, scan in all 7 debian CD's
15.) run 'taskel' to choose the basic packages you want, and allow them to install
16.) use 'apt-get' to install any additional packages off the CD-ROM
17.) for now you're done
     you should be able to boot into windows
     just by turning the pc on
     or boot into linux by inserting the boot floppy
     STAY TUNED to a future date to learn how
     to use LILO to boot w/out the boot floppy

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